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Sunday, 17 December 2017

Double header Xmas matches

The first Xmas match of the weekend saw me and Judith heading south for the todber manor extravaganza, a stop off at cannards was a bit disappointing, so only a three on the rating for that one.
Got to the fishery in plenty of time to enjoy the free hospitality laid on by John and his crew, the mince pies were nice , but he asked me not to rate the coffee, (lol). Good to meet up with some people I haven't seen in a while, which is always good.
With nearly 80 fishing I wasn't to worried where I drew , but I did fancy a go on whitepost, only as I have never fished it before and there are some match winning pegs on the two lakes, I sent Judith into the melee which was the draw queue, and it took her a while to get out, and she reappeared no where near where she entered the queue looking a tad disshevelled.
I opened it up to see peg 20, white post bottom lake , happy with that, but I was informed by several locals I was a couple of pegs out as I was just as the lake narrows , further on there are some old weedbeds which the fish like at this time of year, the walk down to the peg was hard ,(by commercial fishery standards) , down hill through a soft mud spot which sucked the trolley down to the axle, so after a bit of huffing and puffing I got to the swim, with Judith giving me an earbashing as we would be sat in the shade all day, excuse me but I never drew it.

It looked ok to me, but our very own elf on the shelf, Gary o,Shea who was on the start of the good pegs said me and the people to my right would really struggle, but you never know.
Two rigs today, .2g for maggot in a couple of areas, one across at 13 mtrs at the bottom of the far shelf, same rig for of to the right at 16 mtrs, and a dobbing rig for across,  well to be honest it was a very quiet 5 hours , as I was informed it may be, I had my first bite after 30 minutes which was a pretty koi of about 1 1/2 lb (10.30).
Next bite as 8lb mirror at 11.45, both these fish came from the right had 16 mtr line, then I had to wait till the last 30 minutes for three more bites and three more carp in the net, ending up with 23lb, for no good, the lake was won further up as expected with "smiling" John fuidge doing well with 70lb of corn caught fish, then that naughty elf Gary o,Shea was second on the lake with 60lb. Well done to them. To my right there was only three fish caught between the for anglers, including venue professional, Nigel Sanders on the end peg, I decided to walk the other way back to avoid the mud pit, got that wrong, it was a long slippery walk up hill to the Carpark, Terry leney came and gave me pull lol.
Getting back to the results it turned out John came second on the day being beaten dynamic Jamie parkhouse on peg 90 (homeground) winning with 71lb, well done matey.
John was second, Gary third and Vince Brown was fourth off 48 hillview with just over 50lb,
As expected from John and his crew at the fishery it was a well run match with a prize for everyone, so well done to them,
Onto Sunday and it was clevedon Xmas match being held on the paddock lake at acorn fishery, breakfast and draw was in the bridge inn at yatton, nice to have it in the dry and warm, but they seemed a bit understaffed and the breakfast suffered a bit, (3), got into the draw and pulled out peg 9 on the road side,

nice short walk after yesterday's comp, only an out 10 mtrs, good peg at times but a bit narrow for my liking, only 11 mtrs wide, but you never know (again). I won't take to long writing this as I ended up with the same as yesterday, 23lb, one f1, 4 carp , a skimmer and a roach, which was enough to pick up the 50 quid section money, much to Chris Fox,s annoyance as two of my carp were fouled, and his three went 21 1/2 lb (unlucky), the match was won by Ivan Currie on peg 6 with 71lb catching on dobbed bread by the bridge , as was second and third, 66lb and 60lb, I didn't get the weigh sheets for either match, sorry about that, ivans angle blog will probably have today's sheets.
Again the match was well run with a prize for everyone , so a big well done to the committee and helpers of the clevedon club,
It's good to see two well run matches and well supported aswell,

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