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Saturday, 30 December 2017

Todber manor Saturday open

Travelled down with with Jason again today, and decided to try poppins cafe in Gillingham, especially after last week's rubbish in waitrose, it opens at 8 on a Saturday, which is just right for a 9o,clock draw, and I must say it was very nice , all the food was freshly cooked and the place was very clean and bright with friendly staff, so a 4.25 from me, and I will go back.
Onto the fishery , getting there about 15 mins before the draw, so plenty of time to accept Nigel Sanders side bet for 2 quid, a pound on silver,s and one on carp, due to the fishery forecast for gales I had intended to give the silvers a go if I drew a peg where the wind would make it all but impossible to fish the pole or waggler for carp, into the bucket and out comes peg 56, nice , wind off my back,

so I thought I may get a few carp on the 13 mtr line on banded  pellet , as I did last week on 58. So a .5g  rig was put together for that, also I made up a silver,s rig for 2+2 for caster or maggot over groundbait. At the start i cupped in some 4,s at 13mtrs, and 3 balls of groundbait on the short line, I decided to go straight out on the pellet line , hoping it was going to be the same as last week, and I was soon attached to a feisty 4lb ghostie, next put in and I was briefly foul hooked into another carp, and that was my lot on that line,
So I came back into the short line and caught straight away, on caster or maggot, I did get a 2lb  skimmer from here but it was my only one from there, I was catching small roach (2oz) virtually every put in, but it was going to be to slow, especially as I could see gary(the mighty atom) o,Shea on 52 catching roach of a slightly better stamp than me, so 90mins in I got off my box and made up a .4g drennan float with a bulk and two droppers to fish a topset to hand, as I thought these small roach wouldn't mind coming up the shelf a bit, so I plumbed up and found about a mtr of water and began feeding caster,
And I fished it for virtually the rest of the match, I did keep trying the long pellet line just to make sure I got both pounds off Nigel as I could see he was struggling to cope with the wind over on 36, tough life.
I had a nice day catching some lovely roach up to 12oz , three 1lb skimmers and a perch of about the same size, so by the end I was fairly confident of winning the silvers, as gary had also struggled with the wind and tow, I reckoned I had about 30lb of silvers and was amazingly close for me as the net went 30.10 and my 5 small carp went 13.2, for a 43.12 total.

 So into the king of the manor silver,s final it is then, the match was won by Pete boothby on 60 with 66.1 . Weigh sheets below.

Next match is scheduled to be next Sunday for the Landsend league, but if anyone can't make the last round of the Todber manor silver,s league next Saturday, get in touch, I will gladly pay your pools back to you as I know they have already been paid.
Well that's it for another year, happy New year to you all from Judith and me ,and we  hope to see you all on the bank next year.

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