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Sunday, 7 April 2013

Sunday landsend open

This was the reserve date for the winter league , but as we never used it we ran an open instead, and was pleasantly suprised to end up with 36 fishing, so mike let us use the three lakes to put 12 on each,  
Plenty of room for all then, I thought I would wait and have the  last peg in the hat, I wish I hadn't really as I ended up with 46 up on the top lake(johns Walter), the top lake is ok but at the moment a draw at each end is needed, but 46 is in the middle , so very little chance of picking any coin up today, walking past the speci lake I stopped to talk to bob gullick who was on 40, he thought it may be a good idea to mention other anglers on this blog and how there days go, to which I informed him that they would have to do there own, but bob needs mentioning so I thought I would say something about his day and how it went , 1 perch, 1 f1 the end.
Doesn't really work does it bob
 Then again my day wasnt much better, I did manage 2 carp and an f1 on hard pellet over to the island , 2 perch down the edge on caster and a handful of skimmers on maggot over caster down the edge, it soon became apparent that the ends were fishing well on our lake with tim ford on 41/ Paul elmes on 55/ Martin McMahon on 58/ dave roper on 68 and fabio on 70 all catching carp and a few silvers, so not to much to right about really as nothing happened, I was in good moaning company as I had steve denmead on 45 ,and anyone who nows him will tell you that he has got a degree in moaning, as the match progressed it became obvious that there was only going to be one winner on our lake and that was dave roper who was catching on meat and corn towards the end of the island, but his catch rate was nothing to that of Craig trigger Edmunds on match lake 22 who was catching really well towards the end fishing pellet shallow towards the island and at the end he had 4 carp nets in the water, and  he didn't disappoint as he ran out a very clear winner with 226.3 which is a massive weight for this time of year ,just to be greedy he had the top silvers weight aswell with 17.8 of skimmers before the carp started feeding
2nd and well adrift but still with a good weight was dave roper with 97.12 on peg 68
3rd bela bakos on 17 with 70.12
4th Martin McMahon 65.4 peg 58
5th Paul elmes 65.7 peg 55
6th philip(flabio)Harding 60.5 peg 70


  1. You prat.....the end!

  2. what I actually said was publish the results even when you've had a bad result, but cant blame you for making the most of that one :0p
