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Sunday, 16 November 2014

Viaduct silvers league, rnd 4

First match today as an unemployed person, strange I feel the same as last week lol,
Into the draw tin early again, and out comes 60 which is the second peg up on the right hand side of lodge lake, it's a good skimmer area so no complaints from me, for company I had Paul elmes on 59 and p nut on 62, both good silvers anglers so it wasn't going to be a pushover, just two rigs today, a 4x12 slim float for fishing to hand on my topkit, it would also do for a lighter rig for the long pole and I could shallow it up and use it in the margin for the hoped for perch and hybrids, the other rig was a .4g pencil for 11 and14 mtrs over groundbait and caster, after potting 4balls on my two long lines I began on the topkit to hand rig and started getting bites off small roach straight away, 10 mins in and I had a 1 1/2lb skimmer (nice), then a few more roach and a lost carp followed, then I lost what felt like a big hybrid and that was really the end for my close in fishing, Paul was already on the long pole line but was getting plagued with small roach, so I shipped out after 45 mins and was rewarded with a 3lb bream first drop, much to Paul's disgust, also lee was still having a bad day on 62, it turned out for everyone to be a difficult day with bites from quality fish being hard to come by, by constantly swapping from 11 to 14 mtrs I had enough big skimmers to keep me interested, but it was never frantic, lee had a run of decent skimmers down his margin towards the end and it was close until I had two good fish in the last 15 mins, I reckoned on about 20lb and wasn't to far out as the scales read 21.5, which was enough to win the section, lee was second with 17.14 so those two late fish were crucial,
1st on the day was Phil cardwell on 16 spring lake with 26.8
2nd Nigel Bartlett on 86 with 24.5
3rd steve kedge on 12 with 23.2
Jnt 4th me and the googan master Gary webber on 99 with 21.5
6th mark warne on peg 3 with 21.2
All very close , an inch of rain fell on the lakes over night which may have had a bearing on how the lakes fished.
Wednesday it's off to landsend for a match, draw at 9, ring mike at the fishery on 07977545882 to book in or ring me on 07974807941. Or txt.

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