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Monday, 17 August 2015

Sunday open landsend fishery

Just about enough of us today to use the match lake and half of number 3 lake (johns water). Not really minding where I drew I waited for the last ticket and opened up 17 on the match lake , for company I had venue regular Andy he brow on 19 and the complan kid Adrian Jeffery on 15 so good company .
Rigs today were a shallow stalker (never caught on) a margin rig for pellet in my right hand margin in about 8/10 inches of water, a meat rig for 6 meters at 10 and 2 o,clock angles and a pellet rig for the far side against the island where it was about 15 inches deep. At the start I fed some 6,s into the margin , started catapulting some to the far side , but started on the meat lines, it took about 20 mins to land my first carp, whereas Andy had started against the island and was probably 3 or 4 fish up on me already so I was playing catchup already, I stayed with the meat lines for a little over an hour but with Andy still catching and with the close lines not going well enough to keep up I had to change, I could see odd fish in the margins so I went down there first and was rewarded with an 8lb fish, although I was behind Andy I thought my fish looked a tad bigger than his island fish, so I wasn't a million miles behind, but as expected the margins were proving difficult to catch well as it was so shallow , so most of the match was spent swapping between the island and the margin, but only going into the margin when I saw some fish arrive, Paul Elmer's up on 13 was catching well but judging by the Chris fox Tourette's type outbursts he was losing some aswell, as for the third lake I thought it may be fishing well as no one was bank walking , I caught steadily up to the end with the swim getting better towards the end, it had been a bit of a nip and tuck with Andy on 19 but. With me possibly having the better finish I thought I may have just edged it, we were both admitting to 160lb but I hoped my nets would go a bit more, as it turned out I did just beat him by 10 ish as my nets went 188lb and that was going over in one net by ten pounds, and I think I only had 15 or 16 fish in that net.
I must apologise for not having the correct weights as I lost the weigh sheets somewhere between the fishery and home ,
1st on the day went to the always inform Craig edmunds with 250lb off peg 51, he had about 60 carp on pellet across and down his margin
2nd was me with 188lb
3rd Andy hembrow with 178lb
4th Paul Elmes on 13 with 146lb
5th Dave roper on 55 with 145lb
6th glen bailey 141lb on 46
7th mike Nicholls on 7 with 104lb
Silvers went to rod Wooten on 5 with 25lb
Thursday I am running another at Avalon , it's the normal 9.30 draw so ring or text me on 07974807941 to book in or you can always ring me in Veals on 01179260790.
Rules as last time no fishing or feeding of any buoyant or floating baits including bread and all imitations and artificials

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