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Wednesday, 14 May 2014

weds landsend open

16 quid match again today, and we had 16 turn up, maybe its the cost, maybe it just coincided with people's days off, I will do another costcutter again in a fortnight's time,  and we will see how many we get for that one, next weds I am running a pole only on cambell at viaduct,  limited to 20 pegs so book early with me or the fishery to avoid dissapointed .
I had the last ticket out of the draw today, and ended up on 24 again, I am considering carving my name in the pallet, I like the peg as its interesting fishing with fash to be caught on several things,  so I set a stalker rig as the sun was shining,  a meat rig for 5 mtrs, a meat rig for the left hand margin and a pellet rig for 14 mtrs up the end bank, for company I had todays travelling partner ron hardiman on peg 22, and I had to sit and look at shane turner over on peg 1.
Before the start we actually had a visit from an environment agency traffic warden,  and everyone seemed to have a new licence,  that is except for adrian clark on peg 3, whi had to quickly dart off and buy one, tut tut,
at the start I couldnt resist the odd cruiser which was showing,  and to be fair I enjoy stalkimg these fish so much I spent far to much time chasing shadows, I did hafe a few , but tgey werent really interested,  I switched about halfway through , catching a coiple at 5 mtrs on meat and one down the also on meat , but I shiuld have gone down the end bank earlier as I started to get plenty of indications , and I lost a few in the snags, but I also had quite a few , ending up with 25 carp for over 100lb,  but it was never going to be enough as mike nicholls weighed 162.13 off peg 41 on lake 3, catching mainly on paste, close in and down his margin
I was second with 131.4
3rd tom thich on 51 with 112.12
4th ron hardiman 91.8 on 22
5th mash on 15 with 89.14
6th andy hembrow on 46 with 86.1
silvers wemt to martin Alexander on 17, with 21.10

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