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Sunday, 20 November 2016

Todber manor pairs series, rnd 3

Three in th a van today as Chris Fox joined me and Ken rayner as his van has an intermittent fault, so after loading up it was off to cannards well for breakfast, and in the absence of the miserable old git who used to do the food and seemed to enjoy upsetting his staff the food was nice and the ambience 100 per cent better, we got to the fishery with about 10 mins to spare so just right.
I was in c section today and as long as I drew above 53 I didn't mind , as 52 and 53 are down in the end of a bay and last match the pegs were last and last but one in the section, and with the chilly breeze blowing down there I thought it may be hard again, so into the draw tin and out comes peg 53, not what I wanted , but you never can tell, as the little buggers do have fins and sometimes move about, for company I was next to venue expert Nick merry who was also moaning a bit, but not to much as he had three empty pegs to his left, so at least he had a lot to draw from, my peg was nearly against the end bank so I was going to rely on a few (hopefully) sneaking past Nick.
I set up 2 rigs, one for banded pellet at 13 mtrs to my right slightly , just at the bottom of the end bank shelf, and another for 6 mtrs in front for maggot over micros and the same rig would do for corn again at 13 mtrs out to the left, and of course I had to put together the obligatory method feeder.
After feeding the pole lines I fished the method feeder for 35 mins but with only a 4oz ghostie to show for my efforts I was soon reaching for the pole, I started on the short line with maggot, and lost a good fish straight away, but it felt fouled, then it was plippy roach, but they were going to do me no good so I all but binned that line, the remainder of the match was spent mainly on the pellet line at 13 mtrs, with an odd look over the corn line, but banded 6mm over 4,s seemed the best, the corn line fish were a bit smaller, with the small tench being a bit of a nuisance, I even had a gudgeon on corn !!!!!. Both Nick and myself caught well for most of the match, no quality just plenty of small carp, with nothing over 1lb, my swim began to fade about 45 mins from the end whereas Nick had a good spell burning that time. So I thought he had beaten me, and he did as he weighed 48lb to my 41, neither of us expected to do any good as the anglers over on the road bank which is in the same section, were catching bigger fish, but surprisingly we were second and third in the section with just Fred Roberts beating us with 60 odd pounds so well done to him, as seems normal the top weight came off ash lake with n white catching 90.12 from peg 67. Alan oram got second spot from hillview 45 with 76.8, weigh sheets below, there plenty of fish caught all round the lakes showing what a good venue this is.

1 comment:

  1. whats the world coming to,Trump getting elected an d Tony fishing a method feeder,its all going pear shaped
