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Sunday, 23 February 2014

landsend lge final match

After the usual good brekkie at shipham it was off to the fishery,  I was on speci lake and it would have been nide to round off the series with a good draw and some fish in thr net, it has been a difficult series for me, with only one good draw so far, trouble os on this lake you really want to draw one of 4 pegs, 31/32/33&34, as all the fish, carp and silvers want to be on these pegs for some reason, into tje draw bucket and out comes 36, not what I really wanted , but mark Poppleton had it in the last round and had nearly 90lb off it so I thought there maybe a chance of some fish. Mark had cought on caster over caster straight over to the island and banded pellet at 16 mtrs to the left against the island, so 2 rigs for that and a meat rig for 5 mtrs, that turned out to be a waste of a tin of meat as I never had a bite there, for company I had martin lenaghan on 37 and paul"the queue jumping draw bag" on 34,
the match was a bit of a non starter for me and the anglers to my right with martin struggling,  fabio on 39 blanking and Steve seager on 40 landing 1 perch and 2 roach,  it was a different story on the pegs to my left with all of them on the fancied swims getting bites from carp and silvers, sdrian jeffery on 33 went into an early lead landing several carp on maggot fished at half depth towards the aerator, without feeding anything, but this may have been a bit of a mistake,  as after a couple of hours his swim died and paul on 34 who had been feeding a few 6mm pellets and fishing a banded 8mm started to catch steadily in about 15 inches of water on the point of the island,  down along the island at our end bites were at a premium,  I ended up with one small carp and a decent ide on corn, plus a couple of 1lb perch and some small roach on caster,  ending up with 9.15, for absolutely no good today,  paul elmes caught on and off all match and ended up with 166lb which is a good weight at this time of year,  which gabe him a lake win and top weight over the 3 lakes on the day, mark Poppleton on 11 was second with 110lb, also giving him a section win which was enough to give him victory in the league overall so well done to him, he pushed trigger edmunds down into 3nd spot on this last match,with ken rayner also pushing trig doen a plade to 3rd but with trig on peg1 which has been a bit bit of a graveyard in this series the writing was on the wall as soon as the draw was done,  for the full results ken rayner should have them on his blog in a few days, or if you have mark poppleton as a friend on facebook, no doubt he will be on there slapping his own back lol,

Sunday, 16 February 2014

viaduct winter league rnd 3

Bit of a rant first of all, my last blog about landsend last week had some reference to perch and westerliegh lake near bristol, which is fishing very hard , with most anglers only being able to catch small perch, for some reason,  onr of mike regulars rang him and saib I was basically calling his venue crap as I was likening it to westerliegh, obviously the said,  angler "friend" of mikes didnt understand what I was driving at, as landsend is and will probably always be a favourite venue for me , and mike again is and always will be a good friend of mine, obviously this un named angler, as mike wouldn't tell me his name has endured some kind of sense of humour bypass operation, but he abviosly enjoys a bit of shit stirring, next time you feel the need to say anything it may pay to give me a ring at the shop on 01179517250 to explain what has been written about before jumping the gun, luckily for me the more sensible people and the westerliegh anglers took it in the way it was intended and had a laugh about it, rant over
back to today and team draw 6 put me peg 81 cary which is tje far side of the spit, always capable of a few carp,  normally on the lead but occasionally on the pole up the side of the spit, so I set up a lead rod for various hair rigged baits, and a couple of pole rigs to fish caster at 16 mtrs in a gap in the brambles,  I had vince brown next to me on 82 and nigel easton the other side of the spit on 80, the lead fishing was a non event today, I did get 3 liners but that was only when dom sullivan on 85 hooked each of his 3 fish other that that I never had another twitch on it, I started fishing caster in he bramble gap, and had a few nice perch and lots of small roach, then in the last 30 mins I hooked 2 carp in 2 put ins , losing one under the brambles and landing the second, which was one of tje smallest in cary at 4.15, my silvers went 9.15 for a total of 14.14 which was the same weigjt as nigel easton who had a 14 lb carp hooked in arse, so we shared the 40 quid mini section payout,  the match was won on peg 125 with 161lb by Steve kedge, mainly on meat on thr lead, for the full results check out mike nicholls blog as he will put on the weigh sheetsj

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Ivy house Wednesday open

The weather men gave us a dreadful forecast today and they weren't wrong, it was probably the windiest say I have ever fished on, plus we had torrential rain and a proper hailstorm which really hurt.
I must say karen has got the hang of the breakfasts, it was really tasty and more than enough to keep me going all day , and I needed a bit of extra weight to keep from blowing away!!!!!
The weather kept people away today I think as non of the locals were here apart from magoo, the rest were from further south with gabe scarba driving up from wsm, Alan oram, Martin lenaghan , Chris fox and myself, so six in all, just a knock up then, andy tried to give everyone a bit of shelter but poor old gabe and mr fox ended up on 43 and 36 respectively with both of them kopping a nasty side wind, I drew 41 with Martin on 39 Alan was on 38 and magoo was on his own on peg 6. Funniest part of the day was turning round just in time to Martin lenaghan slip on the mud and fall straight on his face (see pic) he never even had time to put his hands out to break his fall, luckily looking at the pic his belly took the brunt of the fall with the most mud on his bib and brace, but he still had a bit of a mud pack on his face, as for the fishing I had a nice day with 11lb of skimmers , a near 10lb fish fairly hooked in the wing and 31lb of stokkies for 52lb in all and first, Alan was second with 32lb which included a 17lb ghostie which was a very pretty fish, Martin lenaghan in between Alan and me was 3rd with 10lb all the others never weighed , being totally beaten by the wind and rain,
Well I was going to put martins picture on here but can't figure out how to do it , so it will have to go on face book instead, and I very nearly forgot to say how I caught, 95% of my fish came from the 9mtr line straight out in front on double maggot on a .75 rig using a 8313 size 20 hook on .12, fished over a few micros, casters and soaked micros(no choice on that one), re feeding after every 2 fish

Sunday, 9 February 2014

landsend lge, round 5

Torrid torrid torrid torrid torrid, my turn on lake 3 , and I wanted one of tje corners or one of the 2 pegs with weedbeds in them, so what do I draw 66, bummer.  It has thrown a few reasonable results in this series but I wasnt feeling it today. this is going to be one of my shorter blogs, as basically I caught sweet FA of note,  I ended up with 3 small carp an f1 and a handful of embryonic perch, catching these I had to keep checking my surroundings just to make sure I wasnt sat at westerliegh,  my total weigjt at the end was 11.2 for last in my section and last but one on the lake,  luckily dale housen opposite me on 45 packed up before the end and left.  our lake was won by paul elmes on 42 with 69lb catching on meat and caster to his right by a dead weed bed,  fairplay to him as the peg has been a hard one so farIin the season,  but he has been catching well lately and his confidence is high which always helps, and wìth trigger mentoring him he,s doing well, getting back to the carpark at the end , the first person I bumped into was trig who asked how I, d done , torrid says me, then trig starts moaning about his day and how hard it had been, well what did you have then trig 90lb says him for first on the day, prick says me and turns my back on him,
2nd was mark Poppleton on 36 with 88.7
3rd paul elmes 69lb
4th martin lenaghan on 58 with 60.10
5th nick duckett on 50 with 59 .15
6th adrian clark 39lb peg 13
mark brennan on 17 with 17lb

Sunday, 2 February 2014

viaduct winter league rnd 2

My turn on cambell today,  so a draw up at the top end would be nice, it was tim clarks turn to do the draw which he duly did and handed me 116, nice . Paul elmes had it last time and was 2nd on the lake off it with 85lb,  and getting to the peg I thought we were going to get a few as there were carp topping all over the lake in front of us, I had fabio for company on 118,  and after his bragging in the shop on friday in front of several witnesses as to how he was going to tear me a new ass, I was expecting the worse,  I set up a wag rod as per how paul caught last time, a lead rod (aaaaargh) and a pole rig to use at 16 mtrs for maggot over caster,  I was ready in plenty of time so I had plenty of chance for a bit of a wander, I didnt ģo to far as fabio was still telling me how good he was and how much he was going to beat me by. At the start I cupped in some casters on the long pole line,  then threw out the wag on treble maggots , and bugger me if I didnt get one first chuck, as did fabio,  but that turned out to ne a bit of a false dawn, the breese picked up  , sending the float throughpto fast with the wind,  I tried the lead with maggot , but only had a couple of liners,  Chris fox turned up just before the start and he was now badgering me into trying the popped up bread,  after a bit of ear bending I relented , changed the hook length and slung out 12 mm popped up toast material, and I did get a run of fish on it,  but it wasnt really going to well, chris davis on 124, and nigel easton on 125 were getting better presentation and were catching steadily on the wag and lead,  towards the end of the match I tried the pole and I did get 1 carp , a tench a skimmer and a roach,  by thr end I had 12 carp, 10 of which I had on the lead and bread,  1 on the pole and 1 on the wag as for fabsy he ended up with 7 and lean hubbard on 119 had 8 so it looked as though dear old fabio was doing an impression of a chip shop sausage and been battered all round, the lake was won by nigel easton on 125 with 120lb and I think he won overall aswell, and chris on 124 was second with 100lb plus leavimg me 3rd on the lake with 75lb,  for the full results mike nicholls will put tje weigj sheets up on his blog
off to ivy house again weds , looks like it might rain again lol