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Monday, 29 December 2014

Silvers two dayer at viaduct

I partnered Anton page for this pairs two day fixture, only 13 pairs so a bit disappointing really , I was on Cary for the first day and drew peg 86. Not really a peg I would have chosen as the diagonal bank was still the draw most wanted, and with steve tucker on 85 it was going to be hard to win his pound. I set up two pole rigs , both pencils , one .4 and the other .25 both with an 18 6313 on ,10. I also set up the wag to fish at about 25 mtrs, I can't right to much about today , I. Put a ball of g bait on a couple of lines and fed some caster on the wag line, it was really slow for everyone and it took me 20 mins to get my first bite and that was a small roach, my day never got any better really , I did manage two better skimmers on the wag line , both about 1lb , but carp were a problem, I Hooked landing one , if I had taken my time I would have landed all of them , but there was no point, I ended up with 3.10 oz for third from bottom of the section, steve to my left won the section with 7lb , which was a couple of skimmers and perch and some plippy roach, top on the lake was mat tomes who managed it with only a slight bit of rule bending lol. My partner drew 115 on cambell and managed a lowly 2.7, so that was our push for the top over then
Day two and after a really good breakfast in the brewers Fayre in Glastonbury , it was into the draw at the fishery and out come 110 on cambell, not to bad and. It had 5 lb on it the day before, and that end of the lake fished ok with the wag being the best option with lots of small roach and occasional bonuses in the shape of skimmers and tench, trouble was today is that it was frozen over , so the ice breakers were out and a nice channel was cut out to 14 mtrs, I also did a line down to the left as some good perch are known to hang around a stump , I won't mention the left hand swim again as I was in the shade all day and it froze back over with cat ice before I could fish it, I set up the same two rigs as yesterday, at the start I fed two g bait lines on the right hand side of my channel, at 8 and 14 mtrs, and a caster line to my left against the ice at 14 mtrs, it turned out to be another grueller, with no bites for an hour and a quarter then bite from small roach from then on , but that wasn't even to active, to my right nick Collins on 112 started catching small roach straight away and he had a good tench towards the end, glad I never had a quid with him then, I already. Lost one to mr tucker the day before , which I paid up straight away. On the bank, (take note mr russell) lol.
I ended with 2.14 of plippers, for no good again, our lake today was won Dom Sullivan on 118 with 7lb which turned out to be top on the day, mat tomes struggled today when he had to abide by the rules ha ha ha ha , having just one roach from 123, but. That was one more than my partner who was on 74 and never had a bite, but there was no shame in that as des shipp only had 12 oz off it the day before, and that was with no ice so he could fish the peg properly, for the full results check out dom Sullivan's blog, me and Anton were well and truly on the way home well before the results were done, after sitting in the shade all day I was pretty much chilled to the bone.
Off to landsend on weds , ring me on 07974807941 to book in and on Sunday I an running one at Avalon(yes you read it right) , so ring me on the same number to book in , or ring vic on 07977210078

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