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Sunday, 7 February 2016

Landsend league, round 3

I must admit its a good job they have opened the cafe at the fishery as I drove past lillypool at 7.45 and it was still shut, I think they are missing a trick there !!!!!!.
I must say Diane has got a nice breakfast sorted out, quick tasty and hot, job done.
My turn on match lake today , so into the relevant draw bucket and I pull out peg 24, another corner , but with some resident fish always on the end bank in was confident of a few, but on my recent form nothing was guaranteed.
For company I had organiser Ken ranger on 22 and Dave hodgson opposite on 1.
All a bit muddy and the Brolly was up solely to keep my stuff dry, but unbelievably it never rained , well not enough to threaten anything.
Rigs today were a meat rig to fish 13 and 14 mtrs out slightly to my left and on the end of the trees in front , also at 14 mtrs, a hard pellet rig for slightly up the end bank shelf at 13 mtrs in about 3 foot of water, a caster rig for 5 5mtrs, and I did make up another caster rig to fish to empty peg 23,
At the start I fed very carefully, meat on the three long lines, a few pellets along the end bank, fired a few casters to the empty pallet to my leg left, then picked up the 5 mtr caster rig,
That never went to plan, it took me 25 mins to get a bite, which was a small roach, soon followed by several more, Ken had a carp on pellet across by the island, but Dave was still fish less by now, I then lost a good skimmer at the net, it was one of those which comes off just out of range of the net, then just lays on the top for what seems like ages before swimming off, probably chuckling to itself.
That line went quiet , so I tried the meat lines, I had a go at 13 and 14 mtrs but never had a bite, so in tried the 14 mtrs line by the trees and lost a fouler, then nothing else, so I had a go on the pellet line against the end bank, that also was a none starter, here we go again then as Dave opposite was beginning to get a few, so the quid was looking dodgy. I went back out on the 13 mtr meat line and had a carp, but no more bites on that line, Ken was also struggling after his lone early carp, then he went down to the empty swim between us on PRAWN, and bigger me if he didn't get a 3lb bream, so I had a look down there and had a 8oz perch on caster, and a few sensible roach, Dave on 1 was still putting fish in his net and offering me lessons if I felt the need, but the last 2 hours came good for me, I had two more carp on meat one at 14 mtrs out to the left and one by the trees at 14 mtrs, I also had two big skimmers down by 23 pallet , and rounded off the match by having 7 more carp down along the end bank on banded 6mm over a few 4,s, and it was enough to win the section with 56lb, in front of Dale housen on peg 5 with 45lb which included top silver's weight on the day with 18lb of f1,s and skimmers, just beating Ken next to me who had a late run of skimmers  for 17lb , he did lose two late bream which cost him on the day. Top weight today went to inform Adrian Jeffery on peg 16 with 110.12 , catching on meat out in front to begin with then down his edge
2nd was trig Edmunds on 51 with 103.14 also on meat
3rd Andy hembrow on 13 with100.14 also on meat
4th Mark poppleton on 31 with 72.8
5th Nick merry on 33 with 68.9
6th me 56.8
Adrian with part of his catch, well done to him

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