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Wednesday, 28 May 2014

weds open landsend fishery

Travelled down with ron hardiman and fabio today, snd fabio tried to to us that he didnt match fish for the pleasure, it was all about the money, so we had a whip round at the draw as he felt he should be paid appearance money,
only 12 fishing today so we just sat round the speci lake, ad jeffery pulled out 2 tickets and handed me one , opening it up and was more than happy to see 33 written on it,  its a corner peg at the bottom of the steps behind the cabin.  For company I had fabio on 34 and martin alexander opposite on 32, ben hagg was on 31 , and that was the only people I could see. I set up rigs to fish pellet out by the aerator at 16mtrs. Also the shallow one would do for along the end bank, and I also set up the 5mtr meat line but again that was a failed rig.
at the start I began fishing on the deck out by the bubbler/wave maker. It was a bit of a slow start, with fabio getting a couple of carp off the island and ben also caught straight away,, so I was a couple of fish behind before I got my first, I had another quickly so I was back on level terms, I began to get a couple of liners so I went out on the shallow rig, but that was slow aswell. Ben began to hook lots of fish but he was struggling to get them in the mouth, aswell as having issues with overhanging foliage, squirrel snagger springs to mind, also fabio was struggling with overhangs, he was getting some proper tourettes going, I started to get odd fish shallow out by the wave machine and also on the same rig doen the edge, so with 2 hours to go I was well ahead of the people I could  see,  but it was about now that I felt sorry for fabio as he was going no where fast, so I got off my box went round and told where and how to fish his peg,  he also never had any 6mm feed pellets so I gave him a bag, I should have known better, my peg got worse while his got stronger, so by the end I thought he had just done enough to edge it but he wasnt sure, . As it was I wish I had waited another hour before I helped him as he weighed 136.2 for first and I was left to be the bridesmaid with  130.7 3rd was tom thick on 25 with 92.4
4th adrian jeffery on 26 with 67.13
5th ben(I cant believe I lost another) hagg on 31 with 63.3
6th martin alexander on 32 with 60.11
silvers went to paul blake on 39 with 24lb , of f1,s skimmers and chub on meat.

Monday, 26 May 2014

monday open landsend fishery

Bit of a shame as only 12 showed up for today, so we only used the match lake, so plenty of room for all. I waited for the last ticket,  and was rewarded with peg 22, its a peg I haven't been on for a long time , its a nice swim where you can reach the end of the island with 16 mtrs, its got a nice margin aswell, so I set up a pellet rig to fish on the island shelf and at the end of the island,  a stalking rig which was a none starter today as with it being cloudy,  fish were hard to spot, and when you did see one , it dertainly wasnt interested in eating, so no more about that rig then, the meat rig for 5 mtrs was assemble,  and a margin rig which I was going to fish over dead maggot,  at tje start I decided to give the short meat line at least 45 mins , waiting for the island pellet lines to settle, it wasnt the mosr productive 45 mins of my life as I only had one perch and one skimmer, I had the company of tom thick on 24 and he did have a slightly better start than me with a couple of small carp at 13 mtrs on banded 6mm, steve seager ofer on peg 1 was having a bit of a torrid losing a few, much to tge amusement of tom and me. For me over on the island it was ok with plenty of indications  and I was soon putting odd fish in the nets,  I did spend most of the match fishing across to the island,  on banded 8mm over loose fed 6, s, I did have a few sorties down the edge on meat and I had 3 better fish down there and a tench, but the iskand was most productive and I ended the match with 20 carp and my few silvers, I seemed to have done ok as far as I coukd see, I had won the quid off of tom as he only had 10 carp and 20lb of silvers, the only threat was going to come from craig(trigger) edmunds on 13 who was admitting to over 30 carp but he had caught plenty of squeekers,
so it was going to be close, and it was but I just came out on top with 117.12,  trig was one fish behind with 115.2
3rd tony thick(long suffering dad of tom) with 82.3 off peg 11
4th tom thick, 61lb on 24
5th rod Wootten on 7 with 57.11
6th Glen(3pots)bailey on 15 with 51,12
silvers went to the gimp on 5 with 24lb
a lot of our local venues have switched off a bit as tge seem to want/need to spawn, and until they do it may not get any better.

Sunday, 25 May 2014

Viaduct spring league round 3

With a first and second so far , I needed to do and draw well, so into the draw tin and out pops 115,  a nice peg as it's slightly further out than the pegs either side, for company I had John dewberry mbe on   114 and Lewis greenwood on 116, unfortunately I was sat opposite was Clint wojtyla who is to commercial carp what the child catcher from chitty chitty bang bang is to kids, so the writing was on the wall, at least I could see Shaun Townsend on 123 so I was going to be able to see if I was going to make it 16 quids on the trot. Unfortunately des shipp was standing in as a reserve and drawing 110 in the corner it was looking more than likely the rest of us were fishing for second at best, as I went past him he was wading around his swim grubbing around on the bottom, no he hadn't lost his lucky plummet, he had dropped his mobile in, with a bit of luck it was going to take him 6 hours to find it, but no, he got it back quite quickly.
I can't really say to much about my match as it was unusually hard , I new it wasn't going to be my day as the first fish I hooked was a 2 1/2 eel hooked far and square in the wing, as the match progressed it seemed the closer to the end of the lake you got the fishing improved, my grand total by the end was 9 carp , a skimmer and my eel which went 51lb for last but one in the section, it was only mat tomes on 113 who saved me from last, but he was on 113 which s set a long way back from the rest. As expected des won with 210lb, I didn't get the ful result as I sloped off. Before I had to hand out any more quids, Shaun stopped the rot on the pounds as he had 90lb plus . The child catcher opposite had 37lb and I gt beaten each side by John with 75lb and Lewis with 79, so I definitely had the chip shop sausage syndrome, at least my day wasn't as bad as Paul elmes, as he had a mare, firstly he got caught speeding by the same mobile camera as caught him a couple of months ago , then he nearly had a 70 mph crash when a woman pulled out into his path, then he did have head on with a sparrow which he just about won, then whilst moaning about a slow bike rider a car coming towards him kicked up a stone and cracked his windscreen, and with trigger and Shaun in the van you can bet your left he got plenty of sympathy NOT, oh well off to landsend tomorrow , surely it can't get any worse !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

viaduct, pole only , cambell lake

21 fishing this one so not to bad by wednesday standards. I picked tom thick up and went to the junction cafe on the castle cary road, not to bad but I've had better. Down to the fishery and it looked as nice as ever, unfortunately the carp haven't spawned yet on cambell and carey, and they didnt look like going today so hopefully they may have a bit of a munch then, early into the draw tin and out comes 130, not a peg I really fancied so I had a bit of a moan, then wheeled my kit round to the peg, I had a lodge holiday angler either side, both from london, but they spoke good english which is more than 75% of the capitals residence (Ukip it is tomorrow then),I probabaly shouldnt have said that, but I have now so bugger it.
I set up 3 rigs today, again there was the obligatory 5 mtr meat rig , and 2 pellet rigs to fish at 14 mtrs , one shallow and the other for on the deck. At the start I went straight out on the shallow rig, and it took about 2 mins to hook my first fish, so a good start with 8lb in the net when people around me were still cupping in., that pretty much was how I spent most of the match, feeding and fishing shallow at 14 mtrs. I did try the meat line but got bitted out,  just ending up  with a small meat marble on the hook , I caught fairly steadily on the shallow rig , then a few late fish on the deep pellet rig in the last hour, . I ended up with 30 carp, the only other person I could see catching was dan white on 112, but I tgink he was about 6 fish behind,
steve was quick with tje scales and my fish went 188.3 for first on the day ,
2nd went to dan white on 112 with 158.9
3rd mike nicholls on 135 with 121.1
4th paul attwood on 132 with 120.15
5th tom tgick on 115 with 112.5
6th steve kedge on 119 with 106.9
john bradford on 111 with 35lb
back down to viaduct again sunday for tje spring series, there are a couple of spaces going for anyone looking for a match , so ring tje fishery on  01458274022 to check on spaces

Sunday, 18 May 2014

float only lge rnd 1 viaduct fishery

40 fishing the league again this year , eith a few , faces on last year,  we had 20 on cambell and cary and I didnt really mind where I drew, I think tim clark drew for me and handed me 88 which is the pretty bush peg on the top bank on cary, its been a consistent peg over tje last few weeks so I was happy, I had John "the gimp"bradford on 87, who never fishes for carp as they pull to hard and steal his rigs, so he would be targeting the silvers, dead handy. And rich lacy on 90, but with the wind blowing out of his corner he was always going to struggle. The rest of our bank was taken up with shaun townsend on 86 and joe mcmahon on 85 .
rigs today were a wag to fish pellet on the deck, a deep pellet rig for the pole at 14 mtrs and a shallow slapping/stalking rig , and a 5 mtr meat line rig( never used),
At the start I began on the deep pellet rig at 14 mtrs, but it was a bit slow , in the first 45 mins I had 1 carp and a couple of skimmers, but joe on 85 had already had 3 crap shallow,  so I went out with the shallow doins , and to cut a long story short apart from 1 carp on tje wag and 2 on tje deep pellet rig , the rest oof the match was spent fishing shallow,  I did get a few stalking but the bulk of my weight came feeding and fishing shallow with banded 8mm pellet over loose fed 8,s, I ended the match with 17 carp and a few skimmers, the same as joe so it was to close to call, the fish average out at 10lb or just over so I thought I may be pushing 170lb,  the fishery still has its normal 70lb net limit , but before if you went over 90lb in a net, that net was cancelled,  steve has now reduced that to 80lb,  so be I had 2 nets with 6 in and one net with 5, and that was ok,
when the scales got to my peg I was pleased to see my catch go 187lb which was enough for first on tje day so a good start to the series with the all important section win,
2nd and a cou9le of better fish short was joe mcmahon on 85 with 167.5
3rd gary o shea on 128 with 151.7
4th craig edmunds on 79 with 146.8
5th steve seager on 118 with 138.7
6th bib gullick on 129 with 137.9
scott russell on 94 with 46.10 , with an all pellet and meat caught net of skimmers
2nd tim clark over on 123 with 43.6
just a quick mention for shaun townsend who had a bad day , snapping the 11 mtr section on his pole,  luckily trig edmunds had a spare, also having his ass severely tuned by  young joe off the next peg and lastly having to give me another quid,  making that 15 on the trot,  I, m thimking about going to windmill, just to give him a chance to win a pound back,

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

weds landsend open

16 quid match again today, and we had 16 turn up, maybe its the cost, maybe it just coincided with people's days off, I will do another costcutter again in a fortnight's time,  and we will see how many we get for that one, next weds I am running a pole only on cambell at viaduct,  limited to 20 pegs so book early with me or the fishery to avoid dissapointed .
I had the last ticket out of the draw today, and ended up on 24 again, I am considering carving my name in the pallet, I like the peg as its interesting fishing with fash to be caught on several things,  so I set a stalker rig as the sun was shining,  a meat rig for 5 mtrs, a meat rig for the left hand margin and a pellet rig for 14 mtrs up the end bank, for company I had todays travelling partner ron hardiman on peg 22, and I had to sit and look at shane turner over on peg 1.
Before the start we actually had a visit from an environment agency traffic warden,  and everyone seemed to have a new licence,  that is except for adrian clark on peg 3, whi had to quickly dart off and buy one, tut tut,
at the start I couldnt resist the odd cruiser which was showing,  and to be fair I enjoy stalkimg these fish so much I spent far to much time chasing shadows, I did hafe a few , but tgey werent really interested,  I switched about halfway through , catching a coiple at 5 mtrs on meat and one down the also on meat , but I shiuld have gone down the end bank earlier as I started to get plenty of indications , and I lost a few in the snags, but I also had quite a few , ending up with 25 carp for over 100lb,  but it was never going to be enough as mike nicholls weighed 162.13 off peg 41 on lake 3, catching mainly on paste, close in and down his margin
I was second with 131.4
3rd tom thich on 51 with 112.12
4th ron hardiman 91.8 on 22
5th mash on 15 with 89.14
6th andy hembrow on 46 with 86.1
silvers wemt to martin Alexander on 17, with 21.10

Sunday, 11 May 2014

rnd 2, viaduct individual league

Well the weather men said we were going to hafe gales and they wasn't wrong,  on Saturday in the shop I said I would fancy 94 on carey,  and bugger me if I didn't go and draw it, it meant I had the wind blowing left to right and slightly over my shoulder, so I set up a .4 float to fish pellet over pellet at 13 mtrs to my right so I was going slightly with the wind, a meat rig for the obligatory 5mtr line,  a rig for pellet and meat down the margin towards the corner and a wag to fish pellet towards the end bank, for company I had trev senior on 96 and kev molten opposite on 90. Those people in the wind were in for an uncomfortable day , so I was quite lucky to have some shelter.
at the start I fed all lines , which was a waste of time as far as the margin and meat lines went as I never had a bite on either , so no more about them then,
starting on the 13 mtr pellet line feeding 8, s and fishing a 10mm pellet in the band, I was soon playing a double figure fish which was duly netted, and by the end of the hour I had added another 2 carp and a skimmer , even though I had a bit of shelter it was still impossible to stop the pole blowing aroind at times,
I did get 2 carp and a tench on the wag , but most of my fish came from the 13 mtr line, by the end I had 15 carp , several of which were on the small size,  one tench and a few skimmers, it would have been nice to have won my sedtion again, but paul holland over on 86, a peg rested by glyn reynolds in the last round had 20 plus carp , so that loooed to be the sedtion and match sorted, my fish went 135.1, which ended up being second in the section , paul over on 86 had 266,8 so he justed edged the section and won the match, catching all his fish on the lead and 8mm pellet
2nd john dewberry on 102 with 208.4
3rd dave romain on 81 with 175.4
4th andy neale on 68 with 172.2
5th gary oshea on 85 with 163.12
6th ash ?, on 111 with 155.13
off to landsend on weds again , anyone fancy it , ting me at the shop on 01179517250 to book in 10 draw and 16 quid all in

Monday, 5 May 2014

monday open landsend fishery

21 fishing today so plenty of room, I didnt mind where I drew , and wasnt at all dissapointed when tom mangnal pulled peg 1 for me,, its a peg I like fishing as its got lots of options an overhanging tree to my right , a nice long margin up to my left and an iskand to fish to, so I set up a meat rig for 5 mtrs and to the tree to my left, a stalker rig which I never used , so that will cheer up the purists out there, and 2 pellet rigs , one for tje iskand and one for the left hand margin, both to fish at 16 mtrs, opposite for company I had the new landsend silver ace in the generous shape of rod wootten, and the only otger angler I could see was charlie barnes on 22,
at the start I began on the meat line by the tree whilsr feeding 6mm hard pellets up the edge and to the island, it didnt take more than about 5 mims to hook a carp so that was off the mark quite quickly,, I spent the first couple of hours on tje 2 short meat lines and had about 10 carp, which seemed ok as far I could tell from the vankside banter, dave (corner shop) sawyer up on 7 was catching some carp and good silvers as was rod opposite,  charlie was doing all of us a favour by feeding some chopped worm and keepomg the small nuisance perch in front of him, 2 hiurs in and I awitched to my pellet limes and had a nice few hoirs catching carp steadily on banded 8mm over 6, s, I ended up with 36 carp and a few silvers for 150lb plus.
Beimg on peg 1 I was first to weigh and was more than happy to see my nets total 167.6 for first
2nd was my travelling partner for the day, craig edm7nds on peg 46 with 134.14
3rd bob ( I've omly caught squeakers) on 13 with 128.4
4th andy hembrow on 58 with 121.3
5th tom thick on 62 with 103.10
6th dave sawyer on 7 with 92.2
silvers went to rod on 24 with 30lb of skimmers
off to viaduct on weds for an open on carey, shiuld be ok as the lake has been fishing well, we shall see.

Sunday, 4 May 2014

sunday ivy house open

I had nothing booked for today, so myself and a few more bristolians booked in and it swelled the number to 38, which is good for a sunday open, as usual karen did a tasty breakfast in the fishery cafe,
into the draw and out comes 48, normally not in or an end peg, but not today , I had shaun townsend on 49 and lee trivett on 47, so no real margin to talk about,  my left hand side didnt look to bad with some grasses hanging over the water , whereas on my right it was bare mud down to shaun, but after trying it several times in the match the margins gave me nothing.
I set up a stalker rig and a 4x12 rig which is quite light for 6 foot of water, but with light winds, I thought a lighter slow sinking rig may produde more bites,
on the all in I cupped some soaked 4, s at 5 and 14 mtrs and started at 5 mtrs, but never had a bite in 10 mins , looking around,  a few people were catching odd fish further out so I shipped the same rig out to 14 mtrs, I had 2 bites in the next 15 mins , one from a stockie carp and the other a decent skimmer of about 1 1/2 lb,
then the sun came out and a few decent fish started cruising about,  so out came the stalker rig, I had 5 carp on this by the end of the 2 nd hour,  one of which went over 18lb, it all went really bad after that and I never had another bite till 20 mims from the when the depth rig gave me an 8 pounder,  so I ended up with 6 carp and a skimmer for what I thoight may go 55 to 60lb k the lake had fished quite hard , possibly due to tje bright sunshine and calm conditions,  also there were a lot of anglers on the lake , shaun and lee iether side of me had had a few carp, lee mostly stalking but shaun had a few late fish down tje edege to his right, also fabio around the corner from shaun had a few decent fish down his edge fishing back towards shaun,
I thought my fish may just get me into the frame as as far as I could seem I had beaten everyone on my side of the lake , but terry cambridge on 31 had been catching skimmers down his edge and sam nabbs over on 21 had caught shallow,  as it turned out sam on 21 won with 82.7
2nd terry cambridge had 68.13 which included a lovely nrt of skimmers which went 44.8 for top silver weight on the day
3rd was me with 54.6
4th ian millichip on 44 with 52.11
5th paul elmes on 20 with 47.15
6th stu foale on 19 with 46.11
off to landsend tomorrow,  on match and number 3 lake, and with a good forecast it may well be another good day

Thursday, 1 May 2014

float only league

I still have 3 spaces left for my float only league starting in may,
if anyone fancies it , give me a ring at the shop on 01179517250 to book in, costs are, 61 quid entry which is your peg fee's and pools for the last match paid, dates and venues are as follows
18 may viaduct
15 june landsend
29 june shi9late
6 july landsend
3 aug sedges
24 aug viaduct
there are 40 spaces available and only 3 places left, so book early to avoid disappointment lol