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Sunday, 8 March 2015

Viaduct winter league final round

A quick mention for Paul greenwood who has decided to leave the fishery , he has done a good job the time he has spent there, it's hard work and perhaps his age has finally caught up with him, we wish him all the best in streets maccy d,s drive through .
My turn on match lake today and I was happy to finish the series on this lake as it has been improving  and with a nice mild day forecast I thought it would be ok, into the draw tin and out comes number 19 which gives us pegs, 132/102/71/52 and 15, I was on 52 which used to be a fovourite peg back in the day, but it's been a bit difficult in recent years, for company I had don Sutherland on 51 and dan squire round the corner on 40, meat has been the bait on here recently so I had some cut up into 6mm bits, I made a rig to use at 13 mtrs in front and at 14 mtrs to my left using dan as a marker, a margin rig was made as I had loads of room to my left ,and I set up a wag to fish to the corner of the island , At the start I cupped in some meat on the two lines then tried a bit of bread sodding down the margin, first thing I had was a big branch then I bumped something which I thought was probably a branch of slightly smaller size, I then missed a couple of bites before having a small roach, I tried it for a bit longer but apart from a couple of uncertain dips which I put down to roach it was a none starter , so I fed some corn and caster done there, I did try it a couple of times during the match but never a touch, so no more of that then, I had a try on the wag but with the wind blowing left to right and trying to keep the wag near the island not going to plan , that was binned fairly quickly , although I did get and f1 on it and a couple of plippy roach, don had caught a couple of small carp on the tip and dan was already on the pole fishing meat and catching a few. I switched to the pole and meat and soon had a bite which resulted in a 5lb carp, my next two bites came from carp so I reckoned I had put 3 fish in the net for at least 12 lb, a good start. Then it was f1,s taking the bait , and I had a nice 2 hours catching some nice f1,s, kindering some meat on both lines and alternating between the left hand line and in front. After about an hour the left hand swim dried, so I was now concentrating on the straight in front line, dan on 40 was now catching well, as was ray Hayward on 50, also Jason Radford on47 was doing well, after an hour in front that line also went a bit pear shaped, I went front putting fish into the regularly , to not putting anything in the net , in fact I was getting no bites at all, dan was still catching as was ray , and to make matters worse don was now catching f1,s well but he was fishing more to his right towards ray, by the end I new I had been beaten by the people around me and I didn't really understand why the swim just stopped, perhaps they just weren't there in numbers or more likely it was something I did as we just don't get the practice catching f1,s as there aren't to many waters around here with a big enough head of them to do it.
Or lakes fished really well with dan being top with 85lb ray was second with 75 then the weights went 69/65/46 with lots of thirties and twenties, my net went 40lb giving me 13 points out of 19. I didn't wait for the results so I am not to sure as to who won and what with, possibly Chris Davis on 125 would have won as I think he had 20 odd carp, Chris fox,s blog , maesknoll matchfishing or dom Sullivan's caught short blog will show the results.

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