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Monday, 5 January 2015

Avalon open match

Well it's been three years to the day all Barr one since I last fished this venue, and I was looking forward to it as it's been fishing ok and as always it's a place where it's hard to predict which peg is going to throw up the winner.
We had 20 fishing which ain't to bad for a Sunday open around here, I think we would have had more but some of the venue regulars were committed to other things,
Into the draw bag and out comes 29 which is the first peg on the top island on the right hand bank, for company I was next to Leon Hubbard on 27 and venue expert Tom mangnall on 32, so plenty of room for all. With a light wind blowing off my back I decided to not set a lead rod up(like it was going to happen anyway), so wag for full depth for 8mm pellet, and two pole rigs, both .4 pencils, one with an 18 6313 on ,10 to fish maggot and caster at 13 mtrs over g bait and the other with an 18 8313 on ,12 for 16 mtrs for various baits over micros.
At the start I cupped in three balls of caster laced g bait at 13 mtrs and some soaked micros at 16 mtrs, and fed some 6,s towards the island, the anglers each side started on the lead whereas I started on the pole at 13 mtrs on single maggot, to see if there was a mug skimmer about early on, there was but it was all of 2oz, so I put that down and picked up the wag, chucked it out and sat there not expecting to much, so I was well suprised when it buried and I was winding a 3 lb skimmer in,  false dawn again, I sat on it for a further 45mins for not another bite, I did miss a bite on it towards the end but I don't think it was going to happen, Tom to my left had a couple on the lead chucking to his island and trig opposite on 20 was getting some squeaker carp on the lead and 8 mm pellet. I went back on the pole and stayed on it till the end fishing between the two lines, but that was very slow with only small roach to show for my efforts, Tom was on the pole now and had popped a couple of skimmers into the net, but both me and Leon were struggling, Nigel Bartlett on 24 was catching small fish down by a sunken tree but no one else seemed to be setting it on fire, only fishery owner vic bush on peg 6 was getting much and according to the bush telegraph he was getting odd carp on the feeder cast tight to the island with maggot on the hook,
It was only in the last couple of hours that my swim started to Yield a few, I had some good skimmers/ bream off both lines with fish to over 3lb, Leon had a few aswell as did Tom who also had some small carp aswell, I had 1 carp at 16 mtrs and lost one too, At the end I thought I had 16lb of silvers and one carp for hopefully 20lb, I got round to help vic with the weigh in vic on peg 6 was top on the day with 66.12 , catching mainly on the feeder but he also had a few on the pole ,
2nd was Tom on 32 with 32.7
3rd trigger on 20 with 27.8
4th me with 24.13 which included the top silvers weight on the day with 20.01
5th Nigel Bartlett on 24 with 21.13
6th steve Seager on 12 with 19.2
Fishing again on Tuesday but not to sure where to go yet, probably acorn as I don't think there are to many options on a tuesday

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