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Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Landsend weds open

Firstly a couple of matches this weekend with some spaces, Sunday we are off to windmill fishery near westerliegh, it's a first visit and its only fair to go and have a look, I've heard some mixed reports  but lately it seems to be on the up, so terry may be be on the way to sorting it out, then on Monday we are off to landsend for the annual Gary wall memorial match, so if you fancy either ring me at the sho to book in on 01179517250.
With only 8 booked in this was not really a match more a small sweep but it was good company and the sun was shining so it was ok. Into the draw tin and out comes peg 5, with so few here the only person I could see was Ron hardiman on peg 7, although I could hear Tom thick on peg 24 and fabio puffing and groaning over on 19,
I set up a meat rig for 5 mtrs, a shallow stalker pellet rig, a rig for pellet over on the island shelf and rig for dead maggot down the right hand side, after feeding all lines and waiting for the waves from turkey thompsons initial feed onslaught up peg 11 to subside I noticed a big ghostie swimming towards me , these big white thins are notoriously hard to tempt here so I wasn't to confident as I swung the stalker rig towards it, and bugger me if it didn't take it, and I soon had a 9lb white one in the net ,I switched to the 5 mr meat line and stayed with it for the first hour and I had 2 more carp plus a tench and a couple of f1,s and a good skimmer, after an hour it was over to the island where there were plenty of fish showing with the occasional tail waiving at me I spent a few hours over there but it was hard to get a fish to take the pellet in the mouth, it was much easier to hook them in the tail , side and fins , but you don't land to many of those, I had a look. Down the edge on dead maggot but all I had to show was two perch, I think it was to deep at about 3 foot, I started throwing a few maggots down there instead of cupping and had a look on the meat line, I had a few decent fish on that ,  then I saw a few fish sucking maggots off the reeds in the margin, not having a shallow maggot rig , I put 4 dead maggot in the band on the stalker rig and dropped it in, I took 4 good fish quickly here before the fish drifted away and none returned, but one there was only about 45 mins left
Which I spent on the far side getting a few more carp, ending up with about 25 carp plus a few silvers, I hadn't heard to many fish being caught , fabio had had a few and Tom thick had a good end to the match, but I had enough as my catch went 143.2 for first
2 nd was Tom thick on 24 with 115.6
3 rd fabio on 19 with 92.13 which included the top silver weight of 24.10
4th Ron hardiman on peg 7 with 62.9
5th dave blakemore on peg 1 with 38.12
6th John Thompson on peg 11 with 31.14

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