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Sunday, 9 March 2014

viaduct winter league, final round

Goimg into this last match, I had an outside chance of getting somewhere in the overall individuals, but the team had no chance, I was on match and a bit of spring lake section today, I really needed a good draw , with 42 being favourable or pegs 2 to 5 on spring . But no I go and pull team draw 7 which put me on 39 which along with 6 on spring it is a peg you really need to avoid , it has a nice margin but for some reason it seems devoid of fish, also it doesn't have an island chuck which I think is essential on this lake, for company I had fabio on 52 and ken rayner on 40 so there was going to be a good chance of doing a good impression of a chip shop sausage and getting battered all round, I set a wag rod to fish towards tje trees at the end of the island, a margin rig just in case and a rig for out in front at 14 mtrs, at the start I cupped in a ball of g bait on 2 lines put some caster and corn down the edge, then started on the wag with a bit of corn on the hook, I reckon it took me all of three casts to throw the wag into the tree and lose it, so that was the end of my wag fishing for the day, by now fabio was playing a carp, so the writing was really on the wall straight from the start , in fact several people were catching odd carp , I would like to say my swim got better but it never, I did gat 4 better skimmers and 2 f1, s but I was looking at 1 possibly 2 at best points. The lake ended up being won by big john(tin leg) moody on 42 with 90lb and I think that was probably good enough for second on the day, and as it turned out the only person I beat was leon hubbard who was unfortunate enough to draw peg 6 he had 10.15 and I had 13.1, so thats the end of that for another year, I think one of the frenzee teams probably won the league so well done to them, full results and weigh sheets will most probably be on mike nicholls blog, I couldn't wait to get home so I didnt wait,
next weekend there is an open at landsend fishery so if you fancy it book in with me at the shop on 01179517250 or with mike at the fishery on 07977545882

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