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Sunday, 26 January 2014

landsend league, round 4

As this was the the 4th match, it was back to a random draw again so  we will hopefully be with different people in the sections,  into the draw tin and out comes 15 which is on the match lake, a good peg and andy hembrow won off it yesterday with 53lb,  the pedg either side were occupied by darren fordham on 13 and paul elmes on 17, I set up 3 rigs today, a carp rig for down my right hand margin just past the sunken bush , and a couple of .4g rigs , one for soft pellet over micros at 11 and 2 o, clock angles and a caster rig for 5 mtrs,  with the strong winds and heavy rain forecast for todsy I was glad to be at this end of the lake as we haf a bit of shelter,
as per normal I fed all lines but started on the short caster line, after  30 mins on that and only one toufh and s lost foul hooked carp, I binned that line,  out on soft pellet on the 14 mtr angle lines, and thwt was not really any good , by the end of the first hour , paul on my right already had 3 carp and a few silvers fishing soft pelley or maggot over micros back towards me at 14 mtrs, I switched to maggot over the micros,  and that produced 3 skimmers fishing back towards paul, but that was all I had from the 2 o, clock angle, the left hand long line was my most productive,  I stuck with doubke maggot over the micros on that line for mosy of the remainder of the match, I did go down the edge several times but I only gsd 4 bites doen there and caught 3 perch , I also fed some caster at 11 mtrs and had a carp and a skimmer over that, but the left hand long line was the best and I ended up with 7 carp and double figures of silvers which I thought would be enough for the section,  but not enough for the lake win as steve seager on 11 had 10 carp plus silvers, in the end I had 52.9 wyich was good enough for the section but only 7th on the day
1st went to dave hodgson on 34 with 119.15. He caught on soft pellet over micros
2nd mike duckett on 68 with 90.14
3rd mark Poppleton on 55 with 62.14
4th ken rayner on 32 with 62.2
5th steve seager on 11 with 57.14
6th bob gullick on 62 with 53.11
off to ivy house this Wednesday for a change , and to see how andy Lloyd is getting on in his new venture as a fishery owner

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