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Thursday, 11 July 2013

Weds landsend open

Only 13 today so we were on the match lake only, another hot day was forecast, and with the water levels down a bit , it was decided that a net limit of 60lb would be best and it didn't meet with to many moans, at least mr Murray wasn't here so we should be ok  (I can't help myself Alex).
Into the draw and I end up on 24. It's not a bad peg generally and Tom thick had 90lb off it on Sunday but said it was worth more than that, there weren't to many fish sunbathing but I set up the stalking rig anyway, a couple of meat rigs , one for the margins to my left and one to fish at 13 mtrs.
And two pellet rigs to fish along the end bank to my right at 13/14 mtrs, one for shallow against the bank and the other for on the deck on top of the shelf in about 18 inches of water. The margin meat rig and the shallow against the bank rig were never used, for company I had Shane turner on 22 and I was sat opposite dave blakemore over on peg 1.
Starting on the meat line at 13 mtrs it wasn't to long before I had a carp then a couple of f1,s. chris fox turned up to watch so at least I had someone to talk to without having to shout to the next person,
There were odd fish cruising off the end of the island , but they weren't interested so the stalking rig didn't produce one fish today, most of the rest of the match was spent fishing the rig on top of the right hand shelf, using banded 8mm pellet over loose fed 6,s with a lot of the bites coming on the drop, these wary fish seem more happy taking a falling bait or a static one , be it suspended or sat on the deck, looking up the lake I couldn't see to many people catching , except for Jamie dyte on 16 who was getting plenty of bites on paste down his right hand margin, I did manage two fish shallow but that was only by slapping the rig I was using on the shelf in front of them, I missed two aswell, but I probably tried to mug 30 fish but they just never wanted it, but there weren't many coming into range anyway. By the end I had 24 carp of various sizes and some silvers which included a couple of nice tench and f1,s but with Jamie admitting to 30 carp he looked to have it in the bag, and that's what happened as his fish went 142.12 , he did get a couple on pellet over but the bulk of his fish came to paste fished down his right hand margin to empty peg 17
2nd was me with 116.7
3rd Craig ( I've picked up 28 times on the trot) Edmunds on 11 with 91.6
4th Tom thick, on 7 with 80.8
5th ray white on 21 with 67lb
6th Ron hardiman 60.14 on peg 19
John( that's handy I am still the only person fishing for them ) Bradford with 19.1 on peg 7

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