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Monday, 30 March 2015

Landsend league , final round

Last. Match in this well run series, my turn on lake 3, and with winds forecast to be gusting to nearly 60mph from the west , it was never going to be comfortable, but with all that wind creating extra water movement, it quite often switches the fish on providing you can fish that is !!!!.
Into the draw tin after organiser ken who had pulled one of the 4 pegs I had hoped to avoid (46) as I needed a section win to guarantee winning the series, out comes 68 definitely not one to avoid, it turned out to be a tough looking section with trig Edmunds on 58, Adrian Clark on 61 , Paul faires on 66 and rod wootten on 70.
Getting to the peg and with the wind really going for it ,I only got my 6 mtr stinger basher out of the bag, I set up 3 rigs ,a 4x14 for meat at 5 mtrs, 4x12 for meat in the left hand margin and a pellet rig for 6 mtrs to my left down the shelf but that rig was never used.
I began on meat at 5 mtrs and had a 12lb fish first drop, and never really looked back catching steadily on this line for most of the match, I did get two fish from the margin but the 5 mtr line was the best , by the end I wasn't to sure as to how many fish I had but I new I was over the 80lb net limits  in my 2 carp nets which was confirmed when the scales arrived, I was playing a fish on the all out which I new would be a waste of time putting in the net, luckily Paul was stood next to me and lent me his spare silver net to put it in,
I had two nets at 80lb and one net with one carp and three silvers for 12.12 for 172.12 total for the needed section win, nice.
As expected the lakes fished really well with Shaun Townsend winning off peg 22 on the match lake with 209.12 fishing meat at 11 mtrs to begin with but ending up at 5 mtrs as the wind really got up
2nd was me with 172.12
3rdbob gullick on the only peg with no wind, 13 on match lake with140.10
4th kev molten on 28 with 134.3
5th mark poppleton on 19 with 125.15
6th Paul faires on 66 with 121.11
And there was another 3 weights over 100lb and plenty of good weights after that.
Silvers went to Nigel Bartlett peg 20 with 39.7 of mainly skimmers on soft pellet
Final league tables
Tony Rixon 29pts 601.6lb
Nick chedzoy 27pts 379.15lb
Steve Seager 26pts 259.4lb
Ken Rayner 25pts 339lb
Chris fox 28pts 68.15
Gary o,Shea 27pts 42.13
Anyone interested there is an open here on Sunday (Easter) to book in ring mike at the fishery on 07977545882 or me at veals on 01179260790, or my mobile 07974807941

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