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Sunday, 30 November 2014

Viaduct silvers league , penultimate round

After a nice brekkie in canards it was off to the fishery for the draw, nice and early into the tin and out comes 77 on Cary, a nice draw and a good section peg which is all I needed really as it's the section points I needed to stay on top. For company I had Nigel Bartlett on 76 and andy cotterell, on 78,
I set up my normal silvers rigs, a 4x12 to hand on a topkit and a .4g for on the long pole at 11 & 14 mtrs over groundbait, at the start I cupped in 3 balls at 11mtrs and 4 at 14 mtrs then began on my topkit to hand rig, it took 15 mins to get a bite which resulted in a 3 oz roach , the next fish was a 1 1/2 lb perch fairly Hooked in the dorsal fin. Then disaster as I lost two more big perch both fairly hooked , but they just farm off, on another day you land every one, then others you can lose loads, and today I think it was just one of those things, I just hoped it wouldn't cost me . I gave the short line  45 mins then went out onto the 11 mtr line, a few small roach was all I could muster on that , so it was out onto the 14 mtr line , that was a bit better as I had a few skimmers , not the normal 2 to 3lb fish but 12oz to 1 1/2, but as no one was catching much of anything I wasn't going to complain, the match was hard for the whole duration to be honest , the forecasted cloudy skies never materialised and with the flat conditions the bigger skimmers never really wanted to feed , by feeding the two long lines quite regularly and swapping between the two lines I kept putting odd smallish skimmers in the net, by the end I reckoned I had between 18 and 20lb, the only other threat in the section was from nick Ewers on 74 who was admitting to 12lb but I didn't believe him as he has always struggled to lie straight in bed, and I was right to not believe him as he put 17.01 on the scales but luckily my net went 18.06 for the required section win, it was a hard match all over and it ended up being a very close affair with Paul elmes on peg 70 coming out the winner with 20.13
2nd Phil cardwell on 68 with 20.7
3rd Gary oshea on 115 with 20.6
4th steve kedge on 97 with 19.10
5th steve tucker on 86 with 18.12
6th me with 18.6
Off to landsend on Wednesday of a match it's a 9am draw if anyone fancies it, either ring me or mike on 07977545882 to book in

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Weds silvers match, baitech viaduct

Another crap turnout today, only 7 of us but it was a good field with andy power, shep, Gary webber, me , steve kedge , the gimp and Sam Powell , and after we drew that was the order we were pegged on with andy on 94 going through to Sam on 103, so it was just the diagonal bank on Cary ,so I was sandwiched between Gary and steve  , me on 99 with kedgy to my left on 100 and Gary on 97, peg 100 has been good of late with a lot of good skimmers being caught on the was fished at about 20 mtrs with corn on the hook, so I set up a 3aa wag to fish towards 100, also two pole rigs , with hardly any wind I set up two pencil floats a .25g and a .4g , both with the obligatory size 18 middy 6313 hook on .10 line. I still haven't found a better silver hook, as most others seem to blunt very quickly but I don't have any issues with middy hooks , and all I use for my carp fishing  are the 8313 pattern, again it never blunts and only opens when you foulhook something.
At the start I cupped in 3 balls at 11 mtrs and 4 at 14 mtrs all with a sprinkling of casters in, then I started n the wag and corn, a lesson learnt today , don't buy cheap corn for this as it's all sizes and shapes and it never lands where it's intended to, firing three. Or four bits out at a time and they were landing anywhere from 16 to 30 mtrs, not to good really when the float is sat at 20 mtrs, best go and buy some jolly green G methinks, I fished it for 40 mtrs with only a missed bite to show for my troubles, not supriseing really, the fish were probably really confused trying to determine where the next freebies may end up. During this time steve had a couple of skimmers and was getting odd bites, probably more due to the fact some of his corn was on or near his float, so it was out on the 11 mtr line for me , a small roach straight away then a three pound bream, lovely, I had a few more in the next hour and seemed to be doing better than most, by the end of the third hour and with several more skimmers in the net things were looking good, then it all went pear shaped , the roach arrived and to make matters worse steve had hit a purple patch on the wag catching well on his uniform corn, also Gary to my left was now catching some nice fish on the pole, I tried the wag and had two bites one from a 13lb ish carp and a 6oz skimmer so that was shelved, the only things benefitting from my catapulted corn was the ducks, I had to wait till the last 45 mins for the skimmers to return which seemed to coincide with the roach ceasing to be a nuisance and I had a few more good skimmers/small bream during that period, it was lucky I did as just edged me past steve to secure first spot on the day with 36.2
2nd steve kedge with 29.12
3rd Gary webber 28lb
4th andy power 19.4
5th shep 18.10
There seems to be a couple of spaces for Sundays silver league on Sunday, so if you fancy it ring the fishery on 01458 274022 to book in.
Next weds there is a match at landsend so book with me or ring the fishery on 07977545882 and book in with mike, it's the last chance of a practice before the individual winter league starts on the 7th of December, again there are a couple of places still available for this league , to book in give ken Rayner a ring on 07768325552.

Sunday, 23 November 2014

Todber league round three

24 people booked in for this league, but as s normal you tend to get a few drop outs as the league progresses, due mainly to the fact they ain't doing to well and don't stand any chance of framing at the end, I think mark is making a list of Larry let downs not to be asked again, he did a good job filling the spaces as well as he could, but with a couple not showing on the day , down to family sickness and work commitments, both of which are understandable, it left a couple of bigger than usual gaps in some sections.
I was in B section today which is pegs 13 to 20, into the draw and out comes 14 , just to the right of the famous oak tree peg, that was inhabited today by dan white, who was running late as usual but he did get here before the start and was just about ready at the all in.
Three rigs today a maggot rig for down the edge, and two meat rigs, one for 11 mtrs and one right over against the island .
At the start I cupped in meat on those two longer lines and potted some mags down the edge, beginning at 11 mtrs I had to wait 30 mins to my first fish, although I did lose a carp after 15 mins , but it was very hard , and no one was catching much of anything at all, dan had begun to the left of a bankslip on the opposite bank but was struggling so after an hour he was on his 4 mtr line , where he had a couple of fish, I went to the far side and fouled one straight away which came off, and apart from a couple of liners that was my lot on that line until closer to the end, the maggot line down the edge was no good either , I did feed a 4 mtr line and had one bite on it which was a 3 pounder, my best line was the 11 mtr line , it seemed you had to feed about 20 pieces of meat and just sit and wait , then when I had a fish repeat the process, going into the last hour I was a few fish ahead of dan and looked to be winning the section, then dan decided to fish his peg in the right place , he had spent the first 5 hours ignoring the carp cartwheeling around opposite him the the right of the landslip, when he did go in there his float wouldn't sit still and he had 6 or 7 carp in the last hour and by my reckoning he just about overtaken me to probably win the section, he did try and make up several plausible excuses as to why he hadn't fished there earlier, but none of them were very believable , I just kept
trying to explain that t was just down to bad angling LOL. And it's some sour grapes on my part as he did win the section with 54lb  to my  50lb, but I got to say it was a good day with plenty of piss taking and with Callum Craig and mark poppleton opposite there was no shortage of victims
1st on the day went to tackle uk,s top tea boy, ash, on peg 28 with 115.5 of meat caught fish
2nd Alan oram on 38 with 74.4
3rd Tim Clark on 25 with 61.9
4th dan white  54.2
5th mike nicholls on 22 with 51.12
6th kerene Rayner with 51.10 on 11
7th me with 50.8
Off to viaduct for a silvers match on spring lake on weds , to book in ring the fishery n 01458274022 to book in if you fancy it

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Weds open landsend fishery match lake

Still only 8 people booked in for this, I can't get my head around anglers fishing cost cutters and not even being able to cover there costs for the day, or it may just be the case people have Tuesdays and Thursdays off instead of Wednesdays !!!!!.
Mike duckett drew for me today and handed me 16 , to be honest with so few anglers on the lake every peg had loads of room so I didn't care where I drew, either side of me I had kev molten on 13 and Paul Atwood on 19, both to far away to have a conversation with so it was going to be a quiet day, at the weekend there were some fish being caught on banded pellet against the island so I set up a rig for that, I also set up a rig to do the same each side under the empty pallets, a meat rig was put up to fish at 13 mtrs at 1 and 11 o,clock angles, and a caster rig for 4 mtrs for perch hopefully as they have been feeding well lately.
At the start I cupped in some meat on the two 13 mtr lines , fired some pellets against the island and under the pallets each side and began on the short caster line, that was shit , the perch didn't show and the roach were proving difficult to tempt, so after 40 mins it was out on the meat, starting on the 1 o,clock angle I missed a couple of dips before it connected with the first carp of the day, that was safely netted and it wasn't long before I added another , that was the last carp from that area as roach moved in and were proving a nuisance, switching to the 11 angle I started catching carp again but for some reason there were no roach problems, the pellet lines never produced a thing , I did foul a carp down under the pallet to my right but it came adrift, that was my only bite on pellet , the island was no good either, about halfway through I saw a swirl down my left hand margin so I put a rig together for down there and did get two smaller carp and a perch on caster but it didn't warrant spending to much time there as there seemed to be enough fish on the 13 mtr line to do well, it was a case of kindering a few pieces of  6mm meat in and sitting on it with the same size meat on the hook, by the end of the match I had 22 carp to 10lb in the net for well over 100lb, I had 2 down the edge,2to the right at 13 mtrs and 18 to the left at 13 mtrs, a nice interesting day, I ended up with 126.1
2nd was mark poppleton on 22 with 71.2
3rd kev molten on 13 with 60.5
4th   Andy hembrow on 5 with 44.6
John (the gimp) Bradford on peg 2 with 14.4
Off to todber at the weekend and then a silvers match at viaduct next weds on spring lake, book in at the fishery for that one on 01458 274022

Sunday, 16 November 2014

Viaduct silvers league, rnd 4

First match today as an unemployed person, strange I feel the same as last week lol,
Into the draw tin early again, and out comes 60 which is the second peg up on the right hand side of lodge lake, it's a good skimmer area so no complaints from me, for company I had Paul elmes on 59 and p nut on 62, both good silvers anglers so it wasn't going to be a pushover, just two rigs today, a 4x12 slim float for fishing to hand on my topkit, it would also do for a lighter rig for the long pole and I could shallow it up and use it in the margin for the hoped for perch and hybrids, the other rig was a .4g pencil for 11 and14 mtrs over groundbait and caster, after potting 4balls on my two long lines I began on the topkit to hand rig and started getting bites off small roach straight away, 10 mins in and I had a 1 1/2lb skimmer (nice), then a few more roach and a lost carp followed, then I lost what felt like a big hybrid and that was really the end for my close in fishing, Paul was already on the long pole line but was getting plagued with small roach, so I shipped out after 45 mins and was rewarded with a 3lb bream first drop, much to Paul's disgust, also lee was still having a bad day on 62, it turned out for everyone to be a difficult day with bites from quality fish being hard to come by, by constantly swapping from 11 to 14 mtrs I had enough big skimmers to keep me interested, but it was never frantic, lee had a run of decent skimmers down his margin towards the end and it was close until I had two good fish in the last 15 mins, I reckoned on about 20lb and wasn't to far out as the scales read 21.5, which was enough to win the section, lee was second with 17.14 so those two late fish were crucial,
1st on the day was Phil cardwell on 16 spring lake with 26.8
2nd Nigel Bartlett on 86 with 24.5
3rd steve kedge on 12 with 23.2
Jnt 4th me and the googan master Gary webber on 99 with 21.5
6th mark warne on peg 3 with 21.2
All very close , an inch of rain fell on the lakes over night which may have had a bearing on how the lakes fished.
Wednesday it's off to landsend for a match, draw at 9, ring mike at the fishery on 07977545882 to book in or ring me on 07974807941. Or txt.

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Silvers match, spring lake , baitech viaduct

Only three days left of avon angling, 35 years coming to an end.
Back to today , it was good to get back into lillypool cafe after a couple of dodgy ones at canards well in Shepton,
Only 15 booked in for this one so steve put 12 on spring and 3 on middle, into the draw tin and out comes 19, a good skimmer peg, it was going to be a hard section to win as mark harper was on 16, andy power on 17 and Craig (trigger) Edmunds on 18, not what I would call a shabby line up.
The small open end feeder approach has been scoring well on these pegs recently, but as most of you will know , I don't often chuck a lead about, so I opted for a wag and corn approach, trig had caught a few on it on Cary at the weekend  ,and with a more than manageable wind we both put a wag rod up, well I did after I had scrounged a reel off trig as I had left mine at home, next I put together two pole rigs ,a4x12 to fish to hand on my topkit , and a .4g for skimmers on the deck at 11 and 14 mtrs over groundbait.
At the start I put 2 balls of caster laced g bait at 11 mtrs and 3 at 14mtrs , I started well on my topkit to hand rig, first put in was a 6oz roach, 2nd drop resulted in a 2 1/2 lb hybrid which really pulled the 5 elastic out, then a half ounce roach, and that was my lot on that line for a while, trig by now was out on the wag and had a couple of tidy skimmers , so I l
Followed suite but apart from two missed bites it was totally unproductive for me , trig was still getting odd fish, but I switched to the 11 mtr line and started to pick a few fish off, but they were proving to be hard to tempt, I am sure there were plenty of skimmers in the peg as there were lots of bubbles coming up in the feed area, lots of us today had these bubbles but couldn't tempt to many onto the hook, it was just odd fish going into the net and going into the last hour and trig was ahead by a few pounds by my reckoning, but I had a good last hour putting 7 more skimmers into the net to triggers two so I reckoned on just being ahead of him by the all out, andy on 17 had struggled and been plagued by small fish, but mark on 15. Had had some good perch down his margin and some skimmers on the feeder and pole during the match, in the end it was mark who came first on the day with 36.3 off peg 16, catching his perch and some ice roach down his right hand margin on single and double caster, in second was ziggy slowisnki on 32 in middle lake with 35.4
3rd was me with 33.13
4th Gary webber on 37 with 31.11
5th steve kedge on 2 with 30lb
6th trig Edmunds on 18 with 28.1
Back to viaduct again on Sunday for round three of the silvers league which is on Cary, lodge and spring lakes, and with the weather staying mild it should fish ok.
Next Wednesday there is a match at landsend fishery 9am draw , ring mike at the fishery on 07977545882 or ring me on 07974807941 to book in, DONT ring the shop after Saturday as the lights may be on but no one will be home !!!!!

Sunday, 9 November 2014

Todber series , round 2

This is going to be the last week with the shop open, proper sad time,
Went to canards well pub again for breakfast today, second one on the trot that wasn't to good, back to shipham this week, it will be good to be back. We only just made it in time for the draw, and a few were a bit late.
I was in A section today which was peg 1 to 11, on recent form a draw down the arm would be nice on pegs one to five, into the draw tin and out comes peg, now that's about as far as you can get down the arm, I had dan white for company on peg three, and he was running two hours late as he had been to a two year olds birthday party the night before and had obviously over done the haribo,s.
We had frost to deal with , so I based my attack round maggots micros and soft pellets, so I set a 4x12  rig for 11 mtrs and a rig for the far bank and a margin rig, At the star I fed all ones with mags and or micros, I started on the 11 mtr line on soft pellet, and I was suprised to have to wait 20 mins for a bite, normally on this prolific venue bites a instant from the start, the fishery seems to missing its f1,s or they are just not hungry, the bite was from a big perch , probably a shade over 2lb, a nice fish but not what I was expecting on soft pellet. The peg today never really got going , I had another big perch  down my left had margin, another along the the end bank and 9 carp and a crucian on mainly corn tight to the far bank, even dan beat me today and he gave me a two hour start, the weight got better as it went to the right in the section, dan had 40 plus , bela had 50 plus, Tim Clark had 70 nick merry 80 , so I think the fish had moved back into the open water , that's my excuse and I am sticking to it !!,
The match was won on 38 again by Roland Lucas with 112 lb , I think he caught mainly on maggot fished shallow.
Two trips to viaduct now with a silvers match on spring lake Wednesday , ring the fishery on 01458274022 to book in for that , and on Sunday it's the 3rd round of the silvers league , so hopefully plenty of bites in both matches

Sunday, 2 November 2014

Viaduct silvers league round 3

Another breakfast at canards on the way today, it was ok but not as good as the week before, I will be glad to get back to shipham again.
Only one no show today so still 49 fishing, into the draw tin early and out comes 97,  a good silvers swim in the diagonal bank of Cary, I drew it a few weeks ago in the silvers final and had over 40lb of skimmers so I fancied it for a few today, for company I had our next Tour de France hopeful in the shape of steve denmead on 98 and Roland Lucas on 96 and with the unstoppable andy power turning up n fancied peg 94 in the corner it was never going to be a easy section win, which is what I needed to keep me on the top of the pile,
I set up the two usual rigs n the shape of a .25 & a .4g pencil floats with an 18 middy 6313 hook on ,10 line.
At the start I fed the 3 mtr line with one ball of g bait which is a mix of  gimps and sensas lake and 3 balls at 11 mtrs and 4 at 14 mtrs ,all with a few casters in .
I started at 3 mtrs  feeding a few casters with one on the hook, I missed a couple bites(liners) before hooking a carp which promptly stole my hook, it took a while to get another  bite, but when I did it resulted in a Ruffe (mint), not a good sign. No more bites for another 30 mins there so t was out on the 11 mtr line, Roland and andy were by now getting odd skimmers whilst me and steve sat there with near motionless floats, as did fabio who was on 99, looking around the lake no one was really setting it on fire although Roland next door was getting skimmers regularly, and andy power was also catching steady, so those two were going to be the ones to beat in the section, the only problem with that was that I would need to get some bites to give me any chance, again the small blippy roach weren't feeding which I think is a bit of a trigger for the better fish to switch on .
I did get a few better skimmers during the match but I never had enough to be a threat to the two anglers to my right , Roland caught odd skimmers steadily during the match as did andy and they ended up with 33 and 30lb respectively for first and second in the section, I ended up with 16 lb which was good enough for 3 in section so not a complete blow out , but hopefully that will be my dropper,
Highlight of the day for me and the anglers around us was that fabio had a big fat wood pigeon sat in the tree above his head , and it managed to crap on him three times , much to our amusement .
1st on the day was Gary oshea on 59 lodge with 35.3 of skimmers on maggot and caster over groundbait at 14 mtrs
2nd Roland Lucas next to me with 33.4
3rd ziggy slowisnki on 111 with 32.11
4th andy power on 94 with 30.14
5th gabe skarba on 68 with 25.13
6th Paul elmes on 55 with 25.1