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Thursday, 12 March 2015

Veals silvers league, huntstrete bridge pool

Anyone interested I have a couple of spaces for the float Only league , dates and venues are
31st May viaduct
14th June landsend fishery
5th July landsend fishery
19th July ivy house
2nd August  sedges
30th August viaduct
If interested ring me at veals on 01179260790 or message me on here or ring my mobile 07974807941, 56quid entry which is the peg fees paid up front and pools paid for the last match
Back to today and not the draw bag and out comes peg 6 AGAIN, same peg as last match, I wasn't complaining as I came third off it so hopefully today would be the same or better, for company I had John barker on 5 who was fishing one handed as he has just had an op on the tendons in his fishing hand , and the other side on 7 was dave wrides aged apprentice , Mike Owens. The knockout draw was a bit harsh as I drew dave wride who is my pairs partner for this series , and he was on 21 with no one on 20/22 or 23 so plenty of room for him , which can be an advantage on any fishery.
Last match here I did have a lot of quality roach and a tench fishing over to the island just down the slope a bit in 4 foot of water, so a .4g rig was assembled for that , and a .6g rig for in the deep water. At 5 and 13 mtrs for caster at 5 mtrs and soft pellet at 13. Both rigs had size 18 middy 6313 hooks on .10. At the start I cupped in some groundbait and caster at 5 mtrs , some groundbait with micros at 13 mtrs slightly to my left and some caster and dry groundbait at 13 mtrs on the island slope, starting at 5 mtrs with caster was no good , 25 mins of that and not the mearest hint of a bite, I put double maggot on and shipped out to 13 mtrs , 2 small roach later and I tried a soft pellet but the wind was really strong blowing in and across me , making any presentation all but impossible, mike Owens was getting some small skims on pellet , but he was able to fish directly into the wind so at least his float was staying relatively still. Also John to my right had caught one of the bigger bream, so I was behind again , the same as last week. So I made the decision to go with the caster line on the island slope, again I started getting some nice roach and odd good perch, about two hours in, I hooked a tench which after a few seconds broke my hook length halfway down the line , so I think it must have gone through a snag, bugger, I kept plugging away on the caster line catching roach or 12oz and a couple of 1lb perch, two hours from the end I hooked a tench , no mistake with this one and it was safely netted, so I was back in the mix as far as the section goes, mikes skimmers had buggered off now leaving him biteless, John had now had three bream so I was still well behind him, or so I thought , 30 mis from the end the wind eased a bit so I went out on the soft pellet line , I had three tiny skimmers then hooked another tench , a bit bigger than the last one , and I must admit I thought it was a rogue carp as it went miles up to my right, then it stopped shook it's head and came back, nice, so with that safely netted I reckoned on being at least second in the section, with John now adding a couple of decent skimmers to his three bream I reckoned I was still second, all out was called so I had to wait for the scales. Top weight in the section was Harry muire with 12 lb when I got my net out I new I had that but was suprised when the scales settled on24.13, which was enought o win the match on the day , just beating dave wride who had 24.6 he didn't expect to be knocked out with that sort fofweight
3rd was Paul barnfield on 14 wth 22.6
4th mike nicholls on 31 wth 21.7
5th John smith on 16 with 20.2
6th John barker on 5 with19.8

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