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Tuesday, 7 February 2017

Tuesday costcutter acorn fishery

After a decent breakfast in the bridge in yatton (3.5 stars), where I was joined by Adriano mercato, Lee Waller and Mark poppleton so the banter was fair, it was off to the fishery, only a dozen today which was a bit disappointing as its the last mild day for a while if we can believe the met office. It was soon draw time which Ray bazeley takes control of with his ball bag of doom.
Adriano was first in the queue to enter rays ball bag, I waited till near the end and pulled out rays number 1 ball, not really y to happy as it hasn't been producing much recently, but as fishery boss Bart was telling me , they have fins and do move, we will see.
I took a while to get ready as the swim has a lot of options, too many for my liking to be honest.

 Margins each side , a couple of empty pallets to fish to, 2 and 35, far side and various places down the track, main bait (well only bait) was maggots, normally its possible to keep rotating round the swims picking off odd fish, never spending to long in one area, but today it never happened atall, I did get odd fish but they were on the small side, with my biggest going about 3lb, I was never in contention today, especially as Mike Owens on peg 5 had a few nice fish, especially towards the end from his margin, he ended up the winner on the day with 35.5, so well done to him on a difficult day.
2nd was Mike Chapman on 22 again with 25lb
3rd Mark poppleton on 12 with 22.14
4th Lee Waller on peg 9 with 21.13
5th (our) Mark Thomas on peg 6 with 18.11
6th was me with 17.2
Silver's winner
Ed wynne on 37 with 2.1 lb made up of a mixed bag of roach and goldfish
Oh well off to viaduct on fSunday and there may be chance the ice breakers will be out again, either way it's going to be very cold.

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