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Wednesday, 21 May 2014

viaduct, pole only , cambell lake

21 fishing this one so not to bad by wednesday standards. I picked tom thick up and went to the junction cafe on the castle cary road, not to bad but I've had better. Down to the fishery and it looked as nice as ever, unfortunately the carp haven't spawned yet on cambell and carey, and they didnt look like going today so hopefully they may have a bit of a munch then, early into the draw tin and out comes 130, not a peg I really fancied so I had a bit of a moan, then wheeled my kit round to the peg, I had a lodge holiday angler either side, both from london, but they spoke good english which is more than 75% of the capitals residence (Ukip it is tomorrow then),I probabaly shouldnt have said that, but I have now so bugger it.
I set up 3 rigs today, again there was the obligatory 5 mtr meat rig , and 2 pellet rigs to fish at 14 mtrs , one shallow and the other for on the deck. At the start I went straight out on the shallow rig, and it took about 2 mins to hook my first fish, so a good start with 8lb in the net when people around me were still cupping in., that pretty much was how I spent most of the match, feeding and fishing shallow at 14 mtrs. I did try the meat line but got bitted out,  just ending up  with a small meat marble on the hook , I caught fairly steadily on the shallow rig , then a few late fish on the deep pellet rig in the last hour, . I ended up with 30 carp, the only other person I could see catching was dan white on 112, but I tgink he was about 6 fish behind,
steve was quick with tje scales and my fish went 188.3 for first on the day ,
2nd went to dan white on 112 with 158.9
3rd mike nicholls on 135 with 121.1
4th paul attwood on 132 with 120.15
5th tom tgick on 115 with 112.5
6th steve kedge on 119 with 106.9
john bradford on 111 with 35lb
back down to viaduct again sunday for tje spring series, there are a couple of spaces going for anyone looking for a match , so ring tje fishery on  01458274022 to check on spaces

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