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Thursday, 8 August 2013

Weds landsend open

13 fishing so still plenty of room, I had the last ticket in the draw and opened up peg 5, happy with that as it is one of the narrowest pegs and its in the gap between the islands, and with me having hurt my back somehow, not from hard manual work I must say, before someone else points that one out lol.
Setting up a stalker rig but its getting a bit late now for that to be effective, and so it proved today as it never gave me one fish, a rig to fish meat in my left hand margin ,which produced two roach , and the same rig for dead maggots in my right hand margin, I say margin but this bank is very deep close in so it's not the best margin fishing , the opposite bank has a nice shelf all the way along which the fish seem to like. A meat rig for 6 mtrs and a pellet rig for on top of the shelf out by the island which was about 15 inches deep. At the start I fed all lines which included firing 6,s to the island, trying to drop the feed slightly short of the island but it never happens and it wasnt long before I could see tails out on the shelf. But my plan was to start down the middle on the meat , I gave that to long as after the first 45 mins all I had was an IDE of about 2 1/2 lb, whereas trig up on 11 already had half a dozen good fish on meat and kev molten next door on 3 also got off to a good start on meat , but no one else seemed to catching, Martin lenaghan seemed to be losing a few judging by the cursing coming from that end of the lake (peg1), I went acros a bit earlier than I really wanted as I like to feed  the island for at least An hour before going over, as the fish seem to really gain confidence the longer you can leave it, I was met with a foulhooking problem, but fishing on the deck in shallow water it's always going to be a problem, I tried fishing shallow but the fish are to cute for that, if you could slap the rig in you would get a few but there is a bit of foliage hanging over making that impossible, so the depth rig was best, but a lot of the proper bites came on the drop ,and as the match went on most fish were mouth hooked, dean on peg 7 put some groundbait down his margin which seems to be a popular thing to do and you can't argue that it is effective especially in shallow margins, and it's quite exciting as you can generally see tails waving at you, as if to say catch me if you can, and dean did catch a few in the last couple of hours on bunches of dead maggots, trig slowed up towards the end, and he ended up with 35 fish with lots of good size fish in his net I thought he would be the one to beat, I had 10 more fish than him but I had a fair smattering of of small fish, so I guessed that I would
Have about 160lb whereas trig was admitting to 170, as it turned out we were both close on the estimating with craig(trig) Edmunds winning with 178.15 on peg 11. Catching on meat to begin with then on 8mm pellet later in the match
2nd was me with 167.13 on peg 5
3rd dean malin, on peg 7 with 126.8
4th Tom thick on 21 with 100.6
5th Martin lenaghan  on peg1 with 87.1
6th John Thompson on peg13 with 61.13
Silvers went to dave blakemore on peg 15 who saw off the landsend silver ace on peg 16 in the shape of Philip(fabio) Harding , dave weighed in 24.8 of mainly skimmers on soft pellet over groundbait, which beat Phil into second place with 18.4.
Stu barnett made the trip over from Wales to fish , and will be going home with a very nice collection
Of scales a he had a torrid time losing fish, at one stage he was 21 lost to 4 landed , it happens .

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