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Sunday, 3 March 2013

Viaduct winter league round 4

My turn for Cary lake and I wasn't to worried where I drew apart from 81 and 82 which have been proper kiss of death pegs this winter, I went into the draw for the team and wasnt to suprised to pull out peg 19 for the team which gave us Ron hardiman on 132(uuuuugh) me on 102 (flyer  lol ). Bri shanks on 71 , a middle of nowhere swim, tim Clark on 52 which can be good and Clayton Hudson on 26, less said the better about that one, all the lakes had a covering of thick cat ice which no one really expected and with my peg being a lead or wag chuck towards the aerator the ice was going to be a problem, a quick chuck with Clayton,s lightweight  breaker  and I had 16 mtrs to go at in no time at all, next door was bela bakos who was trying to clear his swim with mike nicholls heavy breaker which consisted of a padlock on a bit of string , so he borrowed claytons aswell, due to the ice it was going to be a non starter on the lead or wag till the ice melted but I set them up anyway , one pole rig was put together with skimmers in mind so it was a 4x14 slim float with the bulk about 20 inches from the hook and one number 9 dropper 6 inches from the hook, the usual groundbait was mixed which a 50 50 mix of gimps gold and sensas lake , it's the same mix I always use as the fish certainly don't dislike it, at the start I cupped in 3 balls on the 14 and 16 mtr lines and a few casters to my left at 14 mtrs just in case there were a few perch about , but there wasn't so no more said about that.
It took about 10 mins to get my first bite which resulted in a 2lb skimmer , and really enjoyable match ensued with skimmers of all sizes falling to single maggot hook bait up until the last a hour when it got more difficult as the wind increased and a strong trip starting and the fish didn't seem to like it, looking round the lake and most people were catching, rob jones opposite on 77 was also catching skimmers as was dave roper on 90 and andy power on 86 was sneaking some carp, apart from 81 and 82 which blanked everyone had some fish to weigh in, I was first to weigh on our lake and my skimmer net went 37.14 which gave me top silvers on the day and 3rd on the lake , with andy power having 67lb and dave roper had 51.9. Top on the day was mark broomsgrove on 116 with 92.12
2nd Simon jones 71.15 on 125
3rd andy power 69lb on 86
4th Vincent brown 67.11 on spring lake 19 I think
5th John Buckingham 61.6 peg 64
6th dave roper 51.9 peg 90
Tony rixon 37.14
Anton page 32.1 peg 18
Rob jones 30.3 peg 77
Dave roper 28.12 peg 90
Des shipp 26.12 peg 43

1 comment:

  1. Nice days fishing Tony well done Alex
