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Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Weds open plantation main lake

With several people away at Stafford moor for the silvers festival and a couple having to work , it was a smaller turnout than normal for this venue , so only 12 today, plenty of room for all then,
Darren(goose fat) vowels has been doing a Stirling job hacking the place apart including the islands, it's beginning to look proper tidy, I think he must have had a new chain saw for Christmas .
I drew my own peg today and ended up on 28 which has been good and bad over the last couple of months , hopefully today was going to be a good day, for company I had fabio Harding on 31 and andy France on 26 . I did set up a 4x12 rig for pellet down to 27 in the margins but as it never produced a bite on the one time I tried it I won't mention it again, I set up a 4x12 rig for hard pellet over 4,s at 16 mtrs to my right towards 27 and a 4x14 for soft pellet at 14 mtrs in front over micros, after feeding all lines with the necessary pellets it was out with a soft 4 mm at 14 mtrs, it soon became apparent the lake was going to be hard as the float never moved, also looking round no one was getting any bites, even the anglers using maggots and pinkies trying to get some small fish, after 20 mins I pushed the soft pellet rig out to 16 mtrs , it was set a bit to deep as it was a couple of inches shallower on that line but after a few minutes it buried and the first carp was in the net, also fabio was into his first fish, and steve Seager was losing a couple , no one else was getting any bites and after about 2 hours, whereas me and fabsy were neck and neck with about 6 each, the third hour saw him pulling ahead and he did begin to give me a bit of stick, I had by now had a couple on soft pellet but a switch to the banded pellet line towards 27 gave me a flurry of  carp before the bites stopped on all lines, it wasnt till the last 2 hours that the swim kicked into life , I started fishing double maggot over the 16 mtr line , still feeding hard 4,s the last 2 hours went well with a steady stream of fish gracing the net , fabio was getting a few but it was a bit slower for him, he had switched to meat over pellet and was sneaking an odd one, it looked as though it was only me and fabio who were catching , even the silvers, which this lake is renowned for didn't feed at all, by the end I had 20 plus carp which went
96.6 for  comfortable win
2nd was fabio with 57.12 peg 31
3rd steve Seager  38lb peg 38
4th Aaron britnell peg 7 with 25.6
5th andy France peg 26 16.3
6th kev molten peg 24 6lb
Silvers went to andy France  with 2 skimmers for 3.9

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