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Wednesday, 24 December 2014

Viaduct silvers open, spring lake

Still only 12 fishing this one, I thought a few more would have shown as it's really the last chance to have a practice before the silvers pairs on the weekend on spring and Cary, still 12 is better than 11 but not as good as 13 lol.
As usual we all wanted to draw on the far side , preferably between 16 and 19, so into the coffee tin and out comes peg 1, about as far as you can get from the form pegs, but at least I could see them, a quick chat with Paul and he reckoned it would be ok as the pleasure anglers had been doing well on these early pegs, as the skimmers seemed to be moving back into spring from middle and there is always the option f some good perch down the right hand margin towards the gap into middle by a bush, as long as the carp didn't turn up, which seemed unlikely as they could be seen swimming under the bridge in the channel between the two lakes.
For company I had Scott russell on 2 and round the corner was Kieran guppy on 25, so the pound was  sorted with Scott and I set about setting up the rigs, .4g pencil for over the g bait lines at 11 and 14 mtrs, a .3 for 4 mtrs and a 4x12 for the hoped for perch down the edge,
At the start and after feeding all ones , 3balls at 11 and 4 at 14, some casters down the edge and then started at 4 mtrs, but it. Was slow with only 1 small roach n the first 15 mins , I did think about going out to 11 mtrs for an early look, but then I started to get a few decent roach in the 2 to 4 oz size, then I had a decent hybrid, with no one catching much , and Scott who started n the feeder only having one skimmer I stuck with it , and was glad I did as I the roach kept coming , not frantic just comfortable , especially as the really small ones didn't seem to want to feed , I also had a few more decent skimmers from that line, also feeding an odd small ball of soft g bait on that line seemed to Help, I've tried before on earlier matches but it never seemed to work as it did today,
Two hours in and with the short line slowing right up I went out to 11 mtrs and really expected a skimmer but all I could get was the same size roach, and not one skimmer, so 30 mins later it was out to 14 mtrs, again there seemed to be lots of roach out there aswell but with a couple of 12 oz fish I wasn't complaining,
I had a look for some perch down the edge and had a couple to 8oz and again some sensible roach, but most of the remainder of the match was spent at 14 mtrs and I did get 7 or 8 more skimmers amongst the roach so I ended up with maybe 30lb, the only person I could see catching odd skimmers was Gary oshea over on 18, and andy powers had been catching all day but he had been plagued with lots of small fish and only a few skimmers, also Scott on 2 started getting some skimmers on the pole towards the end but it was to late to catch up, so the pound at least was mine, I did wait in the carpark for it but he seemed to taking a long time pack up ha ha.
I was one of the last to weigh and with Gary on 18 winning with 21lb things were looking good as I new I had that , my net went 28.10 and I new andy powers on 24 never had that, so I at least I can buy judith a Xmas pressy now and I wouldn't have to go to the social for a crisis loan I'll leave that to all the , no I better not say any more had I,
2nd went to Gary oshea on 18 with his 21.11
3rd andy powers on 24 with 18lb
4th r eagle on 15 with 17.7
5th Scott russell n 2 with 16.5
6th Nigel Bartlett on 17 with 15.6
Definately my last post before Xmas so I hope everyone has a good one

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