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Thursday, 15 January 2015

Thursday veals open, emerald fishery

We started with 13 and ended up with 9 fishing, mainly down to various sickness bugs, which can't be helped .
After the normal nice breakfast at lillypool cafe it was off to the fishery, these matches tend to be mainly frequented by the Thursday coffin dodgers, so it was no suprise to see the complan communal mug being passed round, luckily I can't partake of this ritual till Sunday , after which I will be 55 and legible(I can hardly wait). Pools paid to organiser mike jones and I went for a wander round, we were fishing on ruby lake today , which is the smallest of the three coarse lakes, it has lots of small carp and fantail/ goldfish crosses, which are normally very obliging all year round, unfortunately it's not the best for silvers with only roach being present in any numbers.
Time for the draw after my walk and out comes peg 6 which today was the end peg on the far bank towards the left hand end, company wise I had organiser mike jones to my left on 5 and the gimp ( I can't get away from him lol) on 8 which was on its own on the top bank, rigs were simple , 2 4x12 rigs one for roach with caster and the other was for maggot and corn over micros at 11 mtrs on 2 angles , 12 and 2 o,clock ( no soft pellets today as I forgot to bring them ). At the start I began at 4 mtr on caster after I had fed the longer lines, it didn't take long to start catching roach , and they weren't to bad a size really with most of them being between 2 and 5 oz and with a few small carp mixed in it was nice to have some bites considering the weather, glen bailey on 4 was doing the best on the carp stakes , although they did look to be small fish, I plundered the roach for as long as I could , but when the bites stopped about 90 mins in I couldn't get them back, even going further out didn't help, so I all but binned that line, mike to my left kept catching a few and looked to be on course to take the silvers money, but mike nicholls opposite on peg 9 was winkling a few out in between some carp aswell, even the gimp on 8 was beating me now as his roach shoal had disappeared , only to be replaced by small carp, much to his disgust. Both my 11 mtr lines gave me a couple of carp but it wasn't really happening , I tried corn, which again produced a couple but it wasn't good, so I got off my box, opened the 4 mm hard pellets and began kindering a few on each line and fished a banded 6mm over them, it turned my day around, and the last couple of hours were good with carp coming to it , anything from goldfish and small crosses up to my biggest fish of about 5lb, feeding both lines and trying to alternate between the two kept the small carp coming,  at the end it was hard to say who had won , I had glen down for first and probably mike nicholls down for second, so was a bit suprised to plonk 46.4 on the scales for first,
2nd was glen bailey with 43.8
3rd mike nicholls with 43lb, which included the top silver weight of 8.4
4th John Bradford 39.8
5th rich Coles 33.3
6th Pete turner 32.2
Off to viaduct this Sunday for the first winter league,
Anyone looking for a match this Sunday , there is an open at chilton trinity on woodland lake, to book in give mish a ring on 07896982567,
Next Thursday we are running another on at emerald , but this time we will be on sapphire pool, which has a much bigger head of silvers, with some real quality roach being present, also the carp are of a better average size, to book in ring me or mike jones at veals on01179260790 or ring or txt my mobile 07974807941 to book in

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