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Sunday, 23 November 2014

Todber league round three

24 people booked in for this league, but as s normal you tend to get a few drop outs as the league progresses, due mainly to the fact they ain't doing to well and don't stand any chance of framing at the end, I think mark is making a list of Larry let downs not to be asked again, he did a good job filling the spaces as well as he could, but with a couple not showing on the day , down to family sickness and work commitments, both of which are understandable, it left a couple of bigger than usual gaps in some sections.
I was in B section today which is pegs 13 to 20, into the draw and out comes 14 , just to the right of the famous oak tree peg, that was inhabited today by dan white, who was running late as usual but he did get here before the start and was just about ready at the all in.
Three rigs today a maggot rig for down the edge, and two meat rigs, one for 11 mtrs and one right over against the island .
At the start I cupped in meat on those two longer lines and potted some mags down the edge, beginning at 11 mtrs I had to wait 30 mins to my first fish, although I did lose a carp after 15 mins , but it was very hard , and no one was catching much of anything at all, dan had begun to the left of a bankslip on the opposite bank but was struggling so after an hour he was on his 4 mtr line , where he had a couple of fish, I went to the far side and fouled one straight away which came off, and apart from a couple of liners that was my lot on that line until closer to the end, the maggot line down the edge was no good either , I did feed a 4 mtr line and had one bite on it which was a 3 pounder, my best line was the 11 mtr line , it seemed you had to feed about 20 pieces of meat and just sit and wait , then when I had a fish repeat the process, going into the last hour I was a few fish ahead of dan and looked to be winning the section, then dan decided to fish his peg in the right place , he had spent the first 5 hours ignoring the carp cartwheeling around opposite him the the right of the landslip, when he did go in there his float wouldn't sit still and he had 6 or 7 carp in the last hour and by my reckoning he just about overtaken me to probably win the section, he did try and make up several plausible excuses as to why he hadn't fished there earlier, but none of them were very believable , I just kept
trying to explain that t was just down to bad angling LOL. And it's some sour grapes on my part as he did win the section with 54lb  to my  50lb, but I got to say it was a good day with plenty of piss taking and with Callum Craig and mark poppleton opposite there was no shortage of victims
1st on the day went to tackle uk,s top tea boy, ash, on peg 28 with 115.5 of meat caught fish
2nd Alan oram on 38 with 74.4
3rd Tim Clark on 25 with 61.9
4th dan white  54.2
5th mike nicholls on 22 with 51.12
6th kerene Rayner with 51.10 on 11
7th me with 50.8
Off to viaduct for a silvers match on spring lake on weds , to book in ring the fishery n 01458274022 to book in if you fancy it

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