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Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Shiplate main lake, Wednesday

Only had Aaron britnell for a travelling partner as dean has to work, I must say Aaron was a bit worse for wear as he was up late on Tuesday night celebrating his win in the knowle west under 14,s arm wrestling championships, he came out on top but only just ,
After the normal excellent brekkie in lillypool cafe at shipham it was off to the fishery, the weather is really having an effect on the attendances now as I only had 7 names, but getting to the fishery I found Dominic Sullivan scuffing around the lodge and after a bit of cajoling and managing to have sold enough big issues he put his name down, but I had to lend him a reel as he had left his at home , we only put the low numbers in as it gave us a bit of protection from the still biting north easterly wind, I drew my own ticket hoping for peg3 which was nearest to the first. Island and reachable with a pole , but no I go and pull myself 5a, I was sandwiched between Aaron on 5 and Dominic on 6 .
Only set the pole up today as I had left my lead rod at home, one rig was going to all as it was the same depth within a couple of inches between 13&16 mtrs, so a .5g rig was put up with an 18 middy 6313 on .10.
At the start I cupped in 4 balls of groundbait at 13 mtrs which in hindsight was 5 to many, and a few soaked micros at 16 mtrs, I won't waste to much time on this blog as it was hard to say the least, after the first hour I was winning with one small Ruffe , but then andy curry on 3a began to put a few skimmers together and he had a bonus 5 pounder, most people began to get a few bites from small skimmers and tiny roach but it was only andy who had any weight , cutting to the chase I did manage 3 bream at 16 mtrs on single maggot plus a few small roach and 1 small skimmer so by the end it was going to be close between me and andy for second , as Dominic had managed to snare 4 carp on the bomb and corn fished out towards the island and one good bream on the pole, after borrowing the pools off steve the owner to fish ,a reel from me ,then he even had to borrow a landing net off me after his first carp as his broke ( what a scrounger). His 5 fish catch went 30lb exactly for an easy first
2nd was me with 13.12 peg 5a
3rd andy curry 13.2peg 3a
4th Martin McMahon 10.7 peg 4
5th Aaron britnell 3.2 peg 5
6th John Thompson 3oz peg 6a

Monday, 25 March 2013


I think I overloaded the I pad
1st dan squire 100.4
2nd dave romain 80.14
3rd dean malin 60lb
4th mike west 50.14
5th Martin lenaghan 44.9
6th Clayton Hudson 41.15
I did manage the top silver weight on lodge with a lowly 12.2 so I at least managed to cover my costs for the day

Viaduct float only match, lodge and spring lakes

For those who don't know, Martin Rich lost his battle with cancer last weekend , as with anyone who passes away within this big family of angling  he will be missed, the funeral is on Tuesday 2md of April at canford at 4 pm. There is a wake planned at The Baileys Court , Bradley Stoke, anyone planning to go if they can let the family or give me a quick ring at the shop as the pub needs to know for food .

Back to today's match, and when I booked it I only booked lodge lake hence the float only tag, but with people looking for a match I was soon back on the phone and got the use of match lake, by the time we got to the morning I had 27 names , but on the way to the fishery I had a call from steve and the match lake was double booked sort of, as the boys from chard were down for a practice on match lake so steve said we could use spring lake as there was a distinct lack of pleasure anglers,
We ended up with 26 fishing as andy France had a bit of a senior moment and was waiting for us all to arrive at landsend fishey DOH.
We put 13 on each lake and with sections and lake winners in silvers and overalls to play for ther was a reasonable chance of covering the daily costs.
I let dave romain draw for me , he pulled 2 tickets and I took one, opened it and was looking at 69, and from memory it was always a popular number ,but I can't remember why, dave was left looking at 11 over on spring which didn't really excite him, looking out at my peg from the warmth of the shop it didn't look to inviting with the biting easterly wind blowing in and across, and with the wind chill probably at minus 3 it was never going to be enjoyable even if the float did keep going under.
Pellet had been allowed since Wednesday and all the silver weights had fallen to banded pellet so I was going to base my attack around this, I even gave my groundbait to Aaron britnell, I was that confident the pellet was going to work. I didn't think I had much chance of winning the lake as I had
 dan squire on 53, dean malin on 66 and Tom thick on 64, so I fully expected these to throw up the
lakes top weights. I set up 1 pole rig to fish banded pellet at 13 mtrs, the wind prevented me going any further, and a wag rod for pellet towards the middle of the lake, as far as the wag goes I couldn't stop or slow the float from travelling with the wind so I didn't have a single bite on it, not even a liner, at the start I cupped in some 4,s on the pole line then shipped the rig out, the float settled and went straight under, then I remembered I hadn't plumbed up, I think the cold had already got int my brain, so after sorting that it was back out , and the first bite after 10 mins resulted in a carp on the end, I don't think it was hooked in the right end and it soon broke me some where in Alan oram,s peg to my right in 70. The first hour was a lot quieter the anticipated with only 2 skimmers for just over a pound, the named anglers and peg were now getting a few carp so the overall money was out the window, and at the halfway mark silvers were also looking out of reach, it was about now Tom mangnall over on 57 put some groundbait in and promptly caught 2 skimmers, now where was my groundbait, bugger over on spring lake with Aaron, so it was off my box for a scrounge , luckily Alan  had a bit of gimps which I nicked, I mixed it and put in 4 balls on a separate line then made a rig up,
Dropping in with caster or maggot over the new line and I was soon catching small roach, which was
better than nothing, I did get one big skimmer over the pellet line on banded pellet but the remainder of the match was spent over the g bait where I had 2 more big skimmers and a few small samples plus plenty of small roach and one good perch of about a pound, by the end I thought I had double figures of silvers, I had lost two more good skimmers towards the end when the maggot folded over the hook, but with little or no sensible presentation due to the weather I don't think you can really odds that, it was obvious dan on 53 was going to win the lake as he had quite a few carp fishing banded pellet at varying distances between 16 & 19 mtrs ,and dean on 66 had 8 carp so that was going to be second on the lake, as it turned out the normally reliable skimmers on lodge lake had a proper off day  but over on spring it was a different story with the silvers going mad, dave romain managed to moan so much about his peg the skimmers felt sorry for him and turned up in mass as he had a massive 80.14 of them on soft pellet between 13&14 mts, incredible really considering the weather, there must have been a huge shoal there as mike west next door on 10 had 50lb of them aswell and that was after fishing for carp for the first half of the match

1st on the day was dan squire with 100.4
2nd dave romain 80.14

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Wes open , landsend fishery

A good turnout today with 16 fishing, so we spread out around match and speci, I was made to draw my own ticket, and I still ended up in a corner, even if it was peg 1, not a corner of choice but some carp had been showing here recently, but with Tom thick on 34 again , and hoping to put right what he did wrong at the weekend on the same peg, and mat tomes on 31, Aaron britnell on 5 and with Martin McMahon on 19 and not netting a fish in the previous 12 hours fishing he could be a threat if he can keep them on the end,
With the fish showing signs of waking up and there being a few up on the shelves I decided to target the shallow parts of the peg, up the left hand margin and out on the island using hard pellet, so I set up a 4x10 rig for tight to the island. , a 4x12 for up the left hand side both with a b960 size 18 on .14, A 4x14 rig for caster down by the tree at 5 mtrs to my right and  a 4x12 rig for soft pellet 16 mtrs to my right , at the start i fed  the island and left hand margin with hard 4,s , some soaked micros to my right in the middle in front of peg 2 and began down by the tree with single caster, first drop and a 6oz roach was in the net, followed by a few perch to 8oz ,then I attached myself to a decent carp, I was now glad I had a .12 hook length on the 18. 6313 , and after about 5 mins a nice 8lb common was ensconced in the carp net, I kept on the caster line for a while but the roach and perch were on the small side, and with James withers over on 21 was catching carp quite well, and dale howsen up on 15 was enjoying an early burst on meat but his peg died and he never had another bite after midday,, I didn't know how the speci lake was fishing as it was all quiet, even Tom. Thick was silent ,
I tried the soft pellet line but only got 2 small skimmers so that line got binned, the remainder of the match was spent out on the island or up the left hand margin, I never caught really well but by feeding several lines and switching between them I managed to keep odd carp going into the net, trouble with this peg is that the fish seem to be small fish which live hear all the time, James over on 21 caught well and his fish were of a slightly better stamp, I ended up with 14 carp and doubles of silvers but with the carp being small apart from the first one on caster I was never going to beat James, I was first to weigh in and my catch went 60.8 which turned out to be good enough for fourth,
1st was Tom thick on 34 with 81.6 and he also had the top silver weight of 31.6 aswell, catching on his normal soft pellet attack
2nd James withers on 22 , 80. 3 on corn skins mainly at the bottom of the far shelf feeding nothing
3rd Phil (fabio) Harding 65.2, 7 fish down the margin
4th tony rixon 60.8 peg 1
5th mat tomes 59.3 peg 31
6 th dale howsen peg 15, 35.4

Sunday, 17 March 2013

Landsend league, final match

The last round today, and it should have been a full house, but I had a couple of parry let downs, one I won't mention as he may have some problems and been unable to get there, the other was to pissed to attend , which I find really annoying as he opted out at the start of the week due to a party he was going to, then he booked back in again as he wasnt going to drink to much, so the text at 5.55 Sunday morning was a tad annoying to say the least, no one makes you drink do they , Tom thick does it every week but he still gets there, I won't mention his name as wouldn't be fair, no bugger it, Aaron britnell you are named and shamed,
Back to the match and I was on the speci lake , and I needed a lake win and for the people in front of me to draw crap and dip out, there's only one peg to draw at the moment and that's 32. I let trigger draw for me as he was on a different lake and lo and behold the boy done good and handed me the flier , 32 ha ha , now all I needed was mark poppleton to draw bad , and he duly obliged by pulling 37  and Jamie parkhouse drew  peg 5 for himself , not a bad peg but not the best , back on my peg and I had tim Clark opposite on 33. Tom thick on 34 and Paul Haines next door on 31.
Rig wise I set up 3 banded pellet rigs  a couple of 4x12 rigs , one for up the right hand edge and one for out in front, a 4x12 rig for half depth up the edge and a 4x14 for soft pellet out in front.
At the start I began on soft pellet out at 14 mtrs but it was very slow, whereas Tom couldn't get his bait into the water fast enough, fishing into 18 inches of water on the far bank , the carp were actually waiting on the surface  for his pellets to go in, after 2 hours Tom had 9 carp to my 3 so it looked as though he was going to be the lake winner today ,but the fish went from him never to return, I switched to the right hand margin feeding 4,s with a catty and was getting a few but it wasnt right , going into the last 2. Hours I started cupping a few 4,s and fishing over it with a banded 8, and it. Seemed to work ok as I ended the match with 12 carp and 1 roach  for what I thought would be about 75lb but they actually went 83.7 for the much needed lake win and with mark coming 10 th on our lake. And Jamie coming 4 on his it meant I.  Had sneaked the league by 1 point , but it was a bit of a photo finish, it fished well. Today with the overall weights being very close ,
1st went to kev molten on 19 with 90.4 catching on pellet and corn
2nd tony rixon 83.7 peg 32
3rd nick duckett 83.6 peg 7
4th Craig Edmunds 83.3 peg 22
5th steve Seager  82.14
6th Tom thick 73lb peg 34
Bob gullick 24.12 peg 38
Mike nicholls 20.13
Tony rixon 11 pts 296lb £310
Jamie parkhouse 12 pts 226.15 £210
3rd mark poppleton 14 pts 280 £110
4th Craig Edmunds 14 pts 260lb
Tom thick 7 pts £210
Nick merry 10 pts £ 110
Big thanks to ken Rayner. For helping with the results,

Thursday, 14 March 2013

Viaduct winter league, final round results and table

Weights on the day
1st andy Lloyd 95.8 peg 118
2nd tim Rowe  82.8 peg 4
3rd chris sandford, 80.5 peg 102
4th rob jones 78.11 peg 53
5th Alex Murray 68.8 peg 64
6th nick brown 65.6
Tim pallant 25.2 peg 38
Tony rixon 22lb peg 62
Teams overall final table
1st team flipflop 304
2nd browning west Wales 302
3rd team viaduct, 292
4th maver veals ,285
5th thatchers pi, 283 (3 section wins)
6th Somerset angling, 283 (1 section win)
7th team bobby g 271
8th majik 259
9th Avon angling 251
10th thatchers vets 247
11th viaduct allstars 246
12th viaduct select 241
13th awashima 231
14th MFS, 222
15th gbmvmg 212
16th team amigo 204
17 th team dynamite 200
18th browning 197
19 silverfox 169
1st dave romain 80pts   365.8lb
2nd tony rixon 80pts.  211.10
3rd steve long 78 pts
4th Craig Edmunds  72pts. 266.4
5th James knight 72pts. 194.8

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Weds open plantation main lake

With several people away at Stafford moor for the silvers festival and a couple having to work , it was a smaller turnout than normal for this venue , so only 12 today, plenty of room for all then,
Darren(goose fat) vowels has been doing a Stirling job hacking the place apart including the islands, it's beginning to look proper tidy, I think he must have had a new chain saw for Christmas .
I drew my own peg today and ended up on 28 which has been good and bad over the last couple of months , hopefully today was going to be a good day, for company I had fabio Harding on 31 and andy France on 26 . I did set up a 4x12 rig for pellet down to 27 in the margins but as it never produced a bite on the one time I tried it I won't mention it again, I set up a 4x12 rig for hard pellet over 4,s at 16 mtrs to my right towards 27 and a 4x14 for soft pellet at 14 mtrs in front over micros, after feeding all lines with the necessary pellets it was out with a soft 4 mm at 14 mtrs, it soon became apparent the lake was going to be hard as the float never moved, also looking round no one was getting any bites, even the anglers using maggots and pinkies trying to get some small fish, after 20 mins I pushed the soft pellet rig out to 16 mtrs , it was set a bit to deep as it was a couple of inches shallower on that line but after a few minutes it buried and the first carp was in the net, also fabio was into his first fish, and steve Seager was losing a couple , no one else was getting any bites and after about 2 hours, whereas me and fabsy were neck and neck with about 6 each, the third hour saw him pulling ahead and he did begin to give me a bit of stick, I had by now had a couple on soft pellet but a switch to the banded pellet line towards 27 gave me a flurry of  carp before the bites stopped on all lines, it wasnt till the last 2 hours that the swim kicked into life , I started fishing double maggot over the 16 mtr line , still feeding hard 4,s the last 2 hours went well with a steady stream of fish gracing the net , fabio was getting a few but it was a bit slower for him, he had switched to meat over pellet and was sneaking an odd one, it looked as though it was only me and fabio who were catching , even the silvers, which this lake is renowned for didn't feed at all, by the end I had 20 plus carp which went
96.6 for  comfortable win
2nd was fabio with 57.12 peg 31
3rd steve Seager  38lb peg 38
4th Aaron britnell peg 7 with 25.6
5th andy France peg 26 16.3
6th kev molten peg 24 6lb
Silvers went to andy France  with 2 skimmers for 3.9

Sunday, 10 March 2013

Viaduct winter league last round

I must say that this has been as always a well run league and with 95 anglers in teams of fives it's the biggest league in the southwest, my only gripe would be that the results are done up n the village in the pub, I personally would much prefer the results to be done at the fishery especially as there is a fully functioning cafe on site and I think more people would stay for results , but this is coming from a non drinker, and pubs tend to stiff drivers with the prices of soft drinks.
The weather has taken a turn for the worst again with cold north easterly winds and so precipitation for later in the day, it was my turn on lodge lake with 5 of the section pegs on Cary , so if I could avoid them and 62 on lodge I would be happy as I am second going I to this match in the individuals behind local farmer dave romain, into the draw and out comes draw 13 which put me on 62 bugger, but with dave drawing 110 on Campbell I stood a chance as his peg has been crap for weeks, then again my peg has been bad with i think less than 10lb being top off the peg so far in the series,
It's normally to far up the lake to really argent the skimmers they tend to stay a couple of pegs to my left and there were some rolling just to confirm that. I set up a 4x14 and 4x16 rig for caster close and at 14 mtrs both with the usual trusty 18 middy 6313 on .10, also a 4x12 for caster down the edge but only a 4 oz hybrid on that so no more mention of that, I decided on a positive approach so at the start I cupped in 3 balls at 14 mtrs in 3 spots at 11/12 and 1 o,clock angles, 9 balls in quite a small area but I thought it may be a day to attack, I actually started at 4 mtrs on caster on the lighter rig and did catch some small roach and little hybrids I stuck with it for the first 45 mins but with odd carp being caught now it was looking like I was onto a battering . I went out on the long pole and caught the same size fish initially and it wasn't till the last half of the match that I started to catch some better skimmers on single caster over the groundbait, I ended up with 11 good skimmers plus a few bits for about 20 lb, and hoping I had beaten all the anglers on the Cary bit I thought I would have about 12 points, I actually had 22lb which gave me 13 points , I was beaten by all the anglers with three or more carp with rob jones on corner peg 53 with 10 carp for 78lb, Alex Murray on 64 fished 21 mtrs
To the end bank for second on the lake fishing dobbed bread over meat!!!!,
I went round to see how dave romain had faired on 110, and he was admitting to 10 lb and looking
Like he would get 5 points max which would be a low enough score to give methe individual , but
He ended up with nearly 14 lb and 7 points so the title was his on a weight count back, still I can't
Complain I have had a nice series catching plenty each match , with lots of silvers, I don't have the
Full result but I will get it tomorrow and put it on, the match was won by andy Lloyd on 118 with
96lb on corn down the edge, second was rob jones on 53 with 78lb, the silvers went to
Tim plant on38 with 25lb of skimmers, and I was2nd with my 22lb,
Team wise the flip flop boys came out on top to take he winners purse so well done to them

Thursday, 7 March 2013

Landsend Wednesday

Only 11 today so plenty of room on the match lake, with the recent better temps expectations were high for some good weights, but even with the air temps not double figures it still takes a while for the water to start warming, although I think the fish get woken up with the longer days just as much sometimes, also the cloudy day we were forecast would also help as the water was till quite clear, the draw started and mr shipp likes to be first in, Tom thick tried to hand him a peg but he refused so Tom offered it to me , it was rude to refuse so I took it and 5 was on the ticket, thanks Tom, especially when he drew 3 for himself which is definitely a peg for the warmer weather LOL, it's never going to be a quiet day when Tom is nearby and today was no different , he was worse than normal probably due to the fact he couldn't catch much apart from small roach, he did catch a couple of carp and good silvers down his edge towards peg 2 but he was going nowhere, he did hook what he thought was another good silver probably a perch which came back to his topkit very easily but when he lifted to net the fish up popped a 6 division shot dispenser complete with shot, for those who know him his best feature is his laugh as it sounds like a donkey.
I must mention that mike duckett has done a brilliant job on the fishery, clearing trees , stoning paths and repairing platforms , ten out of ten mike it's looking good.
Back in my swim and I very nearly got it totally wrong, I tried catching on soft pellet in the deep water in various parts of the swim , but only 1 f1 and lots of small roach, only a couple of roach on the 5 mtr caster line and again small roach on caster against the island, I did get3 small carp on maggot over micros between the islands in the deeper water but with 4 hours gone all seemed lost, especially as Aaron on 11, Anton on 13 , des on 15 all catching ,also fabio was back and on 17 and was catching well with skimmers and carp falling to his soft pellet attack, then with 2 hours to go I noticed a couple of carp swirl in mike ducketts peg (19) when he was striking, so I changed the hook on my far bank caster rig to a banded b960 size 18 and began firing 4,s and fishing a 6 in the band, and the last 2 hours went really well catching carp against the island in about 18 inches of water
I even managed to take two good skimmers and a nice perch down under pallet 6 , plus I had several
Good f1s in amongst the island carp, at the end I think I had about 18 carp plus good doubles of silvers, but I never thought I would have enough to win but after plonking 73 lb on the scales I thought it was going to be close, and I was suprised to see the people at the top end of the lake stopped catching so my weight was good enough for first,
2nd was des shipp on 25 with 69 lb, catching most of his fish in his right hand margin just past the submerged bush
3rd philip(fabio) Harding on 17 with 68.14, he did think he had the measure of des and was giving him loads , fabsy even offered to do a DVD and let des have a signed copy as he seemed to be
Struggling , oops but it was only 2 oz
4th Aaron britnell on 11 with 66.9
5th mike duckett on 19  with 62.14
6th Anton page on 13 with 55.10, he also had the top silvers weight with 37lb of a skimmer and f1 mix all on soft pellet at 13 and 16 mtrs,
Next weds there is a match on the main lake at plantation, book in with me at the shop on 01179517250
I also have a couple of spaces for the viaduct winter league on Sunday , with a space on match lake and one on spring, again ring me at the shop if you fancy it

Sunday, 3 March 2013

Viaduct winter league round 4

My turn for Cary lake and I wasn't to worried where I drew apart from 81 and 82 which have been proper kiss of death pegs this winter, I went into the draw for the team and wasnt to suprised to pull out peg 19 for the team which gave us Ron hardiman on 132(uuuuugh) me on 102 (flyer  lol ). Bri shanks on 71 , a middle of nowhere swim, tim Clark on 52 which can be good and Clayton Hudson on 26, less said the better about that one, all the lakes had a covering of thick cat ice which no one really expected and with my peg being a lead or wag chuck towards the aerator the ice was going to be a problem, a quick chuck with Clayton,s lightweight  breaker  and I had 16 mtrs to go at in no time at all, next door was bela bakos who was trying to clear his swim with mike nicholls heavy breaker which consisted of a padlock on a bit of string , so he borrowed claytons aswell, due to the ice it was going to be a non starter on the lead or wag till the ice melted but I set them up anyway , one pole rig was put together with skimmers in mind so it was a 4x14 slim float with the bulk about 20 inches from the hook and one number 9 dropper 6 inches from the hook, the usual groundbait was mixed which a 50 50 mix of gimps gold and sensas lake , it's the same mix I always use as the fish certainly don't dislike it, at the start I cupped in 3 balls on the 14 and 16 mtr lines and a few casters to my left at 14 mtrs just in case there were a few perch about , but there wasn't so no more said about that.
It took about 10 mins to get my first bite which resulted in a 2lb skimmer , and really enjoyable match ensued with skimmers of all sizes falling to single maggot hook bait up until the last a hour when it got more difficult as the wind increased and a strong trip starting and the fish didn't seem to like it, looking round the lake and most people were catching, rob jones opposite on 77 was also catching skimmers as was dave roper on 90 and andy power on 86 was sneaking some carp, apart from 81 and 82 which blanked everyone had some fish to weigh in, I was first to weigh on our lake and my skimmer net went 37.14 which gave me top silvers on the day and 3rd on the lake , with andy power having 67lb and dave roper had 51.9. Top on the day was mark broomsgrove on 116 with 92.12
2nd Simon jones 71.15 on 125
3rd andy power 69lb on 86
4th Vincent brown 67.11 on spring lake 19 I think
5th John Buckingham 61.6 peg 64
6th dave roper 51.9 peg 90
Tony rixon 37.14
Anton page 32.1 peg 18
Rob jones 30.3 peg 77
Dave roper 28.12 peg 90
Des shipp 26.12 peg 43