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Thursday, 16 February 2017

Huntstrete silver's league

After the 4 star breakfast at the Toby carvery , very nice it was the ten minute drive to the fishery, my turn in C section so pegs 12 to 19, into the draw and I pull out peg 15, very good as its been the most consistent peg in the series so far, that's according to Mike Jones who was to my right today, his day didn't begin to well, as when he got to his peg he needed a pee, it was only then that he realised he had put his trousers on back to front, so the zip was at the back, how I love fishing with old people LOL.
On the other side was steve(shreck) tanner who has taken great pains at every opportunity to remind me that he beat me into second place in the section last round, today should be different as my peg has a lot more form, time will tell.
As we were pegged on a corner peg it may have been awkward as I'm left handed so our poles may come to blows as we shipped back, but luckily I had two of the mosella 70cm flat rollers which are probably the tallest flat rollers on the market , extending to 5 feet, so I went really high and Steve went really low, all good then and no carbon collisions.
Back to the swim and only two rigs, a 1gram drennan as7 which seems like a nice float as I've used them a few times now, and the other was a .5g as5 for close in in 6 foot of water, hooks were the new guru f1 maggot hooks in a size 20 on .10 line, at the start I cupped a couple of balls of groundbait at 13 mtrs on 2 lines at 11 and 1 o'clock angles, and fed a few casters close. Beginning no the 11 angle I had a bite after a few minutes which resulted in a 10 oz skimmer hitting the net, good start, I think Mike Nicholls on the peg opposite was on his third skimmer and was soon playing a tench, so a good start for him but luckily he wasn't in my section. As seems normal with this venue, its hard to string to many fish together and you need to keep feeding a bit and moving around between lines to keep odd fish coming, and you need to catch quality fish, with skimmers being the fish of choice, luckily I managed to catch a few and looked in a strong position to win the section as the match progressed, the first half was the best with it getting virtually impossible to get a bite on any of my groundbait lines , I even tried opening up new lines but the fish had disappeared, about 90 mins from the end I cupped some casters close to the island in 6 foot of water which was 14 mtrs away, and did get some good roach towards the end of the match, with several going 8oz or bigger they weren't to be sneezed at, by the end I had double figures which was going to be more than enough to win the section, but not the match as John (frugal) fuidge was going to win as he had 22.7 of quality skimmers off peg 8.
2nd was Steve Dawson on 32 with 18lb
3rd Dave wride on peg 3 with 15.15
4th me with 14lb
5th des shipp with 13.5 on peg 10 with 13.5
6th Chris rolfe on peg 28 with 12.14
On the whole it fished better than the previous rounds , but I'm not to sure Paul barnfield on peg 19 would agree, he couldn't even moan any fish on, and boy can he moan, he makes des shipp sound like an amateur , and that's an achievement.
Weigh sheets below.

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