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Thursday, 19 January 2017

Huntstrete silver's league

After the normal all you can eat breakfast at the maesknoll Toby carvery in whitchurch village it was the ten minute drive to the fishery, a full house again today with 24 fishing, I was in A section again today which is both banks at the top end of the lake, I wanted to avoid the two far end pegs if poss as they can be dire, I waited till nearly the end to draw and wasn't disappointed to pull 32 for myself, its the end peg in the section with and empty peg aswell, so all good, it won the section with a lowly 1.11 last match , but we had to break ice to fish then, although it was cold and frosty there was no ice, and one or two fish were topping, to my left I had the old Bristol angling icon that is Mike Jones, the end crap pegs were occupied by Steve tanner on 34 and opposite Paul barnfield was on peg 2, was he moaning , you bet he was.
As with the last match it was out of the sun in these swims and the ground stayed frozen all day, it was cold !!!!.
Only 2 rigs set up, a .4g as5 caster rig for down the right hand margin and a .5g as5 to fish maggot or pinkie over groundbait, where to fish was going to be a problem as the sun was causing the trees reflection on the far side to cause a myriad of colours making float spotting really difficult.
So I fed two lines at the start , one at 13 mtrs in front and another at 14 mtrs to my right towards the reflection of the island where I could see the float, both lines had one ball of groundbait with a sprinkling of pinkies and caster, I also started feeding a few casters to my right just down the margin shelf, it didn't take to long to get a bite and a 4oz skimmer was soon netted , soon followed by another, and the first hour produced several more but the size halved for some reason, as far as the match went it was quite enjoyable , the 1 to 4oz skimmers fed quite well with double fluro pinkie being the destination hookbait, I had my best fish down the edge on caster in the shape of 3 net roach and an 8oz perch, those 4 fish probably went 1.12 , so bonus fish at this end of the lake, Mike to my left had a decent perch of about 1.8 but he did struggle a bit. Only Dave Gillard over on 3 was catching so I looked to be winning the section, Paul barnfield tried moaning some fish on and he did manage 8oz of whitebait, but he was last but one in the section, as Steve on 34 took an early bath, weigh sheets below show it fished a bit better this time but thus end of the lake still seems to be the place to avoid, several anglers at the other end had bigger skimmers, but I'm not moaning as I weighed 7.5 to win the section from Dave Gillard who had 4.11, followed by Mike Jones who had 4.1.

Roll on Sunday , Landsend winter league, my turn on speci lake , so any corner or 31 and 34 would be my pegs of choice.

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