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Sunday, 15 March 2015

Landsend league, round 5

Bit of a whinge first, we were several anglers short today, some ken new about and some he never, why enter a league and not see it out, some people had genuine reasons and some decided to fish another league, would these same anglers have pulled out if they had been doing well , I think not, trouble is no shows affect payouts , on the day and overall , I could carry on but it just ain't worth it, having been running leagues for probably 20 years I can fully sympathize with ken as it causes all sorts of problems, I did say I wasn't going to say anymore but I can't help myself, no doubt I will get a few comments !!!!!
Match lake for me today and into the draw bucket and out comes peg 1, nice corner with normally fish living along the end bank and on the island, plus the right hand margin can be good, so I set up a deep pellet rig to fish down the slope along the end bank and off the island, a shallow pellet rig for against the island and along the end bank on top of the shelves, and a meat rig for he right hand margin.
Before I even started the day became torrid very quickly, I tried to step over my top kits to get a mini extension and stepped on two top kits snapping the ends and flicking them into the lake, I got them back with my weed scythe , the plumbing up my nearly new 16 mtr section snapped, that's the third one I have broken on my garbolino pole , and none of the, had seen any serious use, I think I may be on the phone to France on Monday. I won't say to much about the fishing today, not that it was bad , as it wasn't our lake fished really well, I caught up against the end bank and on top of the island shelf, feeding 4,s and using a banded 6 , plus I had a few on meat in the last 30 mins down the edge, ending up with 88.2 for second in the section, top weight on the day went to Adrian Clark on 13 with 114.9
2nd Craig Edmunds on 15 with 110.1
3rd ken Rayner on 20/21/22&23 with 109.9. Fancy catching a weight like that and picking up nowt, trigger ounces him out for the section money
4th mike duckett on 37/36/35/34&33 with 100.01
5th me 88.2
6thshaun Townsend 67.12 on peg 7

Nigel Bartlett on 11 with 30.6 of caster fish


  1. Welcome to the world of the coffin dodger, even so it takes some doing to break three sections in one day!
    That'll teach you to take the p*** out of me.

  2. Even Chris Rolfe does not break them three at a time

  3. Looks like your wrong about loads a comments lol

  4. Bad luck on the pole mate, me and Jonesy only break one section at a time! not quite up to your standard yet. Never mind, the good news is that you are now a fully qualified member of the Bathampton Coffin Dodgers.

  5. Your right bob, perhaps it's because they know I,m right !!

  6. Generally speaking i agree with your Winge about People being unreliable and not turning up, and it does mess up the payout and points its true. In our defence all i can say is We did say at the start that there was going to be a match that overlapped with another series we were invoved with, this was due to availability of Fisheries and Lakes when they were booked, something not within our control. For that i can only appologise and the people who missed will be back for the last match, and to be honest I'm looking forward to it, see you then Tone
