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Sunday, 30 November 2014

Viaduct silvers league , penultimate round

After a nice brekkie in canards it was off to the fishery for the draw, nice and early into the tin and out comes 77 on Cary, a nice draw and a good section peg which is all I needed really as it's the section points I needed to stay on top. For company I had Nigel Bartlett on 76 and andy cotterell, on 78,
I set up my normal silvers rigs, a 4x12 to hand on a topkit and a .4g for on the long pole at 11 & 14 mtrs over groundbait, at the start I cupped in 3 balls at 11mtrs and 4 at 14 mtrs then began on my topkit to hand rig, it took 15 mins to get a bite which resulted in a 3 oz roach , the next fish was a 1 1/2 lb perch fairly Hooked in the dorsal fin. Then disaster as I lost two more big perch both fairly hooked , but they just farm off, on another day you land every one, then others you can lose loads, and today I think it was just one of those things, I just hoped it wouldn't cost me . I gave the short line  45 mins then went out onto the 11 mtr line, a few small roach was all I could muster on that , so it was out onto the 14 mtr line , that was a bit better as I had a few skimmers , not the normal 2 to 3lb fish but 12oz to 1 1/2, but as no one was catching much of anything I wasn't going to complain, the match was hard for the whole duration to be honest , the forecasted cloudy skies never materialised and with the flat conditions the bigger skimmers never really wanted to feed , by feeding the two long lines quite regularly and swapping between the two lines I kept putting odd smallish skimmers in the net, by the end I reckoned I had between 18 and 20lb, the only other threat in the section was from nick Ewers on 74 who was admitting to 12lb but I didn't believe him as he has always struggled to lie straight in bed, and I was right to not believe him as he put 17.01 on the scales but luckily my net went 18.06 for the required section win, it was a hard match all over and it ended up being a very close affair with Paul elmes on peg 70 coming out the winner with 20.13
2nd Phil cardwell on 68 with 20.7
3rd Gary oshea on 115 with 20.6
4th steve kedge on 97 with 19.10
5th steve tucker on 86 with 18.12
6th me with 18.6
Off to landsend on Wednesday of a match it's a 9am draw if anyone fancies it, either ring me or mike on 07977545882 to book in

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