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Sunday, 6 November 2016

Todber manor pairs rnd 2

Partnering Ken rayner for this series, the intention was to leave my house at 6.45 so we could have a leisurely breakfast at cannards well, but Ken couldn't get his sorry ass out of bed and was 15 mins late, but we still had enough time , my official photographer in the shape of wifey , Judith also came along for the ride, fair play to her as it was going to be a cold one with a biting northerly wind forecast. I fancied a peg with my back to the wind and wasn't disappointed when I pulled out peg 45,
3 rigs today  . A pellet rig for on the deck at 13 mtrs in 3 spots , 9, 11 and 1 o'clock angles and a meat rig for 5 mtrs to the left just down the shelf in just over 3 foot of water, and a maggot rig for the long lines and a it would do the 5 mtr line in front as it is all the same depth.
At the start I fed all lines , but began on maggot at 5 mtrs over micros, after I had , a couple of small silver's soon had me dropping that rig in favour, yes favour of a go on the method, especially as Nick ewers on 48 was catching on it from the start, but 30 mins on that with only a couple of liners to show it was back out on the pole , but at 13 mtrs with banded 6mm over hard 4,s, I was getting odd bites but it was proving difficult, Nick merry to my left on 43 was putting his local knowledge to good use and catching well on the pole, but he did look cold as the wind was blowing into his peg, every now and then the sun would come through the clouds making it feel quite nice.
I was getting enough bites to do well but I was missing some quality, I really needed some bigger carp but it just never happened, the two nicks, merry and ewers had some good fish and Steve nadin on 49 also had some big fish down his edge towards the end , but I had to make do with stockies and gold fish.
No matter what in did I couldn't get any of the big fish I needed so by the end I was looking at 4th in section at best, and that's how I ended with my 32lb coming 4th in section, with Nick ewers winning the section with Nick merry second and Steve nadin third, the top three framers came off ash lake, but considering this was our first really cold snap it was ok. Weigh sheets below.

Viaduct silver's league could be interesting next Sunday if we keep with the cold snap, hopefully the wind will change direction by then !!!!!!

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