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Sunday, 28 November 2010

here we go again !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

off to landsend today for a silvers match which would probably been ok if the top
10mm hadnt gone hard overnight, so it was out with the breakers for the first time this winter and i,ve got a feeling it is not going to be the last time as the forecast is rubbish with various forecasters predicting icey weather for anything between 2 weeks and 3 months(mint). with adrian clark not fishing today there was a spare corner peg going begging which was good as martin lenaghan pulled me peg 24, which is good as it means you can get along the end bank and clear the ice properly whicxh i duly did to about 14 mtrs, i didnt intend to go as far as 14 mtrs as there is an overhanging tree there which holds carp so the intention was to fish 11 and 13 mtrs with caster over caster. so i set up a 4x14 rig with an 18 6313 on .10.
at the start i cupped in about 10 casters on each line then started at 11, and no one was as suprised as me when the float buried after 5 mins but all i connected with was a big bit of fresh air, i had 5 bites in the first 45 mins but didnt connect with any thing, then i had a 8oz perch(yay)its amazing how a fish manages to warm you up. i had 5 more perch and lost a carp before that line died, so 2 hours in i was moving out to 13 mtrs and thats where i stayed for the rest of the match, ending up with 15 perch 1 carp duly returned lost 4 more carp and 2 perch fell off, partly due to the elastic being unable to come out as it was frozen in the pole, don sutherland opposite me on peg 1 hooked 11 carp landed 4 and had 5 perch.
i thought i had enough to be top on the match lake but out of the 4 on the carpark bank of speci 3 had blanked and dean malin on 40 had 6 chub to 2lb and as it turned out he did enough to win with his 6 fish going 8lb 14
2nd was me with 8.11
3rd john bradford 5.11 peg 19
4th chris fox 5.2 peg 11
5th martin lenaghan 4.2 peg 3
6th martin pettiffer 1.12 peg 15
that was hard but then again i think most lakes were hard today, even viaduct was only won with with 6lb odd on the carps silver match on cambell and cary.
and the psv boys on spring drew a total blank, its down to the sudden drop[ in temps, it must be a right shock to the fish aswell as us.
it was hard on the river today as the "PROPER" anglers voted for a shorter match as it was cold, oh dear never mind what a shame, isnt it why they call it a winter, doh league

Wednesday, 24 November 2010

more antics at acorn

with the colour dropping out of the water due to the cold weather i thought it may be hard today, but i wasnt to dissapointed with the draw as i ended up on peg 3 which is permanent peg 4 and as most who know the lake will recognise as possibly the best peg as its wide but with nick plip plop davidson opposite at 11 o,clock angle it would cut down my chances of catching straight in front so i set up a 4x12 on .12 with a 16 6313 to fish at 12 and one in 4 ft of water and a 4x12 with the same hook and line for down the edge to my right in 3 ft of water at 4.5 and 6 mtrs. all i had for bait today was 1 pint of red and white maggots aas there are no rubbish fish to worry about, for company i had the hartcliffe escapee who now lives at the posh end of stockwood, known as the cootes on the next peg, (mat genghis tomes)who was brimming with confidence and explained to me that he was going to beat me into oblivian, so it probably aint worth mentioning the 2 carp and 1 perch he managed to snare in 5 1/2 hours .i,ve just had a txt at 8.40 pm from mat to inform me that he only had 1 carp, no margin even though there was an empty peg between me and him and no far bank as plip plop was opposite, hmm he sounds bitter.
at the start i cupped about 10 mags on each line i intended to fish and went straight out at 11mtrs in front, first drop in and i had a perch , then i never had another indication for 40 mins then i missed what must have been a liner, a look at the 1 o,clock line produced 1 carp then no bites, i kept feeding about 10 mags on each line every 15 to 20 mins but after 2 hours i still hadnt had another fish, i did get occasional tiny movements on the float but i think it was just fish mooching about and not feeding cos the water was very clear, time for the margin, first drop in at 4.5 mtrs and i bumped one next drop and i got one then nothing so i fed again and went back out at 11mtrs nothing at 12 but i did get one at 1 o.clock, going back down the edge i had 2 more so i fed again and went out in front, not that i was expecting to catch there as i thought the fish would prefer the cover of the margins due to the clarity of the water, by nicking an odd fish from the margins then resting it i kept getting an odd fish right to the end and ending up with 15 carp and 1 perch, by the sound of things the person to beat would be martin lenaghan on peg 9 who was admitting to about 20 carp, the scales would tell, i couldnt lay my hands on any pound shillings and pence scales today so we had to go metric which i must admit to likeing as its easier to add up which is a real bonus when jason radford is helping as he thinks there is only 14 oz,s in a pound, luckily for me my fish were of a better stamp than martins as my net went 23kg 5oo grm for first on the day and my first win on the venue
2nd martin lenaghan 17 400 peg 9(14)
3rd dean malin 15 400 peg 5(7)
4th pete sivell 13 900 peg 10(15)
5th andy france 9 800 peg 12(17)
6th nick davidson 9 4oo peg 1(1)
no silvers today as they seem to have done a dissapearing act. there arent to many venues where the owners deliver a cup of tea to your peg foc are there, most welcome on a cold day.
anyone interested there is a silvers mastch at landsend this sunday, book in with me at the shop on 01179517250 or with mike at the fishery on 07977545882 draw at 9 fish 10 till 3.30

Sunday, 21 November 2010

teams of 4 rnd 6 the end yay viaduct

well thats over and done with , and by and large it ran quite smoothly with no real gripes or problems. i cant see any reason as to why it shouldnt be a goer next year ,so teams interested please get in touch asap.
back to today and the team draw saw me wandering up to peg 81 on cary, which is next to the spit, go back 3 or 4 years and it was a peg you would run to, but now it has turned into a kiss of death peg and only 6lb had come off it the day befor, and to make matters worse i had to sit and look at mike nicholls and des shipp on 85 asnd 86, 2 of the best cold water carp pegs on the lake(i may get more bitter and twisted yet). so i set up a 4x12 rig with .10 and an 18 for the spit margin and a 4x16 same line and hook to fish over g bait straight out, and a wag to fish beyond the end of the spit with corn.
at the start i cupped in 6 balls of g bait at 16 mtrs, some casters down the edge at 16 mtrs and tried to fire some corn to the end of the spit, but as usual it goes all over the place. i began on the wag but never had a bite on corn i gave that nearly an hour before switching to the pole over g bait, i had 2 reasonable skimmers on caster but that was it with caster hookbait, i put maggot on but that just probuced small(20 to the pound roach)most of which i chucked up the bank behind me(lol i hate shit fish). i went down the edge and had a good perch straight away, so i refed with a few casters and went back out on the wag after changing to a lighter hook and line but that only brought me a ruffe(urgh) and some more small roach so spent the rest of the match fishing down the edge, i ended up with 4 good perch 3 skimmers and a spattering of bits(ok so i never threw them up the bank)for 11lb and 7 points. the match was won by des shipp on 86 with 70.4 of carp caught mainly on treble maggot 12 to 18 inches off the deck
2nd niel mercer 62.1 peg 8 on spring(he even manages to get other people to draw fliers for him
3rd john howells 59.10peg 18 spring
4th ryan shipp 42.8 peg 15 spring
5th dean(i,ve only got 4 5 pounders) 40.7 peg 78 cary
6th mike nicholls 28.10 peg 85
silvers wernt to paul elmes on 24 spring with 21.8 of skimmers
teams on the day .i,m doing it reverse order as its the only chance tims tarts will ever be on top.
11th and with record low points 9.5 TIMS TARTS
10th charlies angels 16
9th thyers 17
8th avon angling(not so) select 20
7th g b electrical 21
7th keyford 21
5th avon angling 24
4th dynamite baits 30
3rd mats maulers 30.5 (they could have been a contender if mat had stayed away more)
2nd philtone printers 37
1st westerliegh 38
1st westerliegh 61.5 £540
2nd philtone printers 51 £440
3rd dynamite baits 46.5 £340
4th gb electrical 40
5th keyford 37.5
6th avon angling 34.5
7th mats maulers 32.5
8th thyers 32
9th charlies angels 22.5
10th tims tarts 20.5
11th avon angling(they must change there name)select 16.5
well done westerliegh and a big thanks to dean for the help in running the league and to all those taking part as its been an enjoyable and relaxed series with no whingers and moaners MINT that is of course until you aint at your peg to weigh your fish innit dean

Wednesday, 17 November 2010

wedneaday landsend open

17 booked in today so the match was split between the match and speci lake, i let the gimp draw for me as he always seems to draw a carp peg, if i had to choose i would have picked 31, 32 or 33 at the left hand end of the speci lake ,but no he gave peg 17 on the far side of the match lake, not a bad swim and at least the wind and rain was coming from behind, trouble with this time of yaer the lake tends to go a bit clear possibly due to the ammount of leaves falling into the lake and rotting and the 3 frosts we have had wouldnt have helped either. as it was so clear i decided on an out and out caster day, so i set up a 4x12 rig with an 18 6313 on .10 to fish 3 and 8 mtrs, another 4x12 also with an 18 6313 on .12 fo 14 mtrs and a 4x10 rig with a 16 on .12 for against the island just in case.
at the start i cupped in casters at 8, 14 and against the island and began feeding at 3 mtrs in the style of mike nicholls , which usually entails picking up 8 casters to throw in , having second thoughts, putting 5 back in the box and throwing 3 in.
stating at 8 mtrs i started catching small roach straight away, i must admit that i thought i may have made a mistake as martin lenaghan had 2 carp in the first 30 mins on corn. i came in to the 3 mtr line and had some more roach and some good perch, i even came in to 2 mtrs and had a 2lb perch plus some smaller ones but i think the water is to clear for them to stay there, i did get a few roach at 14 mtrs and up against the island , but the most productive place was the 8 mtr line, by kindering a few casters in every couple of fish i had bites there for most of the match, mainly roach but a fair smattering of decent perch showed plus i had 1 chub and a good ide, i thought i had about 16lb which i wasnt to upset about as the match lake had fished very hard with kev molten doing the best with 7 carp on peg 24, and martin next door only ending up with 4 carp so i had a good day as i had bites all day
the match was won by chris davis on 31 with 48.4 on corn against the island
2nd was adrian(in a corner again)clarke with 35.14 PEG 32
3rd kev molten 30.02
4th alvin jones 29 lb p[eg 33
5th martin lenaghan 26.5 peg 19
6th tim ford 25.12 all silvers peg 35 mainly chub on caster against the island (i,ll be glad when he goes back to work)
and 2nd in the silvers was me with 23lb

Monday, 15 November 2010

landsend leader board

1st adrian clarke 2pts 139.01 lb
2nd nick duckett 3pts 90.14
3rd mark poppleton 3pts 86.6
4th tony rixon 4pts 85lb
5th steve seager 4pts 74.07
6th nick collier 4pts 70.05
7th ron crandon 5pts 51.12
8th martin pettifer 5pts 48.09
1st bob gullick 2pts 29.12
2nd tony page 3pts 30.13
3rd nick collier 3pts 28.07
4th craig edmunds 4pts 32.07
5th martin pettifer 4pts 22.06
6th clint wojtyla 5pts 19.12
7th nick merry 5pts 15.13
8th james withers 5pts 11.12
9th dave hodgson 5pts 10.12

Sunday, 14 November 2010

landsend individual lge rnd 2

i was on john,s water today(lake 3)so i let andy france draw for me and he handed me 45(bugger). we normally only have 13 on each lake but with 40 fishing i needed to put an extra peg in a section so i thought it would cause less grief if it was in my section, any way 45 aint in on a 13 peg section and 46 had been doing well when with it out ,so it would be interesting to see how it would be today. i had jamie(monkey boy)brown fof company on 46 and venue ace dave(beany)westcott on 42, so that gave me a big magin to my right and after a quick chat with rod wootten he thought i would be in for a few out of the margin, so i set up a 4x8 rig for banded 6mm for that line. a 4x12 pellet rig for the island at 13 mtrs and 16 to my right and a 4x14 caster rig for 10 mtrs.
at the start i cupped some casters at 10 mtrs and began firing 4mm,s to the island in both spots and down the edge at 10 mtrs to the empty swim, it took 10 mins to get a bite on caster and that turned out to be a small roach,. by this time jamie(kong boy)had managed to snare a trailing carp rig in a 4pounder so he was in the lead for the quid but that was the end of his action for the day apart from a few small roach and a lost fouler(and he sloped off with my quid). an hour in and there was some movement down the edge, but as i had had a couple carp on the caster line it was another 30 mins before i went down there, i had a bite straight away but i was attached to a root so i spooked the fish that was there, so i refed and went back on the caster line, i had 1 more carp on that but there were signs down the edge again so i went down there again but couldnt get a bite, so i switched to feeding caster down the edge. i had a look on the pellet lines but only had 1 bite on that which resulted in a 8oz carp, i fed some more casters against the island and went back down the edge on double caster and had one staight away, i fired a few more casters in and had another 10 mins later, i then shallowed my caster rig up and pushed it to the far bank over the casters i had cupped in earlier and had a carp, so i fed again and went back to the margin and had another carp so i fed that again and went back to the island and hooked a 10lb plus fish which i played on the roach gear for about 10 mins in which time i had touched it a coupl;e of times with the net but it came off, and you know when it happens that it will probably cost you, i had 1 more down the edge and that was my lot for the day ending up with 8 carp and a few bits. as this series is decided on section points you need to be first or second in section, but mike west on 41 had a good run late on using meat to the aerater, and wagbo,s non identical twin clint wojtyla on 55 had some fish and thats how the section finished with mike having 44lb ,clint had 34 and i had 32 and as i will miss the last match as i,m on holiday that lost fishj may cost me dear.
first on the day was landsend very own corner specialist adrian clark on 70(john,s)with 73.13 on corn and pellet to the end bank margin
2nd was martin lenaghan(reserve)with 67.10 on peg33
3rd niel(never seen a bad peg)mercer on 68 with 50.01
4th pete sivell(reserve)46.12 peg 21
5th mike west 44lb peg 41
6th alan(stalker)oram 38.11 peg 1
silver went to craig(the maggot rustler) edmunds 20.01 on peg 7 using jamie browns maggot over caster
a full list of the overalls will be on the wall at landsend on weds for all to see

Wednesday, 10 November 2010

acorn antics

only 13 of us today so we were on the small lake, which is a long narrow lake with a bowl at each end. i let dean draw for me so i ended up on peg 3 which today was the third peg from the far end , a good draw with a lot of form, for company i had martin (arkwright)alexander on 4 and phil(fabio)harding on 2.
i set up a 4x12 rig on .12 with a 16 6313 to fish 11 mtrs which was the deepest part of the peg at about a metre, same rig but on .14 to fish the far bank reeds and a 4x10 rig to use at half depth against the reeds and with an absence of small nuisance fish i would be using maggot on all lines. on the all in i cupped some maggots with a few micros at 11 and against the far side, then dropped the rig in with double maggot at 11 mtrs, it was a slower start than i expected with only 5 smallish carp in the first hour, that was more than the people each side, but martin lenaghan on peg 1 was catching regularly anywhere he cared to put his rig. after 90 mins i pushed out to 13 mtrs and got another couple of carp but it was turning into a proper grind, by now fabio was casting a feeder to the far bank and begun to catch a few but matin on 1 was still catching well, so that looked like first place taken care of, i did begin to catch a few towards the far bank reeds in the last couple of hours on the half depth rig but fabio had started catching well on the pole by now on maggot at 14 mtrs so that was another 2 quid going his way ,thats 3 on the trot now and i,ve banned him from the shop.
as expected martin lenaghan won on peg 1 with 89.3 catching on maggot at 13 and 16 mtrs
2nd was tim ford on 11 with 80.6
3rd phil harding 55 lb peg 2
4th tony rixon 44.12 peg 3
5th pete sivell 40 10 peg 8 inc top silvers with 1.9
6th john (the gimp)bradford 33.12 peg 12

Sunday, 7 November 2010

teams of 4,s bullocks farm

the team draw today saw me heading to north pool and peg 12, this peg is only 5 mtrs wide but it does throw up some good weights, usually fishing down the left and right margins so i set up a 4x10 rig on .14 with an 18 hook, a 4x12 to fish soft pellet over g bait down the middle at 10 mtrs left and right and a 4x10 with an 18 on .14 to fish the far side in various places with maggot. at the start ,after feeding all areas i started on soft pellet but never had a bite , a switch to maggot on the hook produced one bite but it felt like it was hooked in the tail but i will never know as my elastic snapped(oops)and that was my only bite down the middle, i pushed the rig up under the trees and had a bite which resulted in another tail hooked fish ,but this time everything held and a 2lb carp was in the net, i had several looks down each margin but never had a bite which was very unusual as that is normally the banker for this peg. the only place i could get any bites or indications was as tight as i could get to the far bank across to my left with double maggot just off bottom. talking to phil(the owner)he told me he was having a gardener at the fishery one day a weekl to tidy the place up ,all i can assume is that he sacked the gardener after one week as it seems in desperate need of a prune, anyway i ended up with 8 carp, all of which were on the small side , so i thought i had about 18 lb, they actually went 21.12 which managed to secure me my 6 peg section by quadruple default(lol 60 quid).
the match was won by venue ace pete sivell on peg 4 north pool with 40.15 he had 9 carp in front of pallet 5 on maggot
2nd phil(fabio)harding 37.6 peg 2 north pool
3rd dean (mild mannered)malin 35lb peg 30 match lake
4th mike nicholls 32.13 peg 6 north pool
5th matt tainton 30.9 peg 16 north pool
6th dave roper 26.14 peg 14 rushcombe
silvers went to rich coles on 22 rushcombe with 19.3 of goldfish. and very pretty it was to
2nd mike nicholls on peg 6 north pool with 18.11 of crucians on soft pellet
dynamite baits 35
westerliegh 30
charlies angels 28
gb electrical 28
philtone printers 25
keyford 25
a a not so 23
thyers 21
tims tarts 20
mats maulers 18
avon angling 13
AA NOT SO 12.5

Wednesday, 3 November 2010

leafy landsend

after the strong winds of the last couple of days ,it was no suprise to see the surface of the match lake covered in leaves, i let the gimp draw for me today as he always seems to draw himself a carp peg to waste, today was no different as he handed me 11, which on its day can be good for both carp and silvers.
i set up a 4x12 rig on .10 with an 18 6313 to fish caster at 3 and 11 mtrs, a 4x14 on .14 for banded pellet at 14 mtrs at the bottom of the of the island shelf, a 4x12 on .12 to fish soft pellet at 14 mtrs over 3mm at 10 o,clockand a 4x12 rig for the empty pallet to my left(never had a bite there after severasl attempts)
beginning at 3 mtrs after feeding all areas i caught small roach and perch from the off, then 20 mins in it went quiet on that line ,then first carp on which i played carefully but it came off, but the small fish had returned, i even managed to catch on my topset for a while , but a fouled carp on that upset that, so a quick look out at 11 mtrs on caster produced much of the same, but i did get some better perch with one going 2lb, i refed the caster lines and went to the 14 mtr line with banded pellet over 4mm but no bites, i oput a piece of corn on and missed a bite, next drop and i connected with a carp shame it was hooked next to its bum but they all count and after 5 mins in which time the carp visited every part of the swim before i netted it, back out over the same line and 10 mins later i hooked another but this one was in the mouth and netted quickly, then the wind shifted direction slightly and with the ripple set against a backdrop of semi naked tree,s i couldnt see the float so that was the end for that line. on to the 10 o,clock where during the next hour i had 4 good skimmers and 2 more carp, with 2 hours to go i was thinking i was behind both adrian clark and fabio who were on 7 and 5 and had begun to catch carp against the island, and as it turned out i should probably spent the 2 hours fishing caster as i think i may have beaten them both but i spent an hour of the last 2 trying to get more carp, i should have stayed on the 11mtr line as i had some 4 to 10 oz perch and a couple of chub and some more small roach(as always hindsight is a wonderful thing, shame i aint got it).
the match was won by kev molten on 22 with 68.8 on corn at 13 mtrs
2nd adrian clark 45.13 peg 7
3rd phil(fabio)harding 45.4 pegh 5
4th tony rixon 41.2 peg 11
5th nick duckett 32.8 peg 15
6th jason radford 31.4 peg 19
silvers were won by me with 23.10 just ouncing out the gimp who had 23.3
off to bullocks on sunday for the 5nd round of the teams of 4,s