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Monday, 13 July 2015

Short pole series round 3

Back to chilton trinity again today to see the ever expanding misha herring who s extend ting her first child in November (I think).
A full house again today with 28 fishing, I am now in with no chance of framing in the league so I was hoping for a good draw and try and recoup some money in the daily pools, so I let misha draw for me again , as I did last match and I ended up in 18 which isn't favourable , it's on the top bank and the deepest part of the lake, even the margins are deep with no flat spots, so what peg does she draw me ,19 , that's the last time she draws of me, it's been one of the worst pegs in the series, plus it's obviously next to 18 so it has the same problems with the depths out and in, for company I had the gimp on 20 and Jason Radford on 18, with pb Rayner on 14, Martin (treent) lenaghan on 15 , mike west on 17 so that was some fish that were going to be fed in that area then, and danger man grain Edmunds on form peg 22, so that should be the section gone then, and to make matters worse I could see the whole lake and see who was catching.
Rigs today were a margin one for each side as it was different depths , a shallow stalker just incase but I wasn't to confident in that as I had white water in front making spotting cruisers impossible to spot, and a deep rig for 6 mtrs.
At the start I cupped in some 6,s on the long line and cupped in some 8,s into each margin it fish as tight as could into the reeds.
Starting on the deep line I soon had a 2lb skimmer on 8mm banded pellet shortly followes a slightly smaller one, and that was my lot for the first 90 mins, then I had a big f1 from the margin,but I was going nowhere and or wasn't looking as though it was going to improve anytime soon.
Trig had mugged a couple by now and both ken and Martin had a couple aswell, but the 4 of us on this top bank were really struggling , even the gimp had only had a couple of roach by this time fishing caster!!!.
Out if desperation I cupped in a really big pot of caster on the long line and started feeding heavier in the margins, I now had fizzing on the long line and some liners and I lost a couple of foulers then had a good on in the mouth also I had a few from the margins and another on the long line, so going into the last hour I was probably winning the section, then Craig began to catch on meat in his magin, also ken was beginning to get some action over his marginal groundbait line.
Trig soon overtook me but at was a bit nip and tuck with ken, I did hook a fish with 5 mins to go in the long line , and it was in the mouth, I played it carefully as I new it would be crucial, but as it went down the inside line where I new there were some snags , the hook length parted, bugger.
And it was crucial as trig ended up second in the match meaning ken won the section with 44lb to my 41lb .
1st on the day went to mike nicholls on 31 with 15 carp for 110.2. All on his topkit and paste rig from his left hand margin, FairPlay to him he is also winning the league with three section wins , it really seems to be water which suites his styles admirably .
2nd Craig Edmunds 59.8 on peg 22
3rd glen bailey on peg 4 with 52.15
4th Paul elmes on 3 with 52.13
5th Gordon canning on 7 with 52.4
6th rod wootten on 2 with 46.10
Vic bush standing in for Clint wojtyla on peg 30 with 23.9 of skimmers on worm and caster with a bit of groundbait

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