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Thursday, 25 April 2013

Weds open chiton trinity, woodland lake

Poor turnout today, only had 10 booked in and two of those cancelled last minute so down to 8, I may have to rethink my Wednesdays , as it ain't really worth fishing matches of this size unless they are on the doorstep, I may start staying at home and catching up on the DIY , ha ha yea right,
Shame there  were so few as its a well run fishery run by a lovely family who are constantly trying to improve the things.
I let misha draw for me under the strict instructions that I would like a peg at the top end of the lake as the wind had been blowing that way for a few days, she didn't disappoint and handed me peg 20 which is up in the corner, it's a peg that really is a pole only attack as with chris fox around the corner I was cut off to do anything else, Ron hardiman was to my right on 17 but I couldn't really see him(that was a bonus), this is one of the deepest pegs on the lake so I didn't set up a deep rig for the long pole, just a shallow rig for banded pellet, a meat rig for the right hand margin and a pellet rig to fish over to the left hand bank in about 2 foot of water.
At the start I fed the 2 edge swims and went straight out on the shallow rig , expecting a bite quickly but it never happened , in fact it took 15 minutes to get one , by which time Aaron britnell already had 2 fish in the net including  a 10 lb fish, the lake was flat at our end , and although I was getting a few fish I thought a bit of ripple would help the cause, but it took two hours for the ripple to start but it seemed to kill the shallow sport, but it was a cold breeze so it moved them off somewhere else, I did get a couple of fish on the shallow rig over the meat in the right hand margin ,and one on meat from the same swim, but then the small fish moved in there, reducing my cubes of meat into small marbles, I never had another proper bite there for the rest of the match, Ron on 17 was catching well each side in his margins on corn and meat but chris wasn't doing any better than me , Aaron was still catching , probably helped by the wall of pellet being potted into peg 12 by john(turkey) Thompson meaning the carp couldn't get past leading to a carp jam in Aaron's peg, I spent the rest of the match in my right hand swim catching odd fish right to the end of the match, I did make up another rig to
Fish shallow against the bank as there were a few fish eating the overshoot pellets off the bank and I
Did catch a few on that aswell , by the end I new I had over 100lb as I had 27 carp and one tench, but
With Ron also having 27 and Aaron having 24 but with. Few better fish, it was going to be close,
In the end Aaron's few better ones proved decisive as his 24 went 126.12 off peg 10, he had 14 shallow and 10 down the edge on double corn,
I was second with 123.15, with the lone tench which was a lucky fish as it swum into the bottom of the keep net and I thought it had transferred the hook, but pulling the net up , ther it was , still there
Tethered to the net , these usually come off but not today Ron , and it pushed mr hardiman into
3rd with 122.10 and we were only paying 2 , ha ha,
4th chris fox 96.13 who would also have had over 100lb if the last carp he hooked hadn't managed to
Undo the knot on his hook leaving him with a curly wily on the end, if you are struggling mate I
Don't mind spending a bit of time helping with you knots, I will even pop round to your care home
If Caroline (your carer) gives me the entry code to get in
5th john(fill it in) Thompson 64lb peg 12
6th Jason (Facebook) Radford 55.8 peg 6
Silvers went to Nigel Bartlett on 8 with 35.8 of mainly skimmers on soft pellet or murdered worms


  1. Cheeky sod, no more sloe gin for you!! At least Bob Gullick will be there on Sunday, so he'll be getting the stick instead :)

  2. Leave me out of this!!!
    Tony what time is the knot class again? (snigger)
    Bridge Troll
