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Monday, 27 August 2012

practice open for teams of 4,s. wildmarsh

off to chilton trinity trinity and wildmarsh lake to see what we may expect next sunday. we had 20 turn up taday which considering the ammount of small matches about this weekend wasnt to bad, dean malin drew for me so i ended up on 27 which isnt really a peg you would choose if you wanted to win but with the breeze blowing in there is always a chance some fish would follow it, for company i had ziggy zowinski on 29 and newly returned to match fishing pete notton on 25. with leon hubbard on 22, mike west on 21 and martin lenaghan on 11 it was always going to be a tall order to get in the frame, my main line of attack today was meat and paste, so only 2 rigs to set up ,one for meat down the edge with a 14 xedion on .16 and a paste rig for 14mtrs with a 12 xedion on the same line, the match started quite well for me with 3 carp hooked in the first hour over the paste line, landing 2 and losing the other at the net, then it all went pear shaped, to get the fish into the swim you seemed to need to dump a biggish pot of pellet in then fish over it but it was all a bit torrid as i ended up with 5 carp , 1 bream and an eel, all taken on paste, i never had a bite down the edge on meat , whereas ziggy ended up with 7 carp down his left hand margin on meat, he was catching so quickly that i had to ask him as to whether he had just had a phone call from his relations letting him they were coming over to stay and the freezer was a little to empty(he does take it well as he likes a joke). the match was won by bristol river ace leon hubbard on form peg 22 with 9 carp and 13lb of skimmers on paste fished at 13mtrs for 61.11
2nd ziggy zowinski 44.15 peg 29
3rd clayton hudson 40.10 peg 7
4th martin lenaghan 40lb peg 11
5th mike west 39.4 peg 21
6th tony rixon 28.13 peg 27
nigel bartlett 27.8 of mainly whitebait on peg 57
2nd nick collins on 65 with 20.4 of similar fish

1 comment:

  1. Is that the first match Leon has fished on a commercial this year???? trig haha
