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Monday, 16 September 2013

Chilton trinity, woodland lake

With 22 fishing I made this a pole only only match, as this venue has corners and end banks which had to be used, so it stops any arguments, it was a shame really that we had the windiest wettest day of recent months forecast and it was went to be mainly a westerly so it would be blowing straight up the lake making for difficult pole fishing , luckily the wind seemed to be more southerly so at least it was off the backs for many and in the face for others. Misha drew for me and I ended up with 24 with  bela bakos on 23 and fabio on 26 with an empty peg between us , so the margins should be good for a few.
I set up a shallow rig just in case , couple of depth rigs , one for 13 mtrs, I didn't fancy going longer in case the wind changed direction, one for meat at 5 mts and a pellet rig for the margins, I decided to fish pellet down the edge as small roach can de a problem in the shallow waters in the side , also I only used 8,s as feed and hook baits, so at he start I began firing 8,s out to 13 mtrs, throwing meat onto the 5 mtr line and pellets down the edge .
It didn't take long to get a bie which resulted in a small carp of about 2 lb safely netted, soon followed by another of the same size hen a good one of nearly 10lb so a good start, there seemed to be a few fish being caught with Martin McMahon over on 9 catching well, shallow which was interesting as the anglers on that bank had the wind blowing straight in at them , back in my peg it started to go a bit wrong after that with foulhookers , I was landing a couple but losing most, but I was getting some in the mouth aswell, so I kept feeding odd fish into the net, I tried upping the feed, cutting it back and even not feeding at all , but that just resulted in no bites at all, the fish I was fouling were on the bottom as I was connecting instantly on the strike , it seems to happen a lot now.i tried the shallow rig  and had one fish and that was hooked in the fin. So I just decided to put up with it. As far as I could see I was doing ok, bela was struggling and fabio was hooking skimmers but most of them seemed to be jumping off, also trig over on 17 was finding it hard, mike nicholls wandered up with about 2 hours to go and was admitting to 12 carp also Shaun Townsend on 27 was catching well on meat on the 5 mtr line, I did get a few on meat and I had 3 down the edge on pellet so by the end I new I had over 100lb but not being able to see the rest of the lake I couldn't say who was looking good to win.
I started the weigh in on mike nicholls on peg 30 and when he plopped 123.12 onto the scales I told him I thought that would be enough on the day, he had started the match by, oh sod that read his blog to see how he did it
I ended up just behind him in second spot with 120lb exactly
3rd Shaun Townsend  on 26 with 117.7
4th Martin McMahon on 9 with 90.9 and he only snapped his pole twice
5th Anton page on peg 6 with 86.1
6th Tom mangnall on 7 with 79.5
Scott puddy on 28 with 17.4 of skimmers on pellet

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