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Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Ivy house Wednesday open

The weather men gave us a dreadful forecast today and they weren't wrong, it was probably the windiest say I have ever fished on, plus we had torrential rain and a proper hailstorm which really hurt.
I must say karen has got the hang of the breakfasts, it was really tasty and more than enough to keep me going all day , and I needed a bit of extra weight to keep from blowing away!!!!!
The weather kept people away today I think as non of the locals were here apart from magoo, the rest were from further south with gabe scarba driving up from wsm, Alan oram, Martin lenaghan , Chris fox and myself, so six in all, just a knock up then, andy tried to give everyone a bit of shelter but poor old gabe and mr fox ended up on 43 and 36 respectively with both of them kopping a nasty side wind, I drew 41 with Martin on 39 Alan was on 38 and magoo was on his own on peg 6. Funniest part of the day was turning round just in time to Martin lenaghan slip on the mud and fall straight on his face (see pic) he never even had time to put his hands out to break his fall, luckily looking at the pic his belly took the brunt of the fall with the most mud on his bib and brace, but he still had a bit of a mud pack on his face, as for the fishing I had a nice day with 11lb of skimmers , a near 10lb fish fairly hooked in the wing and 31lb of stokkies for 52lb in all and first, Alan was second with 32lb which included a 17lb ghostie which was a very pretty fish, Martin lenaghan in between Alan and me was 3rd with 10lb all the others never weighed , being totally beaten by the wind and rain,
Well I was going to put martins picture on here but can't figure out how to do it , so it will have to go on face book instead, and I very nearly forgot to say how I caught, 95% of my fish came from the 9mtr line straight out in front on double maggot on a .75 rig using a 8313 size 20 hook on .12, fished over a few micros, casters and soaked micros(no choice on that one), re feeding after every 2 fish

1 comment:

  1. Click on the icon that looks like a mountain and follow the instructions,
    Even you out to be able to cope with that!
