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Thursday, 29 August 2013

Viaduct open, Campbell lake

This was a pole only with a 13 mtr limit, ok for most but those with daiwa pole had a bit of a moan as there's are only 12.7 with the tips taken out of the match kits, 0.3 can make all the difference lol.
With 17 originally booked in it looked like a nice match on this solid lake, but with a couple of our older anglers crying off with bad backs we ended up with 15, plenty of room so a good day in prospect.
Into the draw tin and out comes 116 , a good peg ,but then again every peg on this lake is a flyer on its day, for company I  had Philip blakemore-fox (fabio))on 115 and new Wednesday sliver Ron hardiman on 118, 117 wasn't in as its cut back in a bay so the empty peg would be beneficial, four rigs today, 3 for pellet, one in my right hand margin, a depth one for 13 mtrs and a shallow slapper, also the obligatory 5 mtr meat line rig.
I only had 8mm to feed and fish with, so nice and positive, at the start I shipped out the shallow rig fed a few pellets over it slapped it around a couple of times then went to throw some down the edge but didn't have time as the elastic was going across the lake, nice start an 8lb fish in the net , yet again this was a bit of a false dawn as I only managed one more small carp on the shallow rig , but I stuck with it for the first 45 mins, although you could see the occasional boil in the feed , I don't think they were to happy to feed shallow, possibly due to the bright sun and no wind, there seemed to be plenty being caught down the lake to my left with Tom thick on 114, mash on 112 and dave romain over on 130 all catching well, the anglers opposite me seemed to be struggling a bit.
I went out on the deep rig and although liners were a bit of pain I was now getting odd fish , fishing a light rig with only 2 number 10,s down the line lots of the bite were on the drop, fabio was having bit of a torrid but he was trying to fish meat at 13 mtrs but small fish became a bit of a problem very quickly , so he came onto the 5 mtr line a lot earlier than he really wanted but he started catching putting some good fish in the net, I stuck with the long line catching a few and I felt as though I was keeping in touch with the anglers off to my left, I kept trying the short meat line but it never really got going for me and I think I only had 4 or 5 fish on it, I started to have a go down the edge with about 90 mins to go and it was solid, I couldn't get in there quick enough, the fish were a bit small but there seemed to be plenty there, with some tench thrown in for good measure, I did lose several to snags and hook pulls, but I think that was mostly due to the pressure I had to put on the fish to get them out of the edge weakening the hook hold, but it was a good day with plenty of banter with fabio and mr thick, I ended up with 37 carp and about 8 tench for what I hoped would go 175lb ish, the word on the bank after was that mash on 112 had won and he did with 223.15 mainly caught on banded pellet out at 13 mtrs then down to his right hand margin towards the end of the match
2nd was tom( I will jump in if I have over 200lb)thick 209.15, coward bottled it
3rd local dairy farmer dave romain on 130 with 189.11
4th me with 189.1 peg 116
5th Martin lenaghan on 111 with 186.8
6th Philip Harding on 115 with 159.13
M skyme ( I can't read the weigh sheet so I,m sorry if that's wrong) with 45.5 off peg 125, mainly tench with a few skimmers on worm and caster

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Gary wall memorial match, landsend fishery

29 fishing so we used the speci lake , number 3 and half the match lake, 1 to 11, I let Anton draw for me and he pulled 32 for me which is the far bank corner swim, another flyer , I will say it before mr anon does, for company I had dave blakemore on 31 and Martin pettiffer over on 33, steve Seager was on 34 and had his moaning head on as he felt he had been hard done by as he was the only person on the lake without a spare peg but he did have the end of the island to fish to, but I,m sure he didn't mean it (ha ha).
Several rigs today, a shallow rig (6 inches) for slurpers against the bank , a couple of on the deck pellet rigs, one for as tight as I could get to the bank which was 3 foot deep and one for at the bottom of the shelf  in 4 foot of water, I set up the meat rig to fish at 13 and 5 mtrs.
At the start I cupped in some meat on the two lines and began firing pellets along the far bank trying not to get too many on the bank as it was going to be hard to catch the slurpers as there is a fair bit of foliage overhanging, starting at 13 mtrs on meat it was very slow but I stuck it for 45 mins but all I had to show for my efforts was two roach and a skimmer, looking down the bank I could see Scott puddy on 26 hooking plenty on his paste rig, what I didn't realise was at he was losing lots of them, opposite Martin was having a few shallow , but steve hadn't managed to moan anything on yet.
After 45 mins I went in on the pellet line at the bottom of the shelf and began getting indications ( well bites really) and started to catch , but the fish were on the small side with fish as small as 2 lb,
I spent the rest of the match up the edge apart from a couple of short looks on the 5 mtr meat line but all I had there was a 1lb chub,
There were plenty of fish up the edge but fouling was a problem, due to the sun now shining on the water trying to catch shallow was proving difficult as as soon as you tried to catch shallow the shadow of the pole spooked them, the best option was to fish a rig with just a couple of no 10 shot down the line with lots of the bites coming on the drop, I did try fishing at various depths but with only odd liners , the lightly shotted depth rig seemed to be the best, the fish remainder small as I ended up with 25 carp plus some silvers in the shape of chub and f1,s. I thought I had 110lbish but thought Scott had at least that but I hadn't realised he had put plenty back, even steve Seager had started catching down his margin and on his meat line, he even had a very large common which he said was 20lb and it may have been when he hooked it but due to the length of time he played it must have run off 2lb, I did tell him it was 18lb as its a known fish which comes out quite often and it's normally between 16 and 18lb and when we weighed it it was 17.14. Still a nice fish as its very long and in really good condition.
1st on the day went to Craig Edmunds ( who has a flying year ) with 211.2 off un fancied peg 9, catching on meat fished over to the island then on his 5 mtr line later in the match, I think we may have to slash the tyres on his car to stop him catching
2nd Anton page ( he,s had a lean time) with 134.6 off peg 42
3rd Tom thick on peg 5 with 129.14
4th. Tony Rixon, peg 32 with 114.8
5th scott(there goes another one) puddy with 101.7on peg 26
6th Clint wojtyla on peg 70 with 99.7
Nigel Bartlett on peg 50 with 25.7 of mainly small roach

Sunday, 25 August 2013

Windmill virgins

First time at this venue for most of us hence the title, there were a few regulars fishing so it was going to be difficult for us newby,s. after a breakfast in a cafe in st George / Hanham border which will remain nameless as it was shit it was off to the fishery, it's quite a new lake and terry is looking to improve it all the time and I,m sure he will get it right.
Into the draw and I have the last ticket which was 24, I was told it was a good peg and more importantly I could reach the island at 15mtrs, so a pellet rig was put together to fishin about 10 inches of water just off the island , a pellet rig to use at 5 and 10 mtrs in about 9 foot of water and a rig for dead maggot down the edge( nothing on that apart from a couple of Rudd bites). At the start I fed both pellet lines in the deep water and began firing 6,s to the island, it took  15 minutes to get my first bite at 5 mtrs and that came from a 5 oz skimmer. I stuck with it for another 30 mins but never had another bite on pellet there , I did switch to maggot on that line and had a pound plus skimmer and a tiny carp but that was my lot there , and I never had another bite on either line in the deep water. The rest of the match was spent wrestling with the wind over by the island, it was impossible to hold the pole still at times and the fish that were on the island really wanted a still bait and the only way to achieve that on the pole was to fish over depth by quite a bit but that increased the liners . On my left kevin Jeffries did it right by getting a couple of early fish on the method then fishing paste at 11 mtrs then later 10 mtrs(mainly due to him snapping the but of his pole on the strike) but whichever  way you wantd to look at it he was busting mine and Shaun townsends ass who was e other side of him, the person who seemed to be doing the best was Gordon cannings on 8 who was fishing a tight match using soft pellet and meat at about 10 mtrs, and that's how it turned out with Gordon winning easily with 77.15 which included the top silver weight of 8.10
2nd was kev Jeffries on 26 with 47.3
3rd Pete wild on2 with 46.6
4 th was me with 39.11
5th Shaun Townsend on 28 with 37.2
6th rod wootten with 16.10
I don't think the weights really reflected what the lake is capable of , mainly due to the wind blowing down the lake, a northerly and it was cold until the sun came out about mid afternoon, so I will be back as we need a decent fishery in Bristol and I think with the support it needs it stands a good chance of becoming that, some may disagree but I think the signs are there.

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Landsend weds open

Firstly a couple of matches this weekend with some spaces, Sunday we are off to windmill fishery near westerliegh, it's a first visit and its only fair to go and have a look, I've heard some mixed reports  but lately it seems to be on the up, so terry may be be on the way to sorting it out, then on Monday we are off to landsend for the annual Gary wall memorial match, so if you fancy either ring me at the sho to book in on 01179517250.
With only 8 booked in this was not really a match more a small sweep but it was good company and the sun was shining so it was ok. Into the draw tin and out comes peg 5, with so few here the only person I could see was Ron hardiman on peg 7, although I could hear Tom thick on peg 24 and fabio puffing and groaning over on 19,
I set up a meat rig for 5 mtrs, a shallow stalker pellet rig, a rig for pellet over on the island shelf and rig for dead maggot down the right hand side, after feeding all lines and waiting for the waves from turkey thompsons initial feed onslaught up peg 11 to subside I noticed a big ghostie swimming towards me , these big white thins are notoriously hard to tempt here so I wasn't to confident as I swung the stalker rig towards it, and bugger me if it didn't take it, and I soon had a 9lb white one in the net ,I switched to the 5 mr meat line and stayed with it for the first hour and I had 2 more carp plus a tench and a couple of f1,s and a good skimmer, after an hour it was over to the island where there were plenty of fish showing with the occasional tail waiving at me I spent a few hours over there but it was hard to get a fish to take the pellet in the mouth, it was much easier to hook them in the tail , side and fins , but you don't land to many of those, I had a look. Down the edge on dead maggot but all I had to show was two perch, I think it was to deep at about 3 foot, I started throwing a few maggots down there instead of cupping and had a look on the meat line, I had a few decent fish on that ,  then I saw a few fish sucking maggots off the reeds in the margin, not having a shallow maggot rig , I put 4 dead maggot in the band on the stalker rig and dropped it in, I took 4 good fish quickly here before the fish drifted away and none returned, but one there was only about 45 mins left
Which I spent on the far side getting a few more carp, ending up with about 25 carp plus a few silvers, I hadn't heard to many fish being caught , fabio had had a few and Tom thick had a good end to the match, but I had enough as my catch went 143.2 for first
2 nd was Tom thick on 24 with 115.6
3 rd fabio on 19 with 92.13 which included the top silver weight of 24.10
4th Ron hardiman on peg 7 with 62.9
5th dave blakemore on peg 1 with 38.12
6th John Thompson on peg 11 with 31.14

Sunday, 18 August 2013

Sunday open chilton trinity wildmarsh lake

19 fishing today so plenty of room , I didn't mind where I drew as its a lake which can produce the winner from anywhere, I had last but one ticket and ended up with 29 which is one back from the point peg, my main line of attack today was paste so I set up a rig for that and a meat rig for down the edge , and a pellet wag as there have been a lot of fish coming to this on this lake at the mo, but with the wind coming in and across from the right it was always going to be hard to control to get to work.
Plus with Paul elmes and kev molten chucking there wags into my peg there were never going to be enough fish to share out(lol).
Starting on the paste I had two carp in the first 30 mins but that proved to be a bit of a false dawn as apart from two lost foulers that was my lot on the paste line, the wind was making it hard with the hook getting blown out of the paste, the meat line down the edge gave me two more carp one of 6oz and an 8lb fish and a tench , I lost two more foulers down there aswell, and to be honest that was my match done and dusted, I did set up a full depth wag about halfway through just to see if I could get some liners but I never had any movement on that so it appeared to be a bit of a fishless area, Scott puddy to my right had two fish and left before the end, opposite fabio had 7 on the shallow wag, kev molten had 5 and Paul elmes had 3, mainly due to the wind being a bit more favourable as it was mainly off there back, but most of the action came around the corner to my right with dean malin on 9 and Martin McMahon opposite on 25 both ending up with 11 fish a piece , all taken on the wag and pellet fished shallow, dean malin came out on top (just)  with 63.15
2nd Martin McMahon was an ounce behind with 63.14
3rd phil(ip) Harding on peg 58 with 49.2
4 th joe McMahon on peg 7 with 43.14
5th kev molten on 61 with 38.15
6th Alan oram on peg10 with 26.13
Nick Collins on peg 22 with 13.8. Of small roach and a couple of skimmers taken on small. Pieces of worm,
Off to windmill fishery next week which is a new one for me, I,ve had a few mixed reports on this one so the best way to find out is to have a go, I may have a couple of spare places , so if anyone is interested ring me at the shop

Thursday, 15 August 2013

Short pole match, Campbell lake , bait tech viaduct

23 fishing today which is a lot on this lake but as we could only fish a top set plus 3 it doesn't make any difference, into the draw tin and out pops 132, a corner peg with plenty of form, a bit disappointing today as the wind was blowing up the lake and with Craig Edmunds and two pots bailey on the end bank it may be harder than normal. Only three rigs today, a meat rig for 11 o,clock and a pellet rig for 2 o,clock both at 5 mtrs and a pellet rig for my right hand margin, at the start I began on the pellet 5 mtr line and I lost two foulers quite quickly but that was the end of the action for me for a long time , glen on 135 began with a bit of a false dawn with a couple of early fish on paste and trig on 134 was sneaking an odd fish out n meat, opposite on 111 Tom thick was catching as was lee wherret on 112, even the acorn silver ace fabio up on 118 couldn't get his rig in quick enough, also on 115 fishery manager Paul greenwood was flying, back into my swim and it looked like a bad day for me , steve Seager on131 had a few (literally) fish and was sniggering at me, I couldn't even get small fish to nibble my meat, after 3 1/2 hours I had 3 carp and a few small silvers, then I saw a swirl down the edge, and the rest of my match was spent down there chasing shadows, the last 2 1/2 hours were enjoyable as I put another 17 carp in the net but it was obviously to little to late, I ended up with over 100lb but that was going to be way off the pace today, top weight came from the irrepressible Tom thick over on 111 with 230.1 mainly on 8mm hard pellet
2nd Paul greenwood on 115 with 201.2
3rd Philip Harding on 118 with 184
4th lee wherret on 112 with 180.3
5th trig Edmunds on 134 with 172.6
6th glen bailey on 135 with 162.9
Joe McMahon on 123 with 31lb of meat caught skimmers
Chiton trinity wildmarsh lake Sunday , still a couple of places left so ring me at the shop on 01179517250

Sunday, 11 August 2013

Landsend Sunday open

24 fishing today so we were on match and speci, with the. Bristol psv club in johns , all lakes were being match fished today. Trig pulled out two tickets stuck together so I took the one sticking out, I opened it to reveal peg 15, I didn't mind where I drew as all pegs were ok. For company I had Simon ryall on 16 and Adrian Clark on 13,  trig ended up on 5 and with Anton page sat on 18 I thought they would be the ones to watch, luckily I couldn't see the speci lake , which had fished well on Saturday with beany winning with just over 200lb his best match weight to date, and today it looked good for some more good catches, back to my peg and I set up the meat rig for 6 mtrs , a rig to fish meat in the right hand margin and the same rig for maggot over groundbait in the left hand margin , a stalker rig and a pellet rig for on the deck as near to the island as I could get as the islands need a bit of a trim,
At the start I fed all lines and began on the meat line at 6 mtrs but after 30 mins and a roach a perch and a lost fouler I binned that line and went over to the island and started catching straight away, and for most of the match that's where I stayed, I had been feeding meat down to my right so I had a go, Hooked a 3lb fish in the belly and had a proper torrid time trying to keep it out of the tree in the water then having to extradite it from behind my keepnet but it all came good and it was safely netted,  but it was all to difficult so I left that alone , Simon on 16 was having a terrible time fishing down the edge back towards me snapping a top set and all his rigs cos those margin fish in by the sunken bush are proper buggers, but it made for some good entertainment for me , also there was a large splash from peg 5 , it turns out trig has fallen on hard times and whilst playing a carp his elastic snapped , and instead of kissing it goodbye decided to jump over his nets and make a grab for his rapidly disappearing elastic, which he did and he landed the fish, I still can't think why we call him trigger.
The groundbait line down the left hand margin gave me two carp but I lost 4 in snags so didn't bother to much after that .
The far side was the best and I ended up with 32 carp a couple of tench and IDE and an f1 and a couple af smalls for what I thought would go 150lb,  but the grapevine was saying the speci lake had fished really well, and it did with dave roper coming out on top off peg 32 with 176.13 on. Meat fished down the margin at about 6 mtrs
2nd was dean malin on 29 with 163.9
3rd was me with 160.11
4th craig(trig)Edmunds on 5 with 148.11
5th dave Westcott on 33 with 145.14
6th Anton page on18 with 135.4
There were another 4 weights over 100lb , so it was a good match with good weights but quite close really
Silvers were won by John green on 26 with 36.12 , skimmers and f1,s on soft pellet over micros doing the trick
2nd in silvers went to mike nicholls on peg 3 with 21.9
Next Sunday I have an open at chiton trinity on wildmarsh lake so if you fancy it give me a ring at the shop on 01179517250 to book in

Thursday, 8 August 2013

Weds landsend open

13 fishing so still plenty of room, I had the last ticket in the draw and opened up peg 5, happy with that as it is one of the narrowest pegs and its in the gap between the islands, and with me having hurt my back somehow, not from hard manual work I must say, before someone else points that one out lol.
Setting up a stalker rig but its getting a bit late now for that to be effective, and so it proved today as it never gave me one fish, a rig to fish meat in my left hand margin ,which produced two roach , and the same rig for dead maggots in my right hand margin, I say margin but this bank is very deep close in so it's not the best margin fishing , the opposite bank has a nice shelf all the way along which the fish seem to like. A meat rig for 6 mtrs and a pellet rig for on top of the shelf out by the island which was about 15 inches deep. At the start I fed all lines which included firing 6,s to the island, trying to drop the feed slightly short of the island but it never happens and it wasnt long before I could see tails out on the shelf. But my plan was to start down the middle on the meat , I gave that to long as after the first 45 mins all I had was an IDE of about 2 1/2 lb, whereas trig up on 11 already had half a dozen good fish on meat and kev molten next door on 3 also got off to a good start on meat , but no one else seemed to catching, Martin lenaghan seemed to be losing a few judging by the cursing coming from that end of the lake (peg1), I went acros a bit earlier than I really wanted as I like to feed  the island for at least An hour before going over, as the fish seem to really gain confidence the longer you can leave it, I was met with a foulhooking problem, but fishing on the deck in shallow water it's always going to be a problem, I tried fishing shallow but the fish are to cute for that, if you could slap the rig in you would get a few but there is a bit of foliage hanging over making that impossible, so the depth rig was best, but a lot of the proper bites came on the drop ,and as the match went on most fish were mouth hooked, dean on peg 7 put some groundbait down his margin which seems to be a popular thing to do and you can't argue that it is effective especially in shallow margins, and it's quite exciting as you can generally see tails waving at you, as if to say catch me if you can, and dean did catch a few in the last couple of hours on bunches of dead maggots, trig slowed up towards the end, and he ended up with 35 fish with lots of good size fish in his net I thought he would be the one to beat, I had 10 more fish than him but I had a fair smattering of of small fish, so I guessed that I would
Have about 160lb whereas trig was admitting to 170, as it turned out we were both close on the estimating with craig(trig) Edmunds winning with 178.15 on peg 11. Catching on meat to begin with then on 8mm pellet later in the match
2nd was me with 167.13 on peg 5
3rd dean malin, on peg 7 with 126.8
4th Tom thick on 21 with 100.6
5th Martin lenaghan  on peg1 with 87.1
6th John Thompson on peg13 with 61.13
Silvers went to dave blakemore on peg 15 who saw off the landsend silver ace on peg 16 in the shape of Philip(fabio) Harding , dave weighed in 24.8 of mainly skimmers on soft pellet over groundbait, which beat Phil into second place with 18.4.
Stu barnett made the trip over from Wales to fish , and will be going home with a very nice collection
Of scales a he had a torrid time losing fish, at one stage he was 21 lost to 4 landed , it happens .

Monday, 5 August 2013

Round 5 float only lge ,sedges fishery

Still had a full house today with 40 fishing which isn't supriseing as this a popular well run fishery, and it always makes for a nice break when the fishery owners arrange to do the weigh in,
I wasn't to sure where I fancied drawing and with a strong southerly wind blowing up the lakes, I ended up on 35 which is halfway up the right hand bank on tile lake which is ok, for company I had Scott puddy on 34 and bristol s number 1 roofer bela bakos on 36, with an island out at about 40 mtrs I set up a wag rod but with the wind blowing my rig off the end of the island which was my side I tried it but but it wasnt going to work so I won't mention that again, I was a bit torn at which rigs to set up, my head was telling me to go with an all out meat approach as this works well at this venue, but no I set up a pellet rig to fish on the deck at 13 mtrs as this was all I fish as the wind was to strong, I set up meat rigs for 5 mtrs and the margin, and a shallow rig for pellet, but that was a waste of a hook !!. After a few chucks on the wag it was out with a banded 8mm pellet over some cupped in 6,s! And I had bites straight away landing a couple of carp and a good eel, Scott stayed on the wag a bit longer than me but as soon as he came in on the pole fishing paste, he caught steadily , I didn't set up a paste rig which turned out to be a mistake, bela to my left was struggling aswell but league leader Craig Edmunds on 37 was catching on meat at 13 mtrs, I got the feeding totally wrong today as I picked up the catty and began firing 6,s over the 13 mtr line, I think if I had just kept potting a few in I may have had a better day on the pellet, by the halfway mark I only had 12 small carp in the net , Scott was still catching as was Paul elmes and chris fox up in the corner peg, and as I needed a section win to stay in with a chance of doing well in the series something had to change , bela was now catching on meat at 5 mtrs, I had been feeding this line but apart from a lone skimmer I wasn't getting bites there either, a look in the margin resulted in one carp then it was small roach turning the 8mm meat cube into a small marble, in desperation I upped the feed at 5 mtrs and it did work a bit as I had some better fish in the last 90 mins but it was always going to be to little to late ,
Tale lake was certainly fishing better than brick, judging by the talking I could hear, and by the end there was going to be several people on tile with over 100lb with trig looking to be the best of the bunch, the only people who may beat him were Scott next to me who had caught well all match but a lot of his fish were on the small side and des shipp over on 21 had been catching but there was an island in the way so I couldn't see him, well not all of him anyway, just the edge off his Buddha belly poking out around the edge of the island.
In the end it was Craig Edmunds who won with 162.8 on peg 37, which is a new lake record, and it seems as though he now has the league sown up
2nd des shipp on peg 21 with 147.4
3rd Scott puddy peg 34 , with 141.9
4 th Tom mangnall peg 27 with 114.10
5th bela bakos on 36 with 114.4
6th Paul elmes on 32 with 110.9
Dave(diddly bonk) Haines with 23.14 of whitebait off peg 40. Just ouncing out Gary etheridge with 23.13
As for me it's one to forget ,I did end up with 87lb but I was last but one in my section, I think roger crago felt sorry for me and threw back, I can't say there were. No fish about as I was in the middle of 5 weights over 100lb , so I think I just got it totally wrong on the day, it happens.
At least it will give the anonymous low life's a chance to have a comment or two lol