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Sunday, 17 March 2013

Landsend league, final match

The last round today, and it should have been a full house, but I had a couple of parry let downs, one I won't mention as he may have some problems and been unable to get there, the other was to pissed to attend , which I find really annoying as he opted out at the start of the week due to a party he was going to, then he booked back in again as he wasnt going to drink to much, so the text at 5.55 Sunday morning was a tad annoying to say the least, no one makes you drink do they , Tom thick does it every week but he still gets there, I won't mention his name as wouldn't be fair, no bugger it, Aaron britnell you are named and shamed,
Back to the match and I was on the speci lake , and I needed a lake win and for the people in front of me to draw crap and dip out, there's only one peg to draw at the moment and that's 32. I let trigger draw for me as he was on a different lake and lo and behold the boy done good and handed me the flier , 32 ha ha , now all I needed was mark poppleton to draw bad , and he duly obliged by pulling 37  and Jamie parkhouse drew  peg 5 for himself , not a bad peg but not the best , back on my peg and I had tim Clark opposite on 33. Tom thick on 34 and Paul Haines next door on 31.
Rig wise I set up 3 banded pellet rigs  a couple of 4x12 rigs , one for up the right hand edge and one for out in front, a 4x12 rig for half depth up the edge and a 4x14 for soft pellet out in front.
At the start I began on soft pellet out at 14 mtrs but it was very slow, whereas Tom couldn't get his bait into the water fast enough, fishing into 18 inches of water on the far bank , the carp were actually waiting on the surface  for his pellets to go in, after 2 hours Tom had 9 carp to my 3 so it looked as though he was going to be the lake winner today ,but the fish went from him never to return, I switched to the right hand margin feeding 4,s with a catty and was getting a few but it wasnt right , going into the last 2. Hours I started cupping a few 4,s and fishing over it with a banded 8, and it. Seemed to work ok as I ended the match with 12 carp and 1 roach  for what I thought would be about 75lb but they actually went 83.7 for the much needed lake win and with mark coming 10 th on our lake. And Jamie coming 4 on his it meant I.  Had sneaked the league by 1 point , but it was a bit of a photo finish, it fished well. Today with the overall weights being very close ,
1st went to kev molten on 19 with 90.4 catching on pellet and corn
2nd tony rixon 83.7 peg 32
3rd nick duckett 83.6 peg 7
4th Craig Edmunds 83.3 peg 22
5th steve Seager  82.14
6th Tom thick 73lb peg 34
Bob gullick 24.12 peg 38
Mike nicholls 20.13
Tony rixon 11 pts 296lb £310
Jamie parkhouse 12 pts 226.15 £210
3rd mark poppleton 14 pts 280 £110
4th Craig Edmunds 14 pts 260lb
Tom thick 7 pts £210
Nick merry 10 pts £ 110
Big thanks to ken Rayner. For helping with the results,


  1. Well ran series in what was one of the worst winters I can remember and full credit to the venue aswell.
    Bob g

  2. few bucks for sa fund me thinks. sharky sa
