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Monday, 13 August 2012

sunday open ,landsend fishery ,tealham and tadham lakes

we had enough to put both match and speci lake in today, but that still gave most anglers at least an empty peg on one side, i decided to let everyone draw for me so i had the last ticket, so i ended up on peg, not a swim you really want at the moment as no one has caught much off it in recent weeks, on wednesday the angler sat there never had a carp. its a swim with lots of options, probably to many and you can end up running round in circles if you aint careful, there is a big overhanging tree to your right which holds lots of carp but it can be a proper pole buster so first job was to get the old traverse x pole out , bugger, its not there, i was going to change holdalls but never did it but i did take out the trav x and never put it back in, so no under the bush fishing for me then. i set up 3 pellet rigs ,one for shallow/mugging, and one each for up the left hand margin and another to the island towards peg 2, all on .16 with a b960 size 16, a meat rig on the end of the bush to my right and a paste rig (it cant be that hard)with the normal anchor on .18 at the business end. at the start i fed the meat line, then put a pot of 4,s at 13 mtrs and began firing 6,s up the left hand bank and towards the island.
starting with meat by the bush i had a carp first drop, then i fouled another next put in which came off, then a skimmer and that was the end of the meat fishing. out with the paste rig into the fizz and a couple of carp on that but there didnt seem to be many fish there either, so i refed it and went to the left hand margin but i couldnt get in tight enough, there were some fish on the surface but due to overhanging bushes i couldnt slap the rig around and these fish are to wise to just take a suspended bait, so that part i left alone for the remainder of the match, out of interest i tried slapping the rig in the fiz on the paste line and was rewarded with a fish quite quickly so thats got it sorted then, NOT, i never had another bite doing that , i did manage to mug a good fish swimming through but there werent any fish in open water swimming about, i put a big pot of pellets over the meat line and had a look towards the island and managed a couple of carp and lost some foulers , by now my new paste line was fizzing so it was there i spent the rest of the match ending up with 14 carp and about 10lb of silvers. the only anglers i could see were adrian jeffery on 24 and dave"beany"westcott on 22, i could hear some splashing from further up the lake, and the talking from the speci lake let me know there were some fish being caught there aswell, most of the summer the bulk of the fish on the match lake have been on the island at this end of the lake but today they decided to have a bit of a jolly towards the other end as that was were the most fish were caught,
1st on the day went to craig edmunds on 25 with 137.2 mainly caught shallow long the end bank
2nd tom mangnal 115.8 peg 34
3rd alan oram 106.15 peg 38
4th dave evans 102.12 peg 11
5th dave roper 95.14 peg 17
6th dean malin 92.8 peg 20
silvers went to nick collins on peg 29 27.01 of caster and worm caught whitebait
2nd was dave hodgson with 25.3
my net went 81lb so no coinage today, except from three river(proper)anglers who i had a pound with but i had to give them all 10 to 1 on there weights but none of them managed to break 5lb, shawn townsend did say he would have done it but he never had another bite once an otter turned up in his swim lol, it can only happen to him.
teams of 4,s start the first week in september i think i may have a couple of spaces for teams so anyone interested give me a ring at the shop on 01179517250 for details

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