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Monday, 31 August 2015

Bank holiday weekend, double blog it is then

first match was on Sunday and it was the last of the float only leagues at viaduct on Campbell and Cary, twenty on each, two no shows today , one with a valid excuse and the other I don't have a clue about, all it takes is a txt or a call to say they can't make it , rather than having me waiting outside his house for no reason it seems, any way that's enough of me griping . Rightly or wrongly I let Chris fox draw for me today and he handed me peg 102 on Cary which is the aerater peg, not to bad a draw , I was lying joint second going into this match and nothing less than a section win was needed to keep me there , but I was in a section with Shaun Townsend and steve tucker who were on the same points as me , but I had a big weight advantage over them. It was an interesting if a bit annoying match due to the foulers but we were all suffering the same. I had a few on the wag , one on meat and some shallow and deep on the long pole line , ending up with 14 carp and double figures of skimmers , both Shaun and Neil mercer both had 14 carp as well but I was a bit worried as mine seemed to be on the small side for this lake , where they normally average 10 lb or more but mine certainly didn't today , I hoped the skims would make the difference, but alas no Niels 14 fish went 159lb , Shaun's went 158lb and mine went 121lb and skimmers went 15lb for 136 total and third in section, I thought I may have done just enough  to scrape into the overall monies, trig won the match off peg 76 with 175.4 , giving him a maximum section point of 25 so he also won the league , well done to him , he is certainly flying this year .
2nd Chris fox on 115 with 173.13
3rd Chris Davis on 116 with 170.13
4th steve seater on 118 with 162.2
5th niel mercer on 97 with 159.11
6th Shaun Townsend on 100 with 158.3
Gordon canning on 127 with 31.5
Craig Edmunds 25 pts
Tim ford 24 Pte
Chris Davis 23pts 794lb
Shaun Townsend 23 pts 540lb
Tony Rixon 22pts 738lb
Gary Oshea 22pts 428lb
Bank holiday Monday , Gary wall memorial match, landsend fishery.
We had 28 fishing today so Mike let us put 14 on match and number three, so plenty of room, I waited till nearly the end to draw and pulled peg 7 for myself , it's a peg I enjoy but it tends to be a bit of a slow burner with the swim tending to get stronger the longer the match goes on, and today was no different  ,it is normally possible to catch over against the island on the shelf , but today they didn't really want it there or it could have been the fish didn't want to be around this side  the island , I did start catching late but it was a 16 mtr reach to my left and the corner of the island , but it didn't
happen until I really upped the feed , forcing it a bit , but it seemed to have the desired effect as more fish were turning up in the shallow water , and anton page who was opposite me on the other side of the island really began to struggle , I looked as though the fish had come round for some grub, but anton looked to have done enough as he had been catching steadily all match,
In fact he had done enough and won with 197.2, catching shallow towards the island on banded pellet
2nd Tom mangnall on 21 with 179.4
3rd Craig Edmunds on 62 with 154.7
4th Russ. Peck on 15 with 149.11
5th Nick duckett on 19 with 136.2
6th Ken rayner on 13 with 135.13
7th Alan roam on 1 with 99lb
8th me with 98lb
Silvers went Chris fox on 9 with 30.4 of skimmers on his top kit just in front of his nets on double caster

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