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Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Gary wall memorial match, landsend fishery

29 fishing so we used the speci lake , number 3 and half the match lake, 1 to 11, I let Anton draw for me and he pulled 32 for me which is the far bank corner swim, another flyer , I will say it before mr anon does, for company I had dave blakemore on 31 and Martin pettiffer over on 33, steve Seager was on 34 and had his moaning head on as he felt he had been hard done by as he was the only person on the lake without a spare peg but he did have the end of the island to fish to, but I,m sure he didn't mean it (ha ha).
Several rigs today, a shallow rig (6 inches) for slurpers against the bank , a couple of on the deck pellet rigs, one for as tight as I could get to the bank which was 3 foot deep and one for at the bottom of the shelf  in 4 foot of water, I set up the meat rig to fish at 13 and 5 mtrs.
At the start I cupped in some meat on the two lines and began firing pellets along the far bank trying not to get too many on the bank as it was going to be hard to catch the slurpers as there is a fair bit of foliage overhanging, starting at 13 mtrs on meat it was very slow but I stuck it for 45 mins but all I had to show for my efforts was two roach and a skimmer, looking down the bank I could see Scott puddy on 26 hooking plenty on his paste rig, what I didn't realise was at he was losing lots of them, opposite Martin was having a few shallow , but steve hadn't managed to moan anything on yet.
After 45 mins I went in on the pellet line at the bottom of the shelf and began getting indications ( well bites really) and started to catch , but the fish were on the small side with fish as small as 2 lb,
I spent the rest of the match up the edge apart from a couple of short looks on the 5 mtr meat line but all I had there was a 1lb chub,
There were plenty of fish up the edge but fouling was a problem, due to the sun now shining on the water trying to catch shallow was proving difficult as as soon as you tried to catch shallow the shadow of the pole spooked them, the best option was to fish a rig with just a couple of no 10 shot down the line with lots of the bites coming on the drop, I did try fishing at various depths but with only odd liners , the lightly shotted depth rig seemed to be the best, the fish remainder small as I ended up with 25 carp plus some silvers in the shape of chub and f1,s. I thought I had 110lbish but thought Scott had at least that but I hadn't realised he had put plenty back, even steve Seager had started catching down his margin and on his meat line, he even had a very large common which he said was 20lb and it may have been when he hooked it but due to the length of time he played it must have run off 2lb, I did tell him it was 18lb as its a known fish which comes out quite often and it's normally between 16 and 18lb and when we weighed it it was 17.14. Still a nice fish as its very long and in really good condition.
1st on the day went to Craig Edmunds ( who has a flying year ) with 211.2 off un fancied peg 9, catching on meat fished over to the island then on his 5 mtr line later in the match, I think we may have to slash the tyres on his car to stop him catching
2nd Anton page ( he,s had a lean time) with 134.6 off peg 42
3rd Tom thick on peg 5 with 129.14
4th. Tony Rixon, peg 32 with 114.8
5th scott(there goes another one) puddy with 101.7on peg 26
6th Clint wojtyla on peg 70 with 99.7
Nigel Bartlett on peg 50 with 25.7 of mainly small roach

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