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Monday, 1 April 2013

Acorn. Lge Sunday , landsend open Monday

Well here we go two blogs in one and neither are going to take to long, starting on Sunday it was the second of the faieres/fox pole only series, I was hoping for a good draw so I was a tad disappointed to pull out 19, dave wride had it last match and came second in the section off it with 16lb ish I think so there may be a few fish about, but with dave wride on 12 and tim ford. One side of the bridge and mat tomes my side of it a decent section placing was looking iffy, at least the wind was off our backs and with the sun out it was quite pleasant if we did have to break ice to fish, what's all that about this time of year .
To cut a long story short it was a real struggle , it took me an hour and a half to catch my first fish which was a half ounce roach and by the end of the 6 hours I had 5 small carp 3 small skimmers a second roach of about 3 oz and a micro perch for a grand total of 11.11 for 4th in section, dave wride won the section off  12 with 22lb and he was even smiling by the end tim ford was second on 22 with 18 lb and mat was third with 13lb, I don't the full result as I left a bit sharpish ,already looking forward to landsend on Monday as you are always sure of a lot of bites there !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
After the normal good breakfast at shipham(lillypool cafe) it was off to the fishery , it was a good turnout with 27 booked in, now for my gripe  and many other match organisers, why do people book in and not turn up I had a certain Gabriel book in and he failed to show , especially as I left a peg in for him ,and Sod's law , it was peg 19 left leaving 17 and and 21 with loads of room, he had my mobile number so a txt would have done , not hard is , even letting me know on the morning isn't a problem.
I let rig Edmunds draw for me and he gave me peg 27 which cheered him up no end as its been rubbish for months and today wasnt going to be any different , I had 5 bites all day , I landed one good f1, a decent perch, lost a perch and two fouled carp, conditions didn't help as it was probably the windiest peg on the lake and the wind was pushing the rigs through with the wind, giving zero presentation, the 4 pegs at the top. End of the speci lake were the place to be with andy hembrow on
32 catching steadily as was Adrian Clark on 31, during one of my two walks I stood behind Shaun
Townsend on 21 and he was catching really well on soft pellet over micros fishing 14 mtrs back towards 20, I didn't bothe real king up to the top lake as I was depressed enough, I never expected
To win off the peg but I thought I would get a bit of sport, the conditions probably were the main factor in not catching I think , as it was impossible to stop or slow the progress of the rigs anywhere
In the swim,
A clear winner today was Shaun Townsend on 21 with 149.13
2nd andy hembrow on 32 with 100.10
3rd bob gullick with 79.7 on peg 58
4th Adrian Clark 64.11 peg 31
5th Ryan shipp 56.9 peg 5
6th Vincent shipp 48.3 peg 68
Phil (fabio) Harding 30.6 of skimmers on peg 33 fishing soft pellet over micros at 11 and 13 metres


  1. Has my drawing ability rubbed off on you?

  2. Hahahahaha all the draw bags sat on the crap and walking the banks instead of sat on the fliers mint

  3. I do apologize once again Tony.It was misunderstood from my side and i will make sure that this won't happen again!Anyway i will see you on sunday and thats for sure this time!Tight lines,Gabriel.
