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Sunday, 25 May 2014

Viaduct spring league round 3

With a first and second so far , I needed to do and draw well, so into the draw tin and out pops 115,  a nice peg as it's slightly further out than the pegs either side, for company I had John dewberry mbe on   114 and Lewis greenwood on 116, unfortunately I was sat opposite was Clint wojtyla who is to commercial carp what the child catcher from chitty chitty bang bang is to kids, so the writing was on the wall, at least I could see Shaun Townsend on 123 so I was going to be able to see if I was going to make it 16 quids on the trot. Unfortunately des shipp was standing in as a reserve and drawing 110 in the corner it was looking more than likely the rest of us were fishing for second at best, as I went past him he was wading around his swim grubbing around on the bottom, no he hadn't lost his lucky plummet, he had dropped his mobile in, with a bit of luck it was going to take him 6 hours to find it, but no, he got it back quite quickly.
I can't really say to much about my match as it was unusually hard , I new it wasn't going to be my day as the first fish I hooked was a 2 1/2 eel hooked far and square in the wing, as the match progressed it seemed the closer to the end of the lake you got the fishing improved, my grand total by the end was 9 carp , a skimmer and my eel which went 51lb for last but one in the section, it was only mat tomes on 113 who saved me from last, but he was on 113 which s set a long way back from the rest. As expected des won with 210lb, I didn't get the ful result as I sloped off. Before I had to hand out any more quids, Shaun stopped the rot on the pounds as he had 90lb plus . The child catcher opposite had 37lb and I gt beaten each side by John with 75lb and Lewis with 79, so I definitely had the chip shop sausage syndrome, at least my day wasn't as bad as Paul elmes, as he had a mare, firstly he got caught speeding by the same mobile camera as caught him a couple of months ago , then he nearly had a 70 mph crash when a woman pulled out into his path, then he did have head on with a sparrow which he just about won, then whilst moaning about a slow bike rider a car coming towards him kicked up a stone and cracked his windscreen, and with trigger and Shaun in the van you can bet your left he got plenty of sympathy NOT, oh well off to landsend tomorrow , surely it can't get any worse !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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