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Sunday, 26 April 2015

Baitech viaduct spring series , round 1

55 fishing this series again this year , showing how popular this fishery is. It's a random draw for the whole series which I don't mind, it's to messy to make us rotate, we had the usual welsh contingent today along with a few new faces from this side of no mans land. Into the draw tin early and out pops 129 which is the peg next to the spit on Campbell , for company I had chris fox on 128 and ian exhall from Wales on 130, I set up a meat rig for 5 mtrs and at 1 o,clock angle at 14 mtrs , a pellet rig for for the same distance (14mtrs) but at 11 o,clock angle , a shallow pellet rig just in case and another pellet rig to fish on the end of the spit, and a depth wag for hard pellet. I never picked the wag rod up during the match, I kept an eye on the people who were trying it but all they were getting were liners and just catching fresh air on the strike , a couple tried the shallow wag but the fish didn't seem to keen to come up to shallow . At the start I began on the long pellet line , feeding 6,s and fishing a banded 8 on the hook, I lost a fouler straight away , then had a couple of big skimmers and a tench, but after a couple of fast liners I went out with the shallow rig and Hooked one straight away, but it came off as I was about to net it, that was my last bite on the shallow rig, ian had also gone out on the shallow rig and did have a bit of a run of carp but I think he was feeding 4, s and using a banded 6, perhaps 6,s and 8,s were a bit to positive, all I could catch on the deck were skimmers so I switched to the long meat line , which produced a few carp and tench , but I was falling behind in the section with romainian dave on 132 catching well and ian was still having odd fish shallow , most people were getting carp but the early leaders were the trig Edmunds and bob gullick self appreciation society on 114 and 115 who had both come in early onto the 5 mtr meat line and were catching well, with bob doing his normal of talking ever fish into his net and trig moaning that he was always way behind (havnt heard that before ) and I think bob actually believed him.
It seemed that the meat was doing the business so I stuck mainly with that till the end , swapping between the long and short lines with the short line being the best , I did have three carp from the spit , along with some more skimmers , but I had a real misjudgement on what I had caught as I felt ian had well and truly beaten me , along with dave romain on 132 and possibly fabio on 131, but I made a right tit of myself , I miss counted my fish badly , I thought I had perhaps 20lb of silvers and 15 carp for perhaps 90 plus pounds, when I weighed in I had 33 lb of silvers and my 15 carp obviously spawned in my nets and became 20 for 118lb for 151lb with ian just beating me for the section with 156lb, I got a clicker and I really must start using it , and a lot of these cambell fish don't average 6lb anymore , but closer to 7 or 8, to say I was embarressed was an under statement , the match was won by trig with 230 lb on 114 with bob gullick coming a close second on 115 with 220lb , I don't know the full result as I didn't see the sheet but it think chris fox will have it.
This Thursday it's a match at Avalon and on Sunday I am running an open at landsend , so if you fancy doing either ring me at veals as I will be there all week this week on 01179260790 or ring or txt me on 07974807941 to book in. For either

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