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Monday, 10 August 2015

Short pole series final match

Back to chilton trinity again for this final match, I had little or no chance of framing overall in the series unless all the people above failed to show and I still won my section, so I thought I would fish for silvers today as there was an end of league final payment for the best silvers weight .
I let misha draw for me again and I was hoping to avoid the top bank, and for once she didn't disappoint , and handed me 23 , two pegs out of the corner, for company I had mike (square ass) nicholls on another corner peg on 22 and Tim ford on 24. Mike was going into this match at the top of the league and needed at least a second in section to sow the league up , but with Craig Edmunds in his section on 14 second was probably the best result he could get as trig has been on fire all summer. With a silvers approach in mind I set up a .6g rig to fish worm and caster over groundbait, a caster rig for top set range for caster and a pellet rig for the margins each side. At the start is popped in 2 balls at max pole range(6mtrs) laced with worm and caster, I made the balls hard as it was about 7 foot deep. Fed a few pellets each side and started on the short caster rig, had a few small roach quickly but with copious amounts of fizz developing over the g bait, I was soon shipping out with a piece of worm on the hook, but nothing happened, hmm. By now trig opposite on 14 was beginning to catch , and it seemed everywhere he decided to fish he was catching a carp, and as far as I could see no one else was getting much joy. My section was turning into a bit of a mare as I could catch a thing , and to make matters worse there were some fish coming out on paste around me , I,m not going to bore you with to much detail of my match as nothing really happened, the silvers never showed for  me and apart for two carp from the margins my day was a monumental none event , trig caught right to the end, mike to my right struggled and Tim ford and glen bailey to my left battled it out for the section with a bit of a paste fest. By the end it was obvious trig had sealed the match and series as mike was looking at third in section at best as kev molten on 17 had caught well.
1st on the day went to trig with 135.6 on peg 14 catching all his fish on banded pellet, he also won the knockout and the biggest weight in the series aswell as cruising to an easy win in the overalls,
So well done to him, Avon angling trained is all I can say.
2nd kev molten on 17 with 81.14
3rd Tom mangnall on 7 with 64.13
4th Tim ford on 24 with 56.10
5th mike west (think) 52.12
6th glen bailey with 50plus something
Paul faieres on 12 with 22.10
Craig Edmunds
Mike nicholls
Paul elmes
Chris fox
Bela bakos
It turned out to be a good series but not for me , with 28 fishing it was popular and the venue is booked again for next year on the same dates, so book early to avoid disappointment.
Next Sunday I am running a match at landsend fishery on the match lake and number 3(johns water),
So to book ring or txt me on 07974807941 , also the annual gary wall memorial match is being run at the fishery on Monday 31 August (bank holiday Monday) so again to book in ring or txt me or ring mike at the fishery on 07977545882 to book in.

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