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Sunday, 19 February 2017

Landsend league rnd 4

Got to the fishery in plenty of time to enjoy one of di,s 4.5 star breakfasts, which again tasted even better as Judith paid for it.
It was a random draw for this round , and as Judith drew me a right flyer last time (13) I let her draw my peg again, but her drawing arm fell right off, as she pulled out peg 46 on lake three, probably the worst peg in the section, if not the lake, but as I had plenty of room I fancied it for a few , never really expecting better than 3rd in section which wasn't going to be good enough to keep me in contention for any end of league monies, realistically only a section win would be good enough, for company I had trig Edmunds on peg 42 and me old mate Clayton Hudson on 51.
A few rigs were assembled, a maggot off the deck against the island, meat rigs for down the middle at 14 mtrs each side, and one for down the margin, then a hard pellet rig for on the deck if the maggot off the deck rig didn't work.
At the start I went straight across to try and get an early mug fish on the maggot, and I did hook one first put in, shame it obviously wasn't close to the mouth, although it stayed attached for a while I was of the opinion it was coming off and it did, so back out but no more bites, so I went to the corner of the other island to my right which is in front of 45, and after a few minutes hooked one properly which was duly netted, n these fish have nice colour this time of year due to the clear water, it wasn't a big fish, probably about 5lb.
But apart from a small perch which fell off that was the end of the off the deck rig, so o it onto the pellet rig but apart from a couple of skimmers and an f1 that was a waste of time , by now Mike duckett on peg one was winning the silver's and be eating me , trig was on 1 carp , Clayton had had a couple and rod Wootton on 55 had caught a few, so a few carp would make all the difference, I would like to say it went to plan, but it never, I did hook a carp on meat to my left down the middle, but that fell off for no apparent reason, and that was my only indication on those lines each side, I did have earned slight glimmer when I had a couple of carp on maggot fishing in the shallow water in the gap ,but apart from a few small roach that was it, but never mind I always had my banker swim in the margin fishing meat, but I had to wait till about 30 minutes from the end to get my first bite, and that was from an f1, not the much needed carp I expected.
And that was it, match over, series over, last in section with 20lb, Mike duckett on 41 had 23lb including 16lb of silver's.which was top silver's weight on the lake, trig was second on the lake and second in section with 51lb, me with 20, Clayton had 27 then lake and section winner was rod wootten on peg 55 with 78lb, well done matey.
Top weight on the day was the caught by the irrepressible Bob gullick on form peg 13 on the match lake with 156.13, catching mostly on meat at 14 mtrs, and second was Nick duckett on 7 with 129.14 also on meat, plenty of pics today as Judith was with me , sporting her new muck boots in a very fetching pink.
All the weigh sheets are below, the venue didn't fish as well as expected, but two warm days aren't really enough to warm the water enough to make the fish feed well, as some of the weights show.

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